万字深研:AI x Crypto入门指南(下)


原文作者:Mohamed Baioumy Alex Cheema


万字深研:AI x Crypto入门指南(下)

因报告全文篇幅较长,我们分拆成了两个部分发布。在上篇,作者介绍了 AI x Crypto 的核心框架、具体的实例、建设者的机遇等。本篇为下篇,主要讲述了机器学习的工作模式与面临的挑战。如果想要查看翻译全文,请点击此链接

A. 机器学习如何工作?


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  • 机器学习(machine learing, ML)是人工智能的一个分支,在这个分支中,无需明确编程,机器就能通过数据做出决策。

  • ML 流程分为三个步骤:数据、训练和推理。

  • 训练模型的计算成本非常高,而推理则相对便宜。

  • 学习主要有三种类型:监督学习、无监督学习和强化学习。

  • 监督的学习是指从范例(由教师提供)中学习。教师可以向模型展示狗的图片,并告诉它这就是狗。然后,模型就能学会将狗与其他动物区分开来。

  • 然而,许多流行的模型,如 LLMs(如 GPT-4 和 LLaMa),都是通过无监督学习来训练的。在这种学习模式中,教师不会提供任何指导或示例。相反,模型通过学习来发现数据中的模式。

  • 强化学习(试错学习)主要用于连续决策任务,如机器人控制和游戏(如国际象棋或围棋)。


1956 年,一些当时最聪明的人聚集在一起参加了一个研讨会。他们的目标是提出智力的一般原则。他们指出:


在人工智能发展的早期,研究人员充满了乐观主义。从某种意义上说,他们的目标是人工通用智能(AGI),雄心勃勃。我们现在知道,这些研究人员并没有设法创造出具有通用智能的人工智能代理。70 年代和 80 年代的人工智能研究人员也是如此。在那个时期,人工智能研究人员试图开发 基于知识的系统。

基于知识的系统的关键理念是,我们可以为机器编写非常精确的规则。从本质上讲,我们从专家那里提取非常具体和精确的领域知识,并以规则的形式写下来供机器使用。然后,机器就可以利用这些规则进行推理并做出正确的决定。例如,我们可以尝试从马格努斯·卡尔森(Magnus Carlson)那里提炼出下棋的所有原则,然后构建一个人工智能来下棋。


人工智能的最新进展来自于一个被称为 机器学习 的分支。在这种模式下,我们不是为机器编写精确的规则,而是使用数据,让机器从中学习。使用机器学习的现代人工智能工具随处可见,例如 GPT-4、iPhone 上的 FaceID、游戏机器人、Gmail 垃圾邮件过滤器、医疗诊断模型、自动驾驶汽车......等等。






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图 28 :机器学习管道的三个主要步骤是数据、训练和推理




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我们将在第 2 章中介绍更深层次的数据挑战。不过,这可以让你了解到,收集好的数据并对其进行预处理是相当具有挑战性的。

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图 29 :两个流行数据集的示意图。MNIST 包含手写数字,而 ImageNet 包含数百万张不同类别的注释图像



  • 说明:包含 70, 000 个灰度图像格式的手写数字(0-9)

  • 使用案例:主要用于计算机视觉中的手写数字识别技术。它是一个对初学者友好的数据集,通常用于教育领域。


  • 说明:一个包含 1, 400 多万张图片的大型数据库,标注有 20, 000 多个类别的标签。

  • 使用案例:用于对象检测和图像分类算法的训练和基准测试。一年一度的 ImageNet 大规模视觉识别挑战赛(ILSVRC)一直是推动计算机视觉和深度学习技术发展的重要活动。

IMDb 评论:

  • 说明:包含来自 IMDb 的 50, 000 篇电影评论,分为两组:训练和测试。每组包含相同数量的正面和负面评论。

  • 使用案例:广泛应用于自然语言处理(NLP)中的情感分析任务。它有助于开发能理解文本中表达的情感(正面/负面)并对其进行分类的模型。


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管道的第二步是训练模型。那么,训练模型究竟意味着什么呢?首先,我们来看一个例子。一个机器学习模型(训练完成后)通常只有两个文件。例如,LLaMa 2 (一个大型语言模型,类似于 GPT-4)就是两个文件:

  • 参数,一个 140 GB 的文件,其中包括数字。

  • run.c ,和一个简单的文件(约 500 行代码)。

第一个文件包含 LLaMa 2 模型的所有参数,run.c 包含如何进行推理(使用模型)的说明。这些模型都是神经网络。

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图 30 :神经网络的基本图示


想象一下训练一个识别数字(从 0 到 9)的模型。我们首先收集数据(在这种情况下,我们可以使用 MNIST 数据集)。然后开始训练模型。

  • 我们取第一个数据点,即 5。

  • 然后,我们将图像(5)传递给网络。网络会对输入图像进行数学运算。

  • 网络将输出一个 0 到 9 之间的数字。该输出是当前网络对该图像的预测。

  • 现在有两种情况。网络要么是对的(它预测了 5),要么是错的(任何其他数字)。



  • 在做了这些小改动后,我们再试一次。从技术上讲,网络现在有了新的参数,因此预测结果也会不同。

  • 我们对所有数据点一直这样做,直到网络基本正确为止。




最后,在训练模型的同时,我们要验证这个模型是否真的很好。我们希望在训练结束时测试这个模型是否能提供我们想要的输出结果。剧透(其实也不算剧透),训练模型的计算成本非常高。任何微小的低效都会带来巨大的成本。正如我们稍后将看到的,特别是对于像 LLM 这样的大型模型,低效的训练可能会让你付出数百万美元的代价。

在第 2 章中,我们将再次详细讨论训练模型所面临的挑战。


机器学习管道的第三步是推理,也就是使用模型。当我使用 ChatGPT 并得到回应时,模型正在执行推理。如果我用脸部解锁 iPhone,脸部 ID 模型会识别我的脸并打开手机。该模型执行了推理。数据已经有了,模型已经训练好了,现在模型训练好了,我们就可以使用它,使用它就是推理。

严格来说,推理与网络在训练阶段做出的预测是一回事。回想一下,一个数据点通过网络,然后进行预测。然后根据预测的质量更新模型参数。推理的工作原理与此相同。因此,与训练相比,推理的计算成本非常低。训练 LLaMa 可能要花费数千万美元,但推理一次只需几分之一。

与训练相比,计算成本更低。训练 LLaMa 可能要花费数千万美元,但进行一次推理只需几分之一。

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推理过程有几个步骤。首先,在实际生产中使用之前,我们需要对其进行测试。我们对训练阶段未见的数据进行推理,以验证模型的质量。其次,当我们部署一个模型时,会有一些硬件和软件要求。例如,如果我的 iPhone 上有人脸识别模型,那么该模型就可以放在苹果公司的服务器上。然而,这样做非常不方便,因为现在每次我想解锁手机时,都必须访问互联网并向苹果服务器发送请求,然后在该模型上进行推理。然而,如果想在任意时刻使用这种技术,进行人脸识别的模型就必须存在于你的手机上,这意味着该模型必须与你 iPhone 上的硬件类型兼容。




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图 31 :机器学习流水线可以形象地理解为由数据、训练和推理三个步骤组成的链条。不过,在实践中,这一过程的迭代性更强,如蓝色箭头所示


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图 32 :数据增强示例。对原始数据点进行多点扩增,无需到世界各地收集更多独特的数据点


第三个也是非常常见的步骤是,一旦我们在实践中使用模型(进行推理),我们最终会对数据步骤进行修改,因为推理本身会产生新的数据。例如,想象一下建立一个垃圾邮件过滤器。首先,我们要收集数据。本例中的数据是一组垃圾邮件和非垃圾邮件。当模型经过训练并用于实践时,我的收件箱中可能会收到一封垃圾邮件,这意味着模型犯了一个错误。它没有把它归类为垃圾邮件,但它就是垃圾邮件。因此,当 Gmail 用户选择 这封邮件属于垃圾邮件 时,就会产生一个新的数据点。之后,所有这些新数据点都会进入数据步骤,然后我们可以通过多做一些训练来提高模型的性能。


本节旨在让你对机器学习模型的构建过程有一个高层次的了解,这个过程是非常反复的。它不像 哦,我们只需获取数据,一次尝试就能训练出一个模型,然后将其投入生产。

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  • 监督学习:老师,教我方法

  • 无监督学习:只需找到隐藏的模式”

  • 强化学习:试一试,看什么有效

监督学习(Supervised Learning)






然而,可以想象,这种方法面临着许多挑战。例如,我们不仅需要获取大量数据,还需要标签。这可能非常昂贵。Scale.ai等公司在这方面提供了有价值的服务。数据标注对稳健性提出了许多挑战。给数据贴标签的人可能会犯错,或者只是对标签有不同意见。从人类收集的所有标签中,有 20% 无法使用的情况并不少见。

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无监督学习(Unsupervised Learning)



这种情况类似于机器学习中的无监督学习。在无监督学习中,我们会给模型一堆数据(比如各种水果的组合),但我们不会告诉模型每个数据是什么(我们不会给水果贴标签)。然后,模型会检查所有这些数据,并试图自己找出模式或分组。它可能会根据水果的颜色、形状、大小或任何其他它认为相关的特征进行分组。然而,模型找到的特征并不总是相关的。这就导致了许多问题,我们将在第 2 章中看到。


无监督学习是许多流行的机器学习模型的支柱,例如大型语言模型(LLM)。ChatGPT 不需要人类通过提供标签来教它如何说每个句子。它只需分析语言数据中的模式,并学会预测下一个单词。

许多其他强大的生成式人工智能模型都依赖于无监督学习。例如,GAN(生成对抗网络)可用于生成人脸(即使这个人并不存在)。参见 https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/

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图 33 :人工智能生成的图像来自 https://thispersondoesnotexist.com

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图 34 :第二张人工智能生成的图片来自 https://thispersondoesnotexis t.com


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强化学习  (Reinforcement Learning, RL)

试一试,看什么有效 或从试验和错误中学习


在 RL 中,你有一个计算机程序或代理(如狗),它通过尝试不同的事情(如狗尝试不同的动作)来学习决策。如果代理做出了好的行为(比如捡球),它就会得到奖励(食物);如果做出了不好的行为,它就得不到奖励。随着时间的推移,代理会学会多做能获得奖励的好事,少做不能获得奖励的坏事。从形式上看,这就是最大化奖励函数。


这可以应用于许多问题,尤其是需要连续决策的问题。例如,RL 方法可用于机器人与控制、国际象棋或围棋(如 AlphaGo)以及算法交易。

RL 方法面临许多挑战。其一,代理可能需要很长时间才能学会有意义的策略。这对于学习下棋的人工智能来说是可以接受的。但是,当人工智能开始采取随机行动来观察哪些行动有效时,你会把你的个人资金投入到人工智能算法交易中吗?或者说,如果机器人一开始会采取随机行动,你会允许它住在你家吗?

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图 35 :这是一些强化学习代理在训练过程中的视频:一个真正的机器人和一个模拟机器人


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B. 机器学习面临的挑战

本章概述了机器学习领域的问题。我们将有选择性地对该领域的某些问题展开。这样做有两个原因: 1)简明扼要,全面概述该领域的挑战并考虑到细微差别会导致报告非常冗长;2)在讨论与加密货币的交叉点时,我们将重点关注相关问题。不过,本节本身只是从人工智能的角度撰写的。也就是说,我们不会在本节讨论密码学方法。


  • 从偏见到可访问性,数据面临着巨大的挑战。此外,数据层面上存在恶意的攻击也会导致机器学习模型的误判。

  • 当模型(如 GPT-X)在合成数据上进行训练时,会发生模型崩溃。这会对其造成不可逆转的损害。

  • 标注数据可能非常昂贵、缓慢且不可靠。

  • 根据不同的架构,训练机器学习模型会面临许多挑战。

  • 模型并行化带来了巨大的挑战,例如通信开销。

  • 贝叶斯模型可用于量化不确定性。例如:在进行推理时,模型会返回它的确定程度(如 80% 的确定性)。

  • LLM 面临幻觉(hallucination)和训练困难等特殊挑战。




  • 数据偏差:当训练数据不能代表所要模拟的真实世界场景时,机器学习中就会出现偏差。这可能导致偏差或不公平的结果,例如面部识别系统在某些人口群体上表现不佳,因为他们在训练数据中的代表性不足。

  • 不均衡的数据集:通常,可用于训练的数据在不同类别之间的分布并不均衡。例如,在疾病诊断应用中,“无病”案例可能比有病案例多得多。这种不平衡会导致模型在少数民族/阶层上表现不佳。这个问题与偏见不同。

  • 数据的质量和数量:机器学习模型的性能在很大程度上取决于训练数据的质量和数量。数据不足或质量不佳(如低分辨率图像或嘈杂的音频录音)会严重影响模型的有效学习能力。

  • 数据的可获取性:获取大型、高质量的数据集可能是一项挑战,尤其是对于规模较小的机构或个人研究人员而言。大型科技公司在这方面往往具有优势,这可能导致机器学习模型开发方面的差距。

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  • 数据安全:保护数据免遭未经授权的访问并确保其在存储和使用过程中的完整性至关重要。安全漏洞不仅会损害隐私,还会导致数据被篡改,影响模型性能。

  • 隐私问题:由于机器学习需要大量数据,处理这些数据可能会引发隐私问题,尤其是当其中包含敏感或个人信息时。确保数据隐私意味着尊重用户同意、防止数据泄露以及遵守 GDPR 等隐私法规。这可能非常具有挑战性(见下文示例)。

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图 36 :数据隐私的一个特殊问题源于机器学习模型的性质。在普通数据库中,我可以有关于多人的条目。如果我的公司要求我删除这些信息,你只需从数据库中删除即可。然而,当我的模型经过训练后,它持有几乎整个训练数据的参数。不清楚哪个数字对应训练中的哪个数据库条目。



本文中,作者进行了一项有趣的实验。GPT-3.5 和 GPT-4 等模型是使用网络上的所有数据训练而成的。然而,这些模型目前正在被广泛使用,因此一年后互联网上的大量内容将由这些模型生成。这意味着,GPT-5 及以后的模型将使用 GPT-4 生成的数据进行训练。在合成数据上训练模型的效果如何?他们发现,在合成数据上训练语言模型会导致生成的模型出现不可逆转的缺陷。论文作者指出:“我们证明,如果我们要保持从网络上搜刮的大规模数据进行训练所带来的好处,就必须认真对待这一问题。当从互联网抓取的数据中出现由 LLM 生成的内容时,收集到的有关人与系统之间真实交互行为的数据价值将越来越大。

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图 37 :模型崩溃示意图。随着使用人工智能模型生成的互联网内容越来越多,下一代模型的训练集中很可能包含合成数据,如本文所示

请注意,这种现象并非 LLM 所特有,它可能会影响各种机器学习模型和生成式人工智能系统(如变异自动编码器、高斯混合模型)。


  • 主观性:决定数据的标签可能是主观的,从而导致模糊不清和潜在的伦理问题。一个人认为合适的标签,另一个人可能会有不同的看法。

  • 标签的差异:同一个人(更不用说不同的人)重复运行可能会提供不同的标签。这就提供了 真实标签 的噪声近似值,因此需要质量保证层。例如,人类可能会收到一个句子,并负责标注该句子的情绪(快乐、悲伤......等)。同一个人有时会给完全相同的句子贴上不同的标签。这就降低了数据集的质量,因为它在标签中引入了差异。在实践中, 20% 的标签无法使用的情况并不少见。

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  • 罕见事件:对于许多事件来说,由于事件本身非常罕见,因此很难获得大量的标注数据。例如,发现流星的计算机视觉模型。

  • 高成本:当试图收集大量高质量数据集时,成本可能高得惊人。由于上述问题,如果需要对数据集进行标注,成本尤其高昂。

还有很多问题,比如应对对抗性攻击和标签的可转移性。为了让读者对数据集的规模有一些直观的了解,请看下图。像 ImageNet 这样的数据集包含 1400 万个标签数据点。

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图 38 :各种机器学习数据集的规模示意图。Common Crawl 的近似值为 10 亿个网页,因此总字数远远超过这个数字。小型数据集(如 Iris)包含 150 幅图像。MNIST 大约有 70, 000 张图像。请注意,这是一个对数比例。



  • 这一过程可能会耗费大量资源和时间,对于物理机器人或复杂环境而言尤其如此。如果机器人在真实世界中接受训练,那么它从试验和错误中学习可能会导致事故。或者,也可以考虑让训练机器人通过试验和错误来学习。

  • 奖励稀少且延迟:在收到有意义的反馈之前,代理可能需要探索大量的行动,从而难以学习有效的策略。

  • 确保所收集数据的多样性和代表性至关重要;否则,代理可能会过度适应狭隘的经验集,而不能通用化。在探索(尝试新行动)和利用(使用已知的成功行动)之间取得平衡使数据收集工作更加复杂,需要复杂的策略才能有效收集有用的数据。


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  • 数据毒化攻击:在这种攻击中,通过添加扰动来破坏训练数据,从而欺骗分类器,导致不正确的输出。例如,有人可能会在非垃圾邮件中添加垃圾邮件元素。这将导致将来在垃圾邮件过滤器的训练中加入这些数据时,性能下降。这可以通过在非垃圾邮件上下文中增加 free、win、offer 或 token等词的使用来解决。

  • 规避攻击:攻击者在部署过程中操纵数据,欺骗先前训练好的分类器。规避攻击在实际应用中最为普遍。针对生物识别验证系统的欺骗攻击 就是规避攻击的例子。

  • 对抗性攻击:这是对合法输入的修改,目的是愚弄模型,或者使用专门设计的噪音来引起错误分类。请看下面的例子,在熊猫图像中添加噪音后,模型将其分类为长臂猿(置信度为 99.3% )。

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图 39 :通过在熊猫图像中添加特殊类型的噪声,模型可预先判断出图像是长臂猿而不是熊猫。在进行对抗攻击时,我们向神经网络提供一幅输入图像(左图)。然后,我们使用梯度下降法构建噪声向量(中)。该噪声向量被添加到输入图像中,从而导致错误分类(右图)。(图片来源:本文图 1 解释和利用对抗性实例》论文中的图 1)

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请看下面这个无监督学习问题的例子。在无监督学习中,没有 老师 提供标签或指导模型。相反,模型会发现问题中隐藏的模式。考虑一个猫狗数据集。每只猫狗都有两种颜色:黑色和白色。我们可以使用一个无监督学习模型,通过将它们聚类为两组来找到数据中的模式。该模型有两种有效的方法:

  • 将所有狗集中在一起,将所有猫集中在一起

  • 将所有白色动物集中在一起,将所有黑色动物集中在一起。


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图 40 :训练好的对猫和狗进行分类的模型最终可能会根据颜色将动物聚类在一起。这是因为在实践中很难指导无监督学习模型。所有图像均由人工智能使用 Dalle-E 生成


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  • 训练大规模机器学习模型,尤其是深度学习模型,需要大量的计算能力。这通常意味着要使用高端 GPU 或 TPU,而它们可能既昂贵又耗能。

  • 与这些计算需求相关的成本不仅包括硬件,还包括连续运行这些机器(有时长达数周或数月)所需的电力和基础设施。

  • 强化学习因其训练的不稳定性而闻名,模型或训练过程中的微小变化都可能导致结果的显著差异。

  • 与 Adam 等监督学习中使用的更稳定的优化方法不同,强化学习中没有放之四海而皆准的解决方案。通常需要对训练过程进行定制,这不仅耗时,而且需要深厚的专业知识。

  • 强化学习中的探索-开发两难问题使训练变得更加复杂,因为找到正确的平衡点对于有效学习至关重要,但却很难实现。

  • 机器学习中的损失函数定义了模型的优化目标。选择错误的损失函数会导致模型学习到不恰当或次优的行为。

  • 在复杂任务中,例如涉及不平衡数据集或多类分类的任务,选择、有时甚至定制设计正确的损失函数变得更加重要。

  • 损失函数必须与应用的实际目标紧密结合,这就需要深入了解数据和预期结果。

  • 在强化学习中,设计能持续、准确反映预期目标的奖励函数是一项挑战,尤其是在奖励稀少或延迟的环境中。

  • 在国际象棋游戏中,奖励函数可以很简单:赢了得 1 分,输了得 0 分。但是,对于行走机器人来说,这个奖励函数可能会变得非常复杂,因为它将包含 面向前方行走、不要随意摆动手臂 等信息。

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  • 在监督学习中,由于深度神经网络的 “黑箱” 性质,要了解是哪些特征驱动了复杂模型(如深度神经网络)的预测具有挑战性。

  • 这种复杂性使得调试模型、了解其决策过程和提高其准确性变得十分困难。

  • 这些模型的复杂性也对可预测性和可解释性提出了挑战,而这对在敏感或受监管领域部署模型至关重要。

同样,训练模式和所涉及的挑战也是非常复杂的话题。我们希望上述内容能让您对所涉及的挑战有一个大致的了解。如果您想深入了解该领域当前面临的挑战,我们推荐您阅读《应用深度学习中开放性问题》(Open Problems in Applied Deep Learning)和《MLOps 指南》(MLOps guide)。

从概念上讲,机器学习模型的训练是按顺序进行的。但在很多情况下,并行训练模型至关重要。这可能只是因为模型太大,一个 GPU 难以容纳,并行训练可以加快训练速度。然而,并行训练模型会带来重大挑战,包括:

  • 通信开销:将模型分割到不同的处理器需要这些单元之间不断进行通信。这可能会造成瓶颈,尤其是对于大型模型而言,因为各单元之间的数据传输可能会耗费大量时间。

  • 负载均衡:确保所有计算单元得到平等利用是一项挑战。不平衡会导致一些单元闲置,而另一些单元超负荷运行,从而降低整体效率。

  • 内存限制:每个处理器单元的内存都是有限的。在不超出这些限制的情况下,有效管理和优化多个单元的内存使用情况是非常复杂的,尤其是大型模型。

  • 实施的复杂性:设置模型并行涉及计算资源的复杂配置和管理。这种复杂性会增加开发时间和出错的可能性。

  • 优化困难:传统的优化算法可能无法直接适用于模型并行化环境,也无法提高效率,这就需要进行修改或开发新的优化方法。

  • 调试和监控:由于训练过程的复杂性和分布性增加,监控和调试分布在多个单元上的模型比监控和调试运行在单个单元上的模型更具挑战性。

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许多类型的机器学习系统面临的最重要挑战之一就是它们可能会自信地出错。ChatGPT 可能会返回一个我们听起来很有把握的答案,但事实上这个答案是错误的。这是因为大多数模型经过训练后都会返回最有可能的答案。贝叶斯方法可用于量化不确定性。也就是说,模型可以返回一个有根据的答案,来衡量它有多确定。

考虑使用蔬菜数据训练图像分类模型。该模型可以获取任何蔬菜的图像,并返回它是什么,例如 黄瓜 或 红洋葱。如果我们给这个模型输入一张猫的图像,会发生什么呢?普通模型会返回它的最佳猜测,也许是 白色洋葱。这显然是不正确的。但这是模型的最佳猜测。贝叶斯模型的输出则是 白色洋葱 和一个确定度,例如 3% 。如果模型有 3% 的确定性,我们可能就不应该根据这个预测采取行动。

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图 41 :常规模型预测(只返回最有可能的答案)和贝叶斯模型预测(返回预测结果的 s 分布)的示意图



  • 维护:随着时间的推移,尤其是数据和现实世界场景发生变化时,保持模型的更新和正常运行。

  • RL 中的探索-利用:在探索新策略和利用已知策略之间取得平衡,尤其是在推理直接影响数据收集的情况下。

  • 测试性能:确保模型在新的、未见过的数据上表现良好,而不仅仅是在训练过的数据上。

  • 分布偏移:处理输入数据分布随时间发生的变化,这种变化会降低模型性能。例如,推荐引擎需要考虑客户需求和行为的变化。

  • 某些模型生成缓慢:像扩散模型这样的模型在生成输出时可能需要大量时间,而且速度较慢。

  • 高斯过程和大型数据集:随着数据集的增长,使用高斯过程进行推理的速度会越来越慢。

  • 增加防护栏:在生产模型中实施制衡措施,防止出现不良结果或误用。

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  • LLM 不提供参考文献,但可以通过检索增强生成(RAG)等技术来缓解没有参考文献等问题。

  • 幻觉:产生无意义、虚假或无关的输出。

  • 训练运行需要很长时间,而且数据集重新平衡的边际值很难预测,这就导致了缓慢的反馈循环。

  • 很难将人类的基本评估标准扩展到模型所允许的吞吐量。

  • 量化在很大程度上是需要的,但其后果却鲜为人知。

  • 下游基础设施需要随着模型的变化而变化。在与企业合作时,这意味着长时间的发布延迟(生产总是远远落后于开发)。

不过,我们想重点介绍论文《沉睡代理:训练通过安全训练持续存在的欺骗性 LLMs》一文中的一个例子。作者训练的模型会在提示年份为 2023 年时编写安全代码,但在提示年份为 2024 年时插入可被利用的代码。他们发现,这种后门行为可以持续存在,因此标准的安全训练技术无法将其清除。这种后门行为在最大的模型中最持久,在经过经训练产生思维链路以欺骗训练过程的的模型中也最持久,甚至就算思维链路已经消失也一直存在。

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图 42 :后门示意图。如果是 2023 年,模型的训练表现为 正常,但如果是 2024 年,则策略表现不同。资料来源:本文图 1 

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3.1.1    0x 0 

Website: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/0x 0-ai-ai-smart-contract/

One liner: 0x 0.ai combines advanced AI technologies with crypto to revolutionize pri- vacy, security, and income in DeFi.

Description: 0x 0.ai integrates artificial intelligence, including machine learning and algorithmic analysis, with cryptocurrency to improve privacy, security, and DeFi ap- plications, focusing on smart contract auditing and the application of zero-knowledge proofs. It innovates with a revenue-sharing model, redistributing generated revenue to token holders, aiming for a secure, private, and incentivized financial ecosystem.

3.1.2   0x AI

Website: https://twitter.com/0x AIPlatform

One liner: 0x AI leverages the Ethereum blockchain for AI-driven meme coin ventures and art

Description:  0x AI  integrates  AI’s  art  generation  capabilities  with  Ethereum blockchain technology to both produce and distribute creative works, complementing this with a meme coin venture. This project underscores the synergy of AI and crypto by utilizing smart contracts for direct market interaction and emphasizing holder in- clusivity, aiming to explore AI’s potential in artistic and financial domains.

3.1.3    0x scope

Website: https://www.0x scope.com/

One liner: 0x Scope - The AI Data Layer for Web3 AI Applications.

Description: 0x Scope develops an AI-driven data layer tailored for Web3 applications, focusing on enhancing data exchange across Web2 and Web3 platforms through tech- nologies like knowledge graphs and decentralized storage. This initiative, supported by  strategic investments from entities like OKX Ventures, facilitates cross-chain integra- tion and privacy computing, while its products, such as ‘Scopechat’ and ‘Scopescan’, showcase its dedication to merging AI capabilities with blockchain technology to serve  a broad user base including over 311 B2B clients and 237 K individual users.

3.1.4    3 commas

Website: https://3commas.io/

One liner: 3 Commas is a comprehensive cryptocurrency trading platform that lever- ages AI to enhance trading strategies and efficiency.

Description: 3 Commas utilizes sophisticated AI algorithms to provide automated trading bots and smart trading terminals, enhancing trading strategies and risk man- agement across various market conditions on 16 major cryptocurrency exchanges. Its integration with TradingView and features like DCA, grid bots, and signal bots for strategy execution underscore its AI-centric approach to maximizing crypto trading efficiency and portfolio management.

3.1.5   9 VRSE

Website: https://www.linkedin.com/company/9vrse-inc

One liner: 9 VRSE - Bridging virtual worlds with blockchain technology for immersive gaming and content monetization.

Description: 9 VRSE is an AI and cryptocurrency-driven creative studio that uses  blockchain to build immersive, monetizable virtual experiences in a thematic metaverse, blending web3, gaming, 3D art, and AI. It focuses on secure, play-to-earn gaming and  digital realms, underpinned by a commitment to transparency, community engagement  through ‘Kitty Krew’, and legal protection for its developments.

3.1.6   ADADEX

Website: https://twitter.com/AdadexOfficial

One liner: ADADEX pioneers decentralized artificial intelligence and robot develop- ment in the metaverse, blending DeFi utilities with advanced AI capabilities.

Description: ADADEX merges decentralized finance (DeFi) with artificial intelligence (AI) by developing AI-driven agents and virtual robots for the metaverse, aimed at analyzing and executing trading strategies. Utilizing the ADEX token, it enables mon- etization of AI services, offering privacy, efficiency, and scalability in AI-enhanced DeFi solutions within the metaverse.

3.1.7   Adot AI

Website: https://twitter.com/Adot_web3

One liner: Adot AI: Revolutionizing Web3 exploration with AI-powered decentralized search.

Description: Adot AI introduces a decentralized search network combining AI and cryptocurrency technology, aimed at optimizing web browsing and blockchain explo-

ration through a Chrome extension and an upcoming Web3 search engine. This platform  enhances user experience by providing AI-driven search precision and smart insights, alongside features like multi-language support and easy integration, making Web3 con- tent more accessible and navigable.

3.1.8   AgentMe


One liner: Revolutionizing value transfer and ownership tracking in the crypto world through advanced AI algorithms.

Description: AgentMe, positioned in the Data category, is a project that integrates AI  and cryptocurrency, focusing on employing advanced AI algorithms to improve security, efficiency, and trust in value transfers and ownership verification in the crypto sector. It utilizes asymmetric cryptography to develop a decentralized system that ensures  transactions are publicly broadcasted and immutably recorded, tackling the double- spending issue and enhancing the reliability of digital financial transactions.

3.1.9   AI Arena

Website: https://aiarena.io/

One liner: AI Arena: Revolutionizing gaming and finance with AI-powered NFT fight- ers on the Ethereum blockchain.

Description: AI Arena utilizes the Ethereum blockchain to offer a play-to-earn game where players own AI fighters, represented as NFTs, that autonomously improve via artificial neural networks. This integration of AI and crypto technologies enables a competitive ecosystem where skills enhancement through imitation learning or self-play in PvP battles leads to token rewards, showcasing the blend of AI and blockchain in enhancing gaming experiences and financial opportunities for users.

3.1.10   AIOZ

Website: https://aioz.network/

One liner: Decentralized AI-powered Content Delivery and Computation

Description: AIOZ Network integrates AI and blockchain through its decentralized content delivery network  (dCDN), offering decentralized storage, streaming, and AI computation by harnessing spare computing resources worldwide. This setup not only facilitates web3 AI applications and media delivery but also plans for the expansion into decentralized AI as a Service, showcasing a practical fusion of AI and crypto tech- nologies to enhance efficiency and accessibility in digital content and computation.

3.1.11   Aizel Network

Website: https://aizelnetwork.com/

One  liner: Aizel Network is revolutionizing blockchain with trustless, on-chain AI, ensuring Web2 speed costs.

Description: Aizel Network combines AI and blockchain technology, offering a plat- form where machine learning models can execute trustless, verifiable inferences on-chain using Multi-Party Computation (MPC) and Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) for security. It promises to equip any smart contract across blockchain networks with scalable, privacy-preserving AI capabilities, facilitated by a team blending expertise in data science, AI, and blockchain.

3.1.12   Akash

Website: https://akash.network/

One liner: Akash Network is an open-source Supercloud for decentralized cloud com- puting, combining AI Crypto to innovate the future of cloud infrastructure.

Description: Akash Network offers a decentralized, blockchain-based cloud comput- ing marketplace that uses Kubernetes and Cosmos for secure and efficient application hosting. It notably reduces costs (up to 85% lower than traditional providers) through a ‘reverse auction’ pricing system and facilitates distributed machine learning, high- lighting its utility in the intersection of AI and Crypto.

3.1.13   Akash

Website: https://akash.network/

One liner: Akash Network is an open-source Supercloud for decentralized cloud com- puting, combining AI Crypto to innovate the future of cloud infrastructure.

Description: Akash Network offers a decentralized, blockchain-based cloud comput- ing marketplace that uses Kubernetes and Cosmos for secure and efficient application hosting. It notably reduces costs (up to 85% lower than traditional providers) through a ‘reverse auction’ pricing system and facilitates distributed machine learning, high- lighting its utility in the intersection of AI and Crypto.

3.1.14   Aleo

Website: https://aleo.org/

One liner: Aleo leverages zero-knowledge proofs to enable fully private applications on a scalable, privacy-first blockchain.

Description: Aleo leverages zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) in its layer-1 blockchain platform to enable the creation of decentralized applications that emphasize user privacy and data security, without compromising scalability or security. Through its na- tive programming language, Leo, and infrastructure like snarkOS and snarkVM, Aleo  facilitates the development and deployment of smart contracts with privacy features, positioning itself at the nexus of AI, crypto, and privacy-enhancing technologies.

3.1.15   Aleph.im

Website: https://aleph.im/

One liner: Decentralizing AI and data management on the blockchain.

Description: Aleph.im combines AI with blockchain technology to offer decentralized data management, including encrypted storage and serverless computing, through a network that allows DApp development without centralization. Its key feature, Liber- tai.io, leverages this infrastructure for decentralized AI processing, emphasizing data privacy and system resilience.

3.1.16   Alethea AI

Website: https://alethea.ai/

One liner: Alethea AI: Revolutionizing content creation and ownership via generative AI and blockchain.

Description: Alethea AI introduces a platform combining artificial intelligence and  blockchain technology, using generative AI to craft interactive AI characters that can  be customized, trained, and tokenized as ‘intelligent NFTs’ (iNFTs) on the blockchain, ensuring ownership and the capability for evolution. The project employs its Artificial  Liquid Intelligence (ALI) token for transactions and governance, striving for a decen- tralized AI ecosystem where these iNFTs can alter digital asset interaction in the Web3  space.

3.1.17   Algovera

Website: https://www.algovera.ai/

One liner: Algovera is a decentralized AI research organization and agency pioneering in Web3 innovations.

Description: Algovera is a decentralized AI research and development agency that utilizes blockchain technology to create an open and transparent platform for AI inno- vation, focusing on the empowerment of developers through direct access to resources and funding via cryptocurrency. This integration of AI with Web3 technologies enables the exploration of new AI-driven solutions, promoting a decentralized technological future.

3.1.18   Alpha 3d

Website:   https://techcrunch.com/2023/09/21/heres-the-crypto-news-you-missed-at-disrupt-2023/

One liner: Alpha 3D revolutionizes 3D asset creation with generative AI, making dig- ital world-building accessible and efficient.

Description: Alpha 3D utilizes generative AI to streamline the creation of 3D digital assets from text or images, offering a cost and time-efficient solution at scale for the production of assets in immersive environments. This platform, residing at the nexus of AI and Crypto within the Data segment, enables more accessible and rapid content generation for digital experiences across multiple platforms.

3.1.19   Anchain.AI

Website: https://www.anchain.ai/

One  liner:  AnChain.AI:  Revolutionizing  Web3  Security  and  Compliance  with AI- Powered Solutions.

Description: AnChain.AI employs AI to enhance security, compliance, and crime investigation within the Web3 ecosystem, offering an AI-powered platform that au- tomates the analysis of crypto transactions and smart contracts for identifying risks and ensuring AML/CFT compliance. This platform serves over 200 customers, over- seeing more than $ 100 billion in daily trading volume, by utilizing AI for tasks such as blockchain investigation auto-trace, risk assessment, and the detection of suspicious activities, aiming to improve the safety and integrity of the blockchain environment.

3.1.20   Anima Virtuality

Website: https://twitter.com/animavirtuality?lang=en

One liner: Anima Virtuality: Blending AI, AR, and Blockchain to create immersive gaming experiences with virtual characters.

Description: Anima Virtuality, Inc., combines AI, AR, and blockchain technologies to  create immersive gaming experiences, epitomized by their AI companions, Onlybots. This initiative represents the confluence of AI and cryptocurrency in enhancing digital  interaction and gaming, backed by a strong founding team and significant investment.

3.1.21   Arweave

Website: https://www.arweave.org/

One liner: Arweave offers a decentralized network for permanent and sustainable data storage, leveraging blockchain technology.

Description: Arweave integrates AI and cryptocurrency through its decentralized net- work designed for perpetual data storage, leveraging its native currency, AR, to reward miners. This facilitates a durable, censorship-resistant digital repository essential for AI applications that depend on large datasets for training and inference, positioning it as a significant contributor to the AI x Crypto ecosystem.

3.1.22   Atlas 3D AI

Website:    https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/atlas-raises-6m-to-launch-3dgenerative-ai-platform-accelerating-the-future-of-gaming-and-virtual-worldbuilding-


One liner: Atlas 3D AI revolutionizes gaming and virtual worldbuilding with its pro- prietary 3D generative AI platform.

Description: Atlas 3D AI is an AI-driven 3D generative platform that streamlines the creation of virtual worlds and experiences for game developers and brands by sig- nificantly reducing asset development time and costs, thereby enhancing scalability up to 200 times. Its integration with blockchain technology and collaborations with major gaming studios and blockchain entities highlights its role in bridging AI’s capabilities with the crypto ecosystem to innovate in the gaming and virtual experience domains.

3.1.23   ATOR

Website: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/airtor-protocol/

One liner: ATOR integrates AI with crypto to enhance online anonymity, offering rewards for secure network participation.

Description: The ATOR Protocol integrates AI with blockchain to enhance the se- curity and efficiency of the Tor network by rewarding network participants with cryp- tocurrency for their uptime, using a Proof-of-Uptime model to encourage a robust and secure network. By deploying AI for network optimization and introducing user- friendly hardware like the ATOR Router Hotspot, the project aims to expand its global anonymity network, leveraging AI and on-chain incentives to improve digital privacy and network performance.

3.1.24   Audius

Website: https://audius.co/

One  liner: Audius is a decentralized music streaming service integrating crypto to empower artists and listeners.

Description: Audius utilizes blockchain and its native token $AUDIO to offer a de- centralized music streaming platform, enabling direct artist-audience connections and content monetization through engagement and exclusive access via artist tokens. This approach removes intermediaries, ensures content immutability through a secured net- work of node operators, and promotes distributed value and governance within its community.

3.1.25   Auradine

Website: https://auradine.com/

One liner: Auradine is revolutionizing the blockchain landscape through innovative Bitcoin mining systems and advanced AI integration.

Description: Auradine focuses on developing efficient infrastructure solutions at the crypto and AI intersection, notably through its Teraflux™ Bitcoin miners, which mark a significant improvement in energy efficiency and transaction speeds due to a pioneering four-nanometer silicon transistor. Beginning with a substantial $ 81 million fundraising without a product, the company emphasizes innovation in combining AI and blockchain to enhance web infrastructure security, privacy, and efficiency.

3.1.26   Autonolas

Website: https://twitter.com/autonolas?lang=en

One liner: Autonolas is a unified network for off-chain services powered by autonomous agents and coordinated with the OLAS token.

Description: Autonolas, leveraging its native token Olas, integrates AI and crypto by offering off-chain services that support automation, oracles, and co-owned AI to enhance decentralized logic processing. Its notable innovation, Governatooorr, serves as an AI governance delegate for DAOs, with OLAS tokens facilitating operation and governance within its expanding ecosystem across major blockchains.

3.1.27   Axiom

Website: https://www.axiom.xyz/

One liner: Axiom utilizes ZK proofs to enable trustless on-chain queries and compu- tations over Ethereum’s history for data-rich and dynamic decentralized applications.

Description: Axiom integrates AI and crypto on the Ethereum blockchain by allowing developers to craft smart contracts that compute and verify the blockchain’s entire history using zero-knowledge proofs. This enables the development of advanced DeFi applications, custom oracles, and loyalty programs by utilizing historical data without external inputs. Moreover, Axiom leverages this technology for AI tasks like validat- ing online content and identifying deepfakes, promoting data integrity and trustless processing, thus positioning itself at the forefront of secure and intelligent blockchain applications.

3.1.28   Azra Games

Website: https://azragames.com/

One  liner: Innovative crossover of AI-driven gameplay and crypto-economic design with Azra Games’ NFT integration in RPG.

Description: Azra Games, led by Mark Otero of EA fame, is developing Legions Leg- ends, an RPG that integrates AI and blockchain to enrich gameplay with NFT-based  collectibles and ownership, aiming to blend traditional RPG depth with blockchain’s  asset control benefits. This initiative, supported by investors like Andreessen Horowitz, positions in-game assets as both enhancements to the player experience and as a draw  for broader Web3 adoption.

3.1.29   Aztec

Website: https://aztec.network/

One liner: Aztec is a privacy-first Layer 2 scaling solution on Ethereum enabling pri- vate transactions and smart contracts.

Description: Aztec Network enhances blockchain privacy on Ethereum via a Layer 2 solution that supports public and private smart contract executions, leveraging tools like the Aztec Sandbox and Noir programming language for developing privacy-centric applications. This initiative, which attracts significant crypto investment and empha- sizes open-source development, is pivotal for integrating advanced privacy and security within AI-driven decentralized applications.

3.1.30   Bacalhau

Website: https://www.bacalhau.org/

One liner: Bacalhau - Revolutionizing compute over data with security and efficiency. Description: Bacalhau offers a platform that distributes computing power for data  processing at its source, utilizing Docker containers and WebAssembly for flexible, se-

cure compute jobs. It supports a broad range of architectures and taps into underuti- lized resources, making it suitable for AI and crypto projects needing efficient, secure data handling near its origin, with a focus on minimizing data movement and adhering to privacy standards.

3.1.31   Beldex

Website: https://beldex.io/

One liner: Beldex aims to create a scalable, privacy-centric ecosystem leveraging cryp- tocurrency and decentralized applications.

Description: Beldex combines AI and cryptocurrency on a decentralized blockchain platform to bolster privacy and security, leveraging Monero’s privacy features like ring signatures for untraceable transactions. It offers privacy-centric dApps such as BChat and BelNet, and uses masternodes with a PoS mechanism to ensure scalable and cost- efficient peer-to-peer transactions, focusing on the interplay of AI and crypto for en- hanced user privacy.

3.1.32   Bird Money

Website: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bird-money/

One liner: Bird Money uses advanced machine learning tooffer decentralized financial and security services.

Description: Bird Money leverages AI to enhance blockchain and DeFi applications  by offering machine learning prediction tools for wallet behavior, enabling dynamic  DeFi loan terms and investment strategies through a decentralized on-chain oracle. This approach integrates AI analytics with cryptocurrency’s decentralization princi- ples, supporting community-driven governance and operations.

3.1.33   BitsCrunch

Website: https://bitscrunch.com/

One liner: Empowering the NFT ecosystem with AI-driven insights and security.

Description: BitsCrunch is a project integrating AI with cryptocurrency to offer a  decentralized NFT analytics and forensics platform, aiming to provide reliable data for  making informed investment decisions and detecting fraud in the NFT market. Its API  facilitates the development of trustworthy NFT and DeFi applications, while a commu- nity-driven model enhances system reliability across various blockchain infrastructures, promoting a secure and transparent NFT marketplace.

3.1.34   Bittensor

Website: https://bittensor.com/

One liner: Bittensor: Decentralizing AI Training and Inference via Blockchain Tech- nology.

Description: Bittensor combines artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain to create a blockchain-based network for decentralized data processing and training of AI mod- els, with these models rewarded in Bittensor’s native cryptocurrency, TAO, for their valuable contributions. This system facilitates transparent, decentralized development and use of AI, ensuring equitable distribution of rewards and aligning with principles of open-source and decentralized governance.

3.1.35   Bittorrent

Website: https://www.bittorrent.com/token/btt/

One liner: BitTorrent tokenizes the world’s largest decentralized file sharing protocol, introducing BTT for a crypto-powered web.

Description: BitTorrent integrates blockchain technology with its decentralized file- sharing protocol through the BTT token on the Tron blockchain, rewarding user par- ticipation with incentives for seeding and bandwidth sharing, thereby enhancing net- work efficiency and illustrating a practical application of AI x Crypto in promoting a decentralized internet ecosystem.

3.1.36   Blackbird AI

Website: https://www.blackbird.ai/

One liner: Blackbird AI leverages a high speed signals processing engine to analyze the finance sector, focusing on crypto and trading platforms.

Description: Blackbird AI integrates advanced signal processing with cryptocurrency analytics, providing traders and institutional investors real-time tools to detect market distortions, fabricated hype, and emergent trends, facilitating grounded decision-mak- ing in the volatile sectors of finance, including meme stocks and cryptocurrency. This technology aids in risk mitigation and capitalizes on market opportunities by uncover- ing hidden signals within financial data.

3.1.37   Blackbird.AI

Website: https://www.blackbird.ai/

One liner: Blackbird.AI leverages advanced AI to empower organizations against nar- rative-driven risks, potentially including crypto-related misinformation and disinfor- mation.

Description: Blackbird.AI utilizes artificial intelligence to measure and counteract misinformation threats, offering tools like the Constellation Dashboard and Risk In- telligence Engine, which are crucial for maintaining integrity in the crypto sector by scoring and predicting the impact of narrative-based threats. Their technology, though not crypto-specific, is essential for protecting reputation and financial stability in the digital assets market.

3.1.38   Blockade Labs

Website: https://www.blockadelabs.com/

One liner: Revolutionizing gaming with blockchain, Blockade Labs merges AI-driven experiences with crypto.

Description:  Blockade  Labs,  with  its  leading  franchise   ‘Neon  District’,  merges  blockchain technology and AI to reshape the gaming industry by creating decentralized, blockchain-based in-game economies and asset ownership, supported by an open-source  developer platform, underscoring its pivotal role in the fusion of AI and crypto through  a successful $ 5 million funding.

3.1.39   Blockexplorer

Website: https://blockexplorer.one/

One liner: BlockExplorer offers insights into blockchain transactions, enhancing crypto and AI data analysis capabilities.

Description: BlockExplorer leverages AI to enhance its blockchain transaction analy- sis platform, focusing on predictive analytics, transaction monitoring, and anomaly detection for users at the intersection of AI and crypto. This involves using real-time transaction data to enable AI applications to identify trends, enhance security, and optimize blockchain operations.

3.1.40    Blockless

Website: https://blockless.network/

One liner: Blockless - Launching a new era of modular, network neutral applications on blockchain, leveraging AI for enhanced security and efficiency.

Description:  Blockless  integrates  blockchain  technology  with  AI  to  facilitate  the secure and efficient development of decentralized Network Neutral Applications  (n- nApps), offering a Modular Application Architecture for enhanced full-stack decentral- ization. Its unique features, including automated node orchestration, a WASM-based runtime, and AI-based model inference, support a wide range of programming languages and major L1/L2 blockchains, significantly reducing development time to under three weeks while advancing the potential for application versatility at the intersection of crypto and AI.

3.1.41   Bluwhale

Website: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bluwhaleai

One liner: Bluwhale is revolutionizing Web3 by integrating AI with blockchain for personalized user experiences and data monetization.

Description: Bluwhale integrates AI with blockchain to offer a decentralized personal- ization protocol for DApp developers and users, utilizing AI and contextual data to en- hance user engagement and monetization while ensuring data privacy across blockchain networks. Their system, featuring predictive user profiling and AI insights, creates detailed wallet profiles, facilitating a secure, personalized, and monetizable Web3 expe- rience.

3.1.42   Boathouse AI Agents

Website: https://twitter.com/bryanhpchiang?lang=en

One liner: Boathouse AI Agents leverages cutting-edge AI technologies to improve human interaction experiences.

Description: Boathouse AI Agents leverages GPT-4 and Whisper AI technologies  to enhance human interactions via a service named rizzGPT, offering real-time con- versational guidance through Monocle AR glasses. Additionally, their lifeOS system, integrated into AR smart glasses, employs computer vision to facilitate social interac- tions by suggesting conversation topics based on historical text data, showcasing the  practical application of AI and augmented reality in improving communication.

3.1.43   Botto

Website: https://www.botto.com/

One liner: Botto is a decentralized, autonomous art-creating entity powered by AI and community participation in the crypto space.

Description:  Botto  combines  AI  and  blockchain  by  acting  as  a  decentralized  au- tonomous artist that produces art based on community feedback, with the created pieces auctioned as NFTs on the crypto market. This project leverages AI’s potential for art generation and the Ethereum blockchain for decentralized voting and auction- ing, exemplifying collaborative creativity within the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

3.1.44   Botto

Website: https://www.botto.com/

One liner: Botto is a decentralized, autonomous art-creating entity powered by AI and community participation in the crypto space.

Description:  Botto  combines  AI  and  blockchain  by  acting  as  a  decentralized  au- tonomous artist that produces art based on community feedback, with the created pieces auctioned as NFTs on the crypto market. This project leverages AI’s potential for art generation and the Ethereum blockchain for decentralized voting and auction- ing, exemplifying collaborative creativity within the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

3.1.45   Braindrops

Website: https://www.coingecko.com/en/nft/braindrops

One liner: Braindrops is a pioneering platform for AI-generated art leveraged by NFT technology.

Description: Braindrops is an NFT platform focused on AI-generated art, enabling  artists to monetize their AI-driven creations by minting and selling them as NFTs. It aims to merge AI with blockchain technology by introducing dynamic generation, customization, and interaction with the art pieces.

3.1.46   BrianKnows

Website: https://www.brianknows.org/

One liner: BrianKnows: Enhancing Web3 with AI-driven intents for seamless crypto transactions and smart contract operations.

Description: BrianKnows is an AI-driven cryptocurrency platform that simplifies  web3 interactions through an AI interface, enabling users to conduct token transac- tions, bridge, and deploy smart contracts using voice prompts. It integrates with various  protocols including Ethereum, Polygon, and Optimism, and provides a non-custodial, user-friendly experience for accessing web3 information and performing on-chain oper- ations.

3.1.47    C 2 PA

Website: https://c2pa.org/specifications/specifications/1.0/guidance/Guidance.html

One liner: C 2 PA stands for the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity, leveraging crypto and AI for digital media verification.

Description: The Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C 2 PA) employs cryptographic techniques and AI-driven analysis to establish standards for certifying the provenance of digital media, leveraging Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), dig- ital signatures, and NFTs to ensure content integrity and counter misuse. This initiative demonstrates the intersection of AI and blockchain technology in enhancing data vali- dation and combating misinformation by making digital media traceable and verifiable across platforms.

3.1.48    Ceramic

Website: https://ceramic.network/

One liner: Ceramic is a decentralized data network bridging AI with crypto, enabling scalable, interoperable, and verifiable data management.

Description: Ceramic merges blockchain and AI by offering a decentralized ledger for high-volume data management, pairing the trust of blockchain with efficiency akin to traditional databases. It facilitates AI-driven application development through ver- ifiable data storage and peer-to-peer streaming, using ComposeDB and GraphQL for enhanced data interaction, thereby supporting trusted and scalable data access crucial for AI training and inference in decentralized settings.

3.1.49   CertiK

Website: https://www.certik.com/

One  liner: CertiK leverages AI to enhance blockchain security and smart contract auditing.

Description: CertiK specializes in enhancing blockchain security through AI and For- mal Verification technology, offering services such as smart contract and blockchain audits, and continuous security monitoring. Founded by Columbia and Yale professors in 2018, CertiK leverages its expertise to identify vulnerabilities and improve the reli- ability of blockchain systems, making it a key contributor to the AI and crypto inter- section.

3.1.50    Chainbase

Website: https://chainbase.com/

One liner: Chainbase, the seamless bridge for Web3 data infrastructure, integrating AI for smarter crypto applications.

Description: Chainbase streamlines Web3 development by offering a browser-based platform for real-time blockchain data integration, processing, and AI-driven analytics across multiple ecosystems. It automates indexing and querying to facilitate efficient AI model development and application in the crypto domain, significantly cutting down on development time.

3.1.51   ChainLink

Website: https://chain.link/

One liner: Chainlink: Powering Smart Contracts with Real-World Data

Description: Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network that connects real-world data to smart contracts on various blockchains, utilizing a network of decentralized oracles to enable secure, manipulation-resistant data integration for complex executions in dApps across DeFi, insurance, and gaming. This facilitates the accurate and reliable operation of smart contracts, crucially linking blockchain technology with external systems.

3.1.52   ChainML

Website: https://www.chainml.net/

One liner: ChainML: Pioneering the integration of AI and blockchain for decentral- ized, secure, and accessible AI agents and machine learning models.

Description: ChainML merges artificial intelligence and blockchain technology to de- velop and deploy AI agents and machine learning models within a decentralized pro- tocol, enhancing DeFi, gaming, and social dApps. It focuses on providing a generative

AI platform for conversational analytics and an open-source framework for AI devel- opment, aiming to democratize advanced AI access and promote innovation through community-contributed, secure, and scalable computation in the Web3 ecosystem.

3.1.53    Clore.ai

Website: https://clore.ai/

One liner: Clore.ai - Revolutionizing access to distributed supercomputing for AI and cryptocurrency endeavors.

Description: Clore.ai offers a distributed supercomputing platform that merges AI  and cryptocurrency technologies, providing GPU computing for AI training, video ren- dering, and crypto mining. It features a user marketplace for computing resources, utilizes a Proof-of-Work blockchain called Clore Coin to reward participants, and em- phasizes security, cost efficiency, and environmental sustainability without relying on  premines or ICOs for funding.

3.1.54    Colony

Website: https://www.colonylab.io/

One liner: Colony Lab: Accelerating the Avalanche Ecosystem Through Decentralized Community-Driven Fundraising and Liquidity.

Description: Colony Lab is a platform in the Avalanche ecosystem that combines AI  and crypto to enhance decentralized fundraising and investment opportunities for early- stage projects. It focuses on providing capital, ecosystem support, and exposure, while  also engaging the community through seed investments and yield-generating products, incorporating AI to optimize investment strategies and project support.

3.1.55   CorgiAI

Website: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/corgiai

One liner: CorgiAI integrates AI Big Data in the vibrant space of DeFi, fostering a community-driven AI project with ambitions in the Cronos ecosystem.

Description: CorgiAI  (CORGIAI) integrates Artificial Intelligence with cryptocur- rency within the DeFi sector, focusing on leveraging community engagement and AI innovations to expand its presence in the Cronos ecosystem. It offers features such as token trading, AI tools, and Web3 exploration while maintaining flexibility through smart contract modifications, marking its contribution to technology-driven advance- ments in both centralized and decentralized exchange platforms.

3.1.56    Crowdcent

Website: https://twitter.com/crowdcent?lang=en

One liner: CrowdCent utilizes crypto-economic incentives to decentralize investment management, closely aligned with Numerai.

Description: CrowdCent collaborates with Numerai to transform the hedge fund in- dustry by utilizing AI-driven predictive models and blockchain technology, specifically through the use of Numerai’s cryptocurrency, Numeraire (NMR), to stake on financial predictions. This partnership fosters a transparent investment ecosystem by merging crowdsourced data science with decentralized principles, aiming to enhance efficiency and openness in hedge fund management.

3.1.57   Crust Network

Website: https://crust.network/

One  liner:  Crust Network offers decentralized storage solutions, enhancing Web3′s data storage capabilities with IPFS integration.

Description: Crust Network combines blockchain’s decentralized capabilities with AI- enhanced algorithms on the Substrate framework to offer secure, scalable storage solu- tions for both Web 3.0 and 2.0, incorporating an incentive layer for IPFS to ensure data integrity and privacy across various applications like DApp hosting and NFT storage.

3.1.58   CryptoIndex

Website: https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/crypto/index.html

One liner: Revolutionizing crypto investment through AI-driven analysis and diversi- fied exposure.

Description: CryptoIndex utilizes artificial intelligence to intelligently analyze and derive insights from the cryptocurrency market, facilitating a diversified investment strategy for both individual and institutional investors through the Bitwise 10 Crypto Index Fund (BITW). This fund, emphasizing AI’s role in cryptocurrency investment strategies, focuses on the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization, ensuring monthly rebalancing and risk monitoring to optimize performance.

3.1.59   Cyborg DAO

Website: https://twitter.com/cyborgDAO

One liner: Cyborg DAO focuses on creating a singular AI art collection, offering frac- tional ownership through Turing Key memberships.

Description: Cyborg DAO, launched in February 2022, creates a bridge between AI and cryptocurrency by offering Turing Key memberships for fractional ownership of its AI-generated art collection, utilizing blockchain for transparent and secure transactions within this emerging crypto collectibles market.

3.1.60   DAOstack

Website: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/daostack/

One liner: DAOstack leverages decentralized governance to build collaborative plat- forms and DeFi solutions.

Description: DAOstack provides a framework for decentralized autonomous organi- zations  (DAOs),  focusing on decentralized governance and collaboration tools since  2017, blending AI with crypto to enhance collective decision-making processes. The  project, which includes the Arc governance framework and Alchemy DAO platform, has shifted focus to the Common platform, aiming to leverage open development to  overcome financial challenges and advance market entry.

3.1.61   Deep Value NFT

Website: https://deepnftvalue.com/

One  liner: DeepNFTValue leverages machine learning to provide precise, unbiased NFT valuations, fostering transparency and efficiency in DeFi lending and trading.

Description: DeepNFTValue is an AI-driven startup leveraging machine learning to  value non-fungible tokens (NFTs) across collections such as CryptoPunks, Bored Ape, and more, enhancing accuracy in DeFi trading and lending. With $ 4 million in seed  funding, it focuses on reducing biases in NFT valuation by expanding its AI capabili- ties, including significant investment in GPU hardware for deep-learning computations  within the cryptocurrency market.

3.1.62   DefiLabs

Website: https://twitter.com/defilabs_farm?lang=en

One  liner: DefiLabs: Revolutionizing finance with AI-driven DeFi solutions on the BSC chain.

Description: DefiLabs introduces an AI-driven decentralized platform on the Binance Smart Chain, focusing on optimizing DeFi investment strategies through AI-managed portfolios and high-yield liquidity pool investments. This project, secured by CertiK and  Cyberscope audits, leverages AI for dynamic asset allocation and quantitative trading algorithms, aiming to significantly improve investment outcomes in the DeFi sector.

3.1.63   Defined AI

Website: https://www.ibm.com/topics/blockchain-ai

One liner: Defined AI encompasses the integration of AI algorithms within blockchain ecosystems to enhance data security, automate tasks, and provide transparent, efficient processes across various industries.

Description: Defined AI combines artificial intelligence with blockchain to ensure data integrity, automate complex transactions, and enhance decision-making across various sectors, including healthcare and finance. This approach leverages blockchain’s immutability to address key AI challenges such as data security and transparency, fa- cilitating the development of scalable, efficient, and trustworthy AI applications and data economies.

3.1.64    Defudge

Website:     https://www.reddit.com/r/HIMYM/comments/qmeoqm/marshalls_per-fume/

One liner: Defudger: Battling digital manipulation with AI and blockchain

Description: Defudger, a Berlin-based tech startup founded in 2019, leverages AI and blockchain technology to develop a detection system that verifies digital content’s au- thenticity, targeting deepfakes and manipulated media to combat misinformation and bolster online trust.

3.1.65   Delysium

Website: https://www.delysium.com/

One  liner: Delysium, merging AI and Crypto, is pioneering the AI-Powered Web3 domain with a focus on creating AI-Twins and a comprehensive digital ecosystem.

Description: Delysium combines AI and cryptocurrency by allowing users to create  AI-Twins and integrates these with the AI-Powered Web3 Operating System, Lucy, to enrich virtual social interactions and economic activities. It leverages blockchain  technology to secure and enhance the functionality of AI agents, like Lucy, aiming to  seamlessly integrate AI into daily life and tasks.

3.1.66    Desilo

Website: https://www.buffalorising.com/2011/01/venus-de-silo/

One   liner:    Desilo   integrates   homomorphic    encryption   for   privacy-preserving COVID-19 contact tracing.

Description: Desilo employs homomorphic encryption within a blockchain framework to enhance privacy and security for digital interactions, specifically focusing on a Pri- vacy-Oriented Technique for Epidemic Contact Tracing (PROTECT) protocol. This protocol confidentially manages COVID-19 contact tracing location data, allowing for the computation of exposure risks without compromising individual privacy, showcas- ing a potential model for broader secure and private digital applications.

3.1.67   Echelon Prime

Website: https://echelon.io/

One liner: Echelon Prime harnesses the power of AI and crypto to revolutionize Web3 gaming with its native PRIME token, advancing novel gaming models and economies.

Description: Echelon Prime merges artificial intelligence with blockchain to foster a  Web3 gaming ecosystem, utilizing the PRIME token for seamless, blockchain-enhanced  gaming experiences. The project illustrates AI’s capability to revolutionize in-game  economies and engagement, through its pioneering application in Parallel TCG, while  asserting a strong market position in leveraging AI and big data across gaming, NFTs, and DeFi sectors.

3.1.68   enqAI

Website: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/enqai

One  liner: enqAI: Unleashing the potential of uncensored and unbiased AI in the crypto sphere.

Description:   enqAI,   previously   noiseGPT,   merges   artificial   intelligence   with blockchain technology on the Ethereum platform, emphasizing an uncensored AI ap- proach within decentralized finance  (DeFi). It showcases active market engagement with a supply of 970 million tokens, highlighting the initiative to blend AI’s generative capabilities with blockchain’s security and transparency.

3.1.69   exaBITS

Website: https://www.exabits.ai/

One liner: Accelerating crypto and AI applications through cost-effective, high-per- formance GPU compute.

Description: ExaBITS utilizes an extensive GPU network, including NVIDIA H 100 s, to offer affordable accelerated computing for AI model training and inference specifi- cally within the cryptocurrency sector. Through this approach, exemplified by Nebula  Block’s 71% cost reduction and 30% performance increase, the project aims to enhance  the efficiency and reduce the financial barriers for incorporating AI into blockchain  applications.

3.1.70   Ezkl

Website: https://github.com/zkonduit/ezkl

One liner: Ezkl: A pioneering Zero-Knowledge Inference tool for private and secure AI computations on the blockchain.

Description: Ezkl is a tool and library for integrating deep learning models with  Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP), specifically zk-SNARK, allowing users to verify com- putations, such as neural network operations, on both private and public data without  revealing the data itself. This integration supports the secure and private execution  of AI tasks within blockchain environments, notably Ethereum, and facilitates confi- dential verification for decentralized finance (DeFi) and machine learning applications, with prospects for trustless machine learning inferences and on-chain rewards.

3.1.71   Fact Protocol

Website: https://fact.technology/

One liner: Decentralized fact-checking and misinformation combat platform leverag- ing AI and blockchain technologies.

Description: Fact Protocol combines AI and blockchain technology to establish a decentralized system for combating fake news, utilizing AI-driven fact-checking and blockchain’s transparency to ensure information integrity. It leverages token incentives for community participation in verifying content, supporting scalability, privacy, and multi-chain functionality, while introducing governance features to enable community- driven project direction via FACT DAO.

3.1.72   FATE federated learning

Website: https://fate.fedai.org/

One  liner: Empowering secure and efficient federated learning with AI and crypto technologies.

Description: FATE is an open-source framework that enhances federated learning through the use of advanced cryptographic techniques, including partial homomorphic encryption, to secure data while allowing for computational operations on encrypted data—significantly improving efficiency and reducing costs. Its integration with Intel® IPP-Cryptography libraries and focus on data privacy positions it asaneffective tool for deploying AI in sectors requiring strict data confidentiality without centralizing sensi- tive information, demonstrating a practical fusion of AI methodologies with blockchain and cryptography principles.

3.1.73   Fellowship AI

Website: https://www.fellowship.ai/

One liner: Fellowship AI is bridging the gap between AI, blockchain technology, and digital photography through NFTs.

Description: Fellowship AI is leveraging AI and blockchain technology to transform the digital photography landscape by providing a platform for artists to mint, showcase, and manage their works as NFTs, while also offering insights into blockchain best practices and sustainability measures. This initiative emphasizes the synergy between AI and crypto to innovate within the digital art sector, particularly through the use of NFTs for art representation and distribution.

3.1.74   Fetch.AI

Website: https://fetch.ai/

One liner: Fetch.AI - Democratizing AI through a Decentralized Machine Learning Platform.

Description: Fetch.AI integrates blockchain with artificial intelligence to form a de- centralized machine learning network, enabling universal access to AI through a per- missionless ecosystem. It uses autonomous software agents for economic activities such as DeFi trading and energy management, underpinned by the FET token to facilitate transactions and incentivize participation, epitomizing innovation in merging crypto with AI.

3.1.75   Filecoin

Website: https://filecoin.io/

One liner: Decentralized storage network for humanity’s most important information. Description: Filecoin is a blockchain-based network offering decentralized data stor- age, utilizing its cryptocurrency, FIL, to incentivize storage space sharing, aiming to

enhance web security and efficiency by reducing dependency on centralized storage solutions. It integrates with the Interplanetary File System (IPFS) to optimize data storage and retrieval processes.

3.1.76   Flare Network

Website: https://flare.network/

One liner: Flare Network leverages AI and blockchain to deliver decentralized, secure, and scalable data solutions.

Description: Flare Network integrates AI with cryptocurrency through its Flare Time  Series Oracle (FTSO) and State Connector, offering decentralized data feeds and secure, trustless data usage from various blockchains and the internet within smart contracts. This facilitates the development of AI-driven decentralized applications (dApps) and  services, ensuring data integrity and broadening blockchain technology’s utility and  scalability.

3.1.77   Flock.io

Website: https://flock.io/

One liner: FLock.io: Revolutionizing privacy-preserving AI on blockchain with feder- ated learning.

Description: FLock.io utilizes blockchain technology to create a decentralized plat- form for AI training, where users contribute to federated learning without compromis- ing their data privacy. It rewards contributions with cryptocurrency, integrating AI  development with the DeFi ecosystem and exploring advanced areas such as BTC GPT, GameFi MBTI, and Zero-Knowledge Machine Learning (ZKML), thereby melding AI’s  capabilities with blockchain’s security and decentralization.

3.1.78   Flower federated learning

Website: https://flower.dev/

One liner: Empowering federated learning in diverse environments through the Flower Framework, compatible with AI and blockchain.

Description: Flower enables federated learning on decentralized devices to enhance data  privacy  and  security  for  AI,  supporting  various  ML  frameworks  like  Tensor- Flow and PyTorch for technology-agnostic implementation. Its interoperability with blockchain  technologies  positions  it  to  advance  privacy-preserving  AI  applications within decentralized finance and security, showcasing the convergence of AI and crypto through secure, decentralized data management.

3.1.79   Fluence

Website: https://fluence.network/

One  liner:  Decentralized  serverless platform computing marketplace, leveraging blockchain for Web 3.0.

Description: Fluence is a decentralized, serverless computing platform that facilitates the development of AI-driven applications by merging blockchain technology with ar- tificial intelligence. It aims to democratize computing resources through a secure, scal- able ecosystem, underscored by a token economy, which encourages innovation at the intersection of AI and crypto, enhancing the efficiency and security of decentralized applications.

3.1.80   Flux

Website: https://runonflux.io/

One liner: Flux enables decentralized Web 3.0 applications, combining AI compute solutions, cryptocurrency, and a global computational network.

Description: Flux operates a decentralized computational network that integrates AI and crypto, utilizing its POW cryptocurrency, FLUX, to support the development and deployment of DApps with an emphasis on AI compute solutions. It introduces

FluxCore for AI computations and employs Proof of Useful Work to enhance GPU ef- ficiency for AI tasks, within an infrastructure boasting over 15, 000 nodes and extensive computational resources, marking it as a notable bridge between blockchain and AI technologies.

3.1.81   Fraction AI

Website: https://ae.linkedin.com/company/fraction-ai

One liner: Supercharge your AI with human-powered data at a fraction of the cost.   Description: Fraction AI streamlines AI model training by providing high-quality hu- man-generated data, integrating the efficiency of cryptocurrency mechanisms for more

effective and cost-efficient AI development across multiple sectors. This approach accel- erates AI adoption andrefinement, particularly within the crypto industry, by ensuring the availability of optimized datasets.

3.1.82   Futureverse AI League

Website: https://www.futureverse.com/

One liner: Futureverse AI League is revolutionizing the gaming industry by merging AI-driven gameplay with collectible crypto assets in an open metaverse ecosystem.

Description: Futureverse AI League merges AI-driven sports gaming with a decen- tralized cryptocurrency framework, leveraging the Altered State Machine (ASM) Pro- tocol for the ownership, training, and exchange of AI football team assets. This inte- gration fosters strategic gameplay and asset collection within a broader metaverse and blockchain technology context, highlighting the intersection of artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency.

3.1.83    Gensyn

Website: https://www.gensyn.ai/

One liner: Decentralised machine learning compute protocol to democratize AI devel- opment.

Description: Gensyn integrates AI and blockchain technology to create a decentralized  global supercluster for machine learning, facilitating peer-to-peer access to computa- tional resources and reducing reliance on major tech providers. This approach democ- ratizes AI development by enabling global device participation in AI training processes, promoting a more accessible and equitable distribution of computational power.

3.1.84    Gepetto

Website: https://eprint.iacr.org/2014/976.pdf

One liner: Geppetto enables secure, verifiable crypto computations with dramatic ef- ficiency improvements.

Description: Geppetto enhances secure computation outsourcing through the inte- gration of verifiable computation protocols and Multi QAPs, drastically reducing both the cost and overhead associated with generating and sharing proofs in cryptographic systems. This project merges AI and cryptographic efficiencies by optimizing proof gen- eration time and costs via energy-saving circuits and a scalable compiler that processes LLVM code, positioning it at the forefront of secure, outsourced computation and data sharing in the AI x Crypto space.

3.1.85    Giza

Website: https://www.gizatech.xyz/

One liner: Giza is revolutionizing the AI x Crypto space by enabling seamless inte- gration of AI with blockchain technologies.

Description: Giza combines AI and blockchain technology to enable the development and management of secure, scalable machine learning models on decentralized appli- cations, enhancing Web3 integrations with a focus on privacy through zero-knowledge proofs and optimized datasets for ML, thus advancing AI-driven solutions in the crypto space.

3.1.86   Glif

Website: https://www.glif.io/en

One liner: GLIF - Decentralized finance hub for the Filecoin ecosystem, facilitating liquid Filecoin leasing and offering a suite of Filecoin infrastructure tools.

Description: GLIF merges AI and crypto within the Filecoin network, offering decen- tralized finance solutions through tools such as a web wallet, multisig wallet, Filecoin nodes, an autonomous notary service, and an FEVM-enabled block explorer. Its flag- ship, GLIF Pools, introduces DeFi protocols to the Filecoin ecosystem, focusing on FIL staking for increased liquidity and supporting the expansion of a decentralized storage- based open data economy through smart contracts.

3.1.87   Golem Network

Website: https://golem.network/

One liner: Decentralized Computing for Everyone

Description: Golem Network offers a peer-to-peer marketplace that utilizes global, unused computing power to support AI projects and complex computations at scale, significantly reducing dependency on centralized cloud services. By integrating its native token, $GLM, for transactions, Golem facilitates a balanced exchange between computing power providers and users, enhancing the AI x Crypto ecosystem.

3.1.88   GPU.net

Website: https://gpu.net/

One liner: Decentralized GPU infrastructure revolutionizing Generative AI, 3D, and Web3 by offering computing resources for AI model training, 3D rendering, VFX, and more.

Description: GPU.net is a decentralized network providing essential GPU infrastruc- ture to address shortages and high costs in the AI sector, particularly for tasks like  generative AI training, and 3D rendering, while also supporting cryptocurrency mining. It aims to democratize access to high-performance computing through services such  as 3D conversion tools and an open-source LLM library, enhancing data privacy and  efficiency in the AI x Crypto space through decentralized operations and token-based  resource prioritization.

3.1.89   GPU.net

Website: https://gpu.net/

One liner: Decentralized GPU infrastructure revolutionizing Generative AI, 3D, and Web3 by offering computing resources for AI model training, 3D rendering, VFX, and more.

Description: GPU.net is a decentralized network providing essential GPU infrastruc- ture to address shortages and high costs in the AI sector, particularly for tasks like  generative AI training, and 3D rendering, while also supporting cryptocurrency mining. It aims to democratize access to high-performance computing through services such  as 3D conversion tools and an open-source LLM library, enhancing data privacy and  efficiency in the AI x Crypto space through decentralized operations and token-based  resource prioritization.

3.1.90   GPUtopia

Website: https://gputopia.ai/beta

One liner: GPUtopia is revolutionizing the GPU market by creating a decentralized marketplace for buying and selling GPU compute power, leveraging Bitcoin transac- tions.

Description: GPUtopia is a decentralized platform that leverages the intersection of AI and cryptocurrency by enabling users to rent out or purchase GPU computing power with Bitcoin. This initiative aims to alleviate the current GPU shortage and distributecomputing resources more equitably, supporting a variety of tasks from Bitcoin mining to AI processing on a global mesh network.

3.1.91    Grass

Website: https://www.getgrass.io/

One liner: Grass: Revolutionizing AI Training with Decentralized Web Data Accessi- bility.

Description: Grass by Wynd Network is a decentralized web scraping platform that utilizes unused internet bandwidth from users to generate datasets for AI training, en- suring fair compensation through network ownership. This system leverages residential IP addresses to overcome data scraping restrictions, supporting efficient AI research while prioritizing security and ethical data collection practices.

3.1.92   HeraAggregator

Website: https://twitter.com/heraaggregator?lang=en

One liner: AI-Powered Multichain Dex Aggregator offering the best swap rates.

Description: HeraAggregator, operating as Hera Finance, is an AI-enhanced DEX  aggregator that optimizes swap transactions across multiple chains by intelligently link- ing AMM pools, offering features like best-rate access, efficient large trade handling, and a zero-slippage guarantee through its Hera Guard. Additionally, it incorporates  an AI-driven Vault Manager for equitable swap fee distribution within its ecosystem, positioning itself as an accessible, high-value swapping platform for DeFi users, with  the HERA token facilitating governance and additional benefits.

3.1.93   Humans.ai

Website: https://humans.ai/

One  liner:  Empowering  the  creation  and  governance  of  ethical  AI  on  a  scalable blockchain platform.

Description: Humans.ai merges AI and blockchain technology to enhance human po- tential ethically, leveraging a Proof of Human mechanism and AI tools for user-gener- ated projects, including the pioneering use of AI NFTs for idea security and governance on the blockchain. The ecosystem allows for diverse applications such as metaverse avatar creation and utilizes the $HEART token to fund AI innovations, all within a framework emphasizing community, transparent AI use, and ethical standards.

3.1.94   Hume

Website: https://www.wearehume.com/

One liner: Hume leverages AI Crypto for creating and promoting virtual music ‘metastars’ in the Metaverse, redefining fan-artist relationships through NFTs.

Description: Hume integrates AI and cryptocurrency to reimagine the digital music scene by developing virtual ‘metastars’ and leveraging NFTs to enable direct fan en- gagement and investment in artists’ success. This approach not only facilitates unique artist-fan relationships but also innovates in music production, consumption, and mon- etization by blending virtual performances with real-world value, highlighted by their $ 11.7 million Series A funding.

3.1.95   Hyperbolic

Website: https://hyperbolicprotocol.com/

One liner: Hyperbolic Protocol is revolutionizing DeFi through an AI-powered, 100% on-chain collateralized lending platform.

Description:  Hyperbolic  Protocol  leverages  the  cutting-edge  synergy  of  AI  and  blockchain technology to offer a unique DeFi solution. By automating variable APRs  and using Uniswap V3 Time-Weighted Average Prices (TWAPs) for collateral valuation, it provides an innovative approach for borrowers to leverage their crypto assets without  selling. Investors can earn yield in ETH directly proportional to their HYPE token  holdings, influenced by protocol fees generated from loan repayments and borrowing  activities. Hyperbolic Protocol’s AI-driven system aims to enhance yield maximization, ensuring protocol sustainability and growth by dynamically adjusting to market con- ditions.

3.1.96   Hypercycle

Website: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/hypercycle/

One liner: HyperCycle is revolutionizing the blockchain and AI space with its layer 0++ architecture designed for high-speed, cost-efficient AI microservices execution.

Description: HyperCycle introduces a Layer 0++ blockchain architecture optimized for efficient and cost-effective on-chain AI microservices, leveraging TODA/IP’s ledger- less technology and SingularityNET’s Proof of Reputation system for enhanced security and scalability. This platform aims to support decentralized AI applications, including swarm AI and decentralized finance, by improving interoperability and processing ca- pabilities across different blockchain networks.

3.1.97   HyperOracle

Website: https://twitter.com/hyperoracle?lang=en

One liner: HyperOracle redefines smart contracts with zkOracles, integrating AI for next-gen DeFi and on-chain machine learning.

Description: HyperOracle integrates AI with cryptocurrency by enhancing smart con- tracts with Zero-Knowledge Oracles  (zkOracles), facilitating the development of ad- vanced decentralized finance (DeFi) applications and on-chain machine learning. This  approach, using opML for large-scale AI models on the blockchain and collaborating  with Polygon CDK for deploying the zkOracle protocol, ensures decentralized, secure, and trustworthy AI-powered applications with a focus on verifiable transparency and  on-chain execution.

3.1.98   ImgnAI

Website: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/image-generation-ai/

One liner: ImgnAI: Revolutionizing consumer AI with an unlimited canvas for cre- ativity.

Description: ImgnAI merges AI with cryptocurrency by introducing Nai, a versatile AI-powered text-to-image bot designed for platforms like Telegram, Discord, and a Web app, enabling users to create diverse images through text commands. This pro- ject emphasizes global accessibility, community-driven support, and a commitment to responsible content moderation, aiming to democratize access to generative AI tech- nologies.

3.1.99   Immutable X

Website: https://www.immutable.com/

One liner: Immutable X is revolutionizing Web3 gaming through scalable, secure, and eco-friendly blockchain technology.

Description: Immutable X, a layer-two scaling solution for NFTs on Ethereum uti- lizing zk-rollups, enhances scalability and reduces gas costs, enabling instant, zero-fee  minting and trading of NFTs. This platform facilitates a seamless, eco-friendly ecosys- tem for gamers and developers, supporting secure and efficient creation, distribution, and exchange of digital assets, while integrating with major marketplaces to improve  the Web3 gaming experience.

3.1.100   Ingonyama

Website: https://www.ingonyama.com/

One liner: Ingonyama pioneers in Zero Knowledge Hardware Acceleration, redefining cryptographic security from software to silicon.

Description: Ingonyama is developing the world’s first Zero Knowledge Processing Unit (ZPU) to accelerate ZK proofs, tackling computational challenges by blending various disciplines for improved data security, scalability, and sovereignty in the ITecosystem. This effort, supported by leading industry builders, aims to make ZK tech- nology more accessible and efficient.

3.1.101   Innodata

Website: https://innodata.com/

One liner: Innodata leverages artificial intelligence and human expertise to solve com- plex data engineering challenges, fueling data-centric AI initiatives.

Description: Innodata integrates AI with crypto by providing AI-enabled software  platforms and managed services, focusing on generating AI training data and building, maintaining, and augmenting AI and ML models. Their approach combines human- operated tools with active learning, enhancing operational efficiencies and impacting  the AI lifecycle across different domains.

3.1.102   Inworld

Website: https://inworld.ai/

One liner: Inworld AI revolutionizes gaming with dynamically adaptive, AI-driven NPCs, enhancing player engagement and narrative immersion.

Description: Inworld AI develops AI-driven Non-Player Characters (NPCs) for games, utilizing advanced machine learning to enable these NPCs to adapt to player behaviors  and create more immersive, evolving virtual environments. This technology enhances  game player engagement and developer revenue by creating deeper, interactive expe- riences, and has gained significant investment, reflecting its potential impact on the  future of gaming and interactive entertainment within the crypto space.

3.1.103   IORNA

Website:   https://investors.ironmountain.com/news-and-events/press-releases/press-release-details/2020/Keevo-Announces-Strategic-Partnership-with-Iron-Mountain-to-    Protect-Crypto-Currency-Users-and-Their-Heirs/default.aspx

One liner: Combining cutting-edge security and privacy for crypto asset management and inheritance through innovative hardware and strategic partnerships.

Description: IORNA, in partnership with Keevo and Iron Mountain, introduces a  solution for secure cryptocurrency asset management, utilizing AI-enhanced hardware  wallets with multi-factor authentication and a novel beneficiary service. This system, featuring the Keevo Model 1 wallet and Carbon Key™ technology, emphasizes secure, inheritance-friendly crypto asset storage, leveraging Iron Mountain’s air-gapped facili- ties for added security, thereby merging AI with crypto to enhance asset security and  ease of access for owners and their heirs.

3.1.104   IOTeX

Website: https://iotex.io/

One liner: IoTeX - Connecting Real World to Web3 with a focus on empowering IoT and smart devices through blockchain technology.

Description: IoTeX is developing a blockchain platform for the Internet of Things  (IoT), aiming to merge physical and digital worlds by enabling secure and decentralized  IoT applications and smart devices. Their work includes a collaboration with Solana for  real-time device analytics and the creation of a confidential computing hardware stack, contributing to the establishment of decentralized private IoT networks essential for  advancing AI within the cryptocurrency sector. This infrastructure supports decentral- izedidentities, secure hardware, and real-world data oracles like Pebble, enhancing AI’s  capability to securely interact with real-world data for applications including NFTs, weather derivatives, and machine learning-powered mining.

3.1.105   IPFS

Website: https://ipfs.tech/

One  liner: IPFS is revolutionizing the way data is stored and accessed, offering a decentralized solution for resilient, efficient, and censorship-resistant data sharing.

Description: IPFS integrates AI and crypto by providing a decentralized storage so- lution that ensures data integrity for AI applications, facilitating secure and efficient data sharing and model training. Its decentralized nature supports AI-driven DeFi applications, improves resilience against censorship, and promotes cooperative model training and sharing, enhancing both AI and crypto ecosystems.

3.1.106   Iq.net

Website:       https://medium.com/@Enedyyyyy/iqnet-is-a-cryptocurrency-exchange-with-a-unique-technology-of-liquidity-pooling-976004 db 170 a

One liner: IQNET offers a revolutionary liquidity pooling technology for a seamless cryptocurrency exchange experience.

Description: IQNET integrates AI with cryptocurrency through its Liquidity Ex- change Network (LEN) technology, consolidating orders from multiple exchanges into a singular order book to optimize liquidity and improve market pricing. This synergy facilitates tighter spreads, more competitive pricing, and broadens user access to crypto transactions via user-friendly desktop and mobile applications, addressing the critical issue of liquidity fragmentation in the cryptocurrency market.

3.1.107   JACKAL

Website: https://www.jackalprotocol.com/

One liner: Jackal Protocol leverages blockchain technology to offer decentralized, on- chain data storage with enhanced interoperability and security.

Description: Jackal Protocol employs blockchain technology for decentralized data storage, emphasizing secure, on-chain management of data permissions and ownership through an application-specific blockchain. Its architecture promotes interoperability across ecosystems, enhancing the application of AI in crypto by ensuring secure data access and transfer for various uses, including DeFi.

3.1.108   Kaito

Website: https://www.kaito.ai/

One liner: Kaito, the ultimate Web3 Information Platform leveraging Next-Gen AI capabilities for actionable insights in crypto.

Description: Kaito leverages artificial intelligence to create a specialized search engine  for the crypto sector, consolidating a wide array of data from social platforms, forums, industry research, and onchain sources for enhanced investment decision-making and  market analysis. By integrating large language models with crypto-specific information, it offers users quick, insightful analyses, streamlining the investment process in the  dynamic digital asset market with $ 5.5 million in Series-A funding and a valuation of $ 87.5 million.

3.1.109   KingDefi

Website: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/kingdefi/

One liner: KingDeFi - A dual-role DeFi project offering analytics, monitoring, and optimized yield farming on BSC and Solana.

Description: KingDeFi merges AI-driven analytics and DeFi yield optimization on the Binance Smart Chain and Solana networks, providing users with tools like a liquid- ity pool search engine and portfolio tracking while enabling earning through KROWN tokens via liquidity provision and staking. Its standout feature is an automated recom- mendation system for yield-generating platforms based on wallet contents, supported by a comprehensive dashboard of key DeFi metrics, thus serving as an analytical bridge for effective DeFi strategy execution.

3.1.110   KnownOrigin

Website: https://knownorigin.io/

One  liner: Discover, sell, and collect rare digital art NFTs with KnownOrigin, an innovative platform blending art with blockchain technology.

Description: KnownOrigin is an NFT platform that integrates blockchain technol- ogy with digital art, offering tools like ‘Creator Contracts’ for artists to mint and selltokenized artwork directly on blockchain, thereby enhancing digital art security and marketability within the web3 ecosystem.

3.1.111   Koii Network

Website: https://www.koii.network/

One liner: Koii Network revolutionizes AI x Crypto through decentralized, commu- nity-powered data and compute sharing.

Description: The Koii Network integrates AI and blockchain technology to create a cost-efficient, distributed cloud environment for AI model training and digital content creation. It uses attention-tracking NFTs for fair remuneration, leverages consumer devices for a global compute-sharing marketplace, and employs ORCA technology for supporting diverse frameworks and languages, establishing an eco-conscious and cre- ator-friendly platform for AI development in the crypto domain.

3.1.112   Kryll

Website: https://www.kryll.io/

One liner: Kryll.io - Revolutionizing Crypto Trading with Automated Strategies.

Description: Kryll.io is an AI-enhanced platform that simplifies automated crypto trading by allowing users to create, share, and deploy strategies using a drag-and-drop interface with zero coding required, supported by a marketplace for renting andoffering strategies across major exchanges. This approach underscores the synergy between AI tools and cryptocurrency trading, making advanced techniques more accessible.

3.1.113   Kudos

Website: https://www.cudos.org/

One liner: CUDOS is a scalable blockchain that integrates cloud and blockchain for AI and Web3 applications.

Description: CUDOS integrates cloud computing with blockchain through a decen- tralized platform on the Cosmos ecosystem, offering scalable solutions for AI, the meta- verse, and Web3 via a proof-of-stake Layer 1. It enables smart contracts, NFT deploy- ment, and Oracle connections through a vast user network, emphasizing sustainability with its 100% carbon-neutral operation.

3.1.114    Lasso Labs

Website: https://twitter.com/lasso_labs?lang=en

One liner: Lasso Labs is revolutionizing NFT utility by building data products for the next generation of the internet, leveraging AI and crypto.

Description: Lasso Labs has raised $ 4.2 M to merge AI and blockchain technologies, aiming to transform NFTs from speculative assets to vital components of digital identity  and commerce by developing data products that enhance their utility and integration  into the digital ecosystem. This approach positions them as a key player in shaping the  future interaction with digital objects through advanced analysis of market trends and  NFT functionalities.

3.1.115   Lilypad

Website: https://github.com/bacalhau-project/lilypad

One liner: Lilypad establishes a decentralized GPU network for running AI workloads effortlessly, integrated with blockchain for transaction management.

Description: Lilypad leverages blockchain technology to allow users to conduct AI tasks on a decentralized network of GPU resources, offering CLI and web interfaces for engaging with AI models and executing jobs securely through smart contracts. This platform integrates AI and crypto by enabling decentralized computing, supporting advanced AI applications, and facilitating contributions to the web3 ecosystem with potential in AI inference, machine learning, and scientific research.

3.1.116   Lindy AI Agent

Website:    https://www.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/14u4gbi/has_anyone_ found_an_ai_tool_that  is  a  true/

One liner: Lindy AI is advancing the forefront of AI personal assistants in the cryp- tocurrency and DeFi sectors.

Description: Lindy AI combines AI and blockchain technologies to enhance personal assistant functionalities, providing data analysis, secure storage, and tailored DeFi and cryptocurrency advice. Leveraging advanced GPT models, the project aims to stream- line complex tasks andoffer real-time insights in the crypto domain, under the guidance of CEO Flo Crivello.

3.1.117   Lumino AI

Website: https://www.luminolabs.ai/

One liner: Decentralized compute protocol for cost-effective AI model training.

Description: Lumino AI introduces a decentralized network for machine learning model training, directly connecting AI developers with GPU compute providers to cut training costs by 50-70% and leveraging cryptographic proofs for the traceability and accountability of data and models. Its censorship-resistant framework promotes devel- oper freedom, particularly in restrictive regimes, and diminishes central control risks.

3.1.118   Luppet AI Agent

Website: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-puppet-to-manage-your-server-infrastructure

One liner: Luppet AI Agent not found in the context of Crypto x AI.

Description: The ‘Luppet AI Agent’ does not appear in the intersection of AI and Cryptocurrency within top search results, which primarily reference Puppet, a server automation tool unrelated to AI x Crypto, indicating a lack of relevant information about the project in this specific context.

3.1.119   Magick

Website: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/magic-token/

One liner: MAGIC token powers the decentralized Treasure Metaverse - connecting games, communities, and NFTs on Ethereum’s Layer 2.

Description: MAGIC is a utility token that underpins the Treasure Metaverse—an  Arbitrum-based, decentralized gaming and NFT ecosystem facilitating cross-game cur- rency usage and NFT transactions within a unified Web 3.0 environment. It functions as  a key economic instrument across multiple games, including the flagship Bridgeworld, to enhance user interactivity and connectivity within this digital framework.

3.1.120   Matrix AI Network

Website: https://www.matrix.io/

One  liner: Matrix AI Network is pioneering the integration of AI and blockchain, stepping into a future synergized through neuroscience with Matrix 3.0.

Description: Matrix AI Network combines artificial intelligence with blockchain tech- nology to enhance transaction speed, security, and ease of use, notably with the intro- duction of Matrix 3.0, which integrates AI, blockchain, and neuroscience for a self- evolving AI platform that supports secure data handling and transparent sharing, along with democratizing access to on-chain AI resources and pioneering Avatar Intelligence (AvI), where digital and human consciousness may converge.

3.1.121   Metafide

Website: https://www.metafide.io/

One  liner:  Metafide:  Revolutionizing  Blockchain  Investments  through  AI-powered Analysis and Trading Tools.

Description: Metafide utilizes recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to enhance DeFi by providing AI-powered trading tools, risk management strategies, and impartial digital asset ratings. It aims to improve crypto investment decisions through deep analysis and features like trade automation and asset correlation advisory, striving for a more equitable Web3 economy.

3.1.122   Metropolis

Website: https://metal.build/

One liner: Metropolis: Revolutionizing DAOs with AI-driven smart contract and gov- ernance innovations.

Description: Metropolis integrates AI with blockchain technology to improve DAO  development and management, emphasizing tools for smart contract developers and a  governance model based on expertise. It offers advancements in Ethereum’s security, efficiency, and smart contract capabilities, aiming for a more inclusive and secure digital  environment.

3.1.123   Mimio.ai

Website:    https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/praveena-dhanalakota-disruptive-power-mimios-next-generation

One liner: Revolutionizing personal online presence through AI-driven digital twins.

Description: MIMIO.ai utilizes AI to craft digital twins that encapsulate users’ data and narratives into interactive AI avatars, offering enhanced personalized experiences in entertainment and social media, while pioneering the integration of AI and personal data to transform digital interactions.

3.1.124   Miti

Website: https://www.miti.ai/

One liner: Miti provides a natural language interface based on AI-based LLMs to all of crypto

Description: MITI offers a unique certificate in Blockchain at the community college level, integrating education on distributed ledgers, smart contracts, and cryptocurren- cies, like Bitcoin and Ether, into its curriculum. This approach aims to prepare students for high-demand tech careers by merging the domains of AI and crypto technology.

3.1.125   Modulus

Website: https://www.modulus.xyz/

One  liner:  Modulus  Labs  leverages   ZK-proofs  to  secure  and  verify  AI  on  the blockchain, fostering trust in decentralized applications.

Description: Modulus Labs, emerging from Stanford University, secured $ 6.3 million in seed funding to enhance crypto security through the integration of zero-knowledge proofs (ZK-proofs) and zkML, aiming to validate AI outputs on the blockchain without compromising underlying data. This approach seeks to improve the integrity of AI- generated content, facilitate the integration of AI in web3 applications, and reduce reliance on human governance in the blockchain ecosystem, thereby increasing trans- parency and trust.

3.1.126   Morpheus AI Smart Agents

Website: https://www.morpheusai.org/

One liner: Morpheus AI Smart Agents leverages decentralized technology to make AI accessible in the Web3 ecosystem.

Description: Morpheus AI Smart Agents merges AI and blockchain to offer open- source smart agents that facilitate Web3 access by enabling users to interact with the  blockchain ecosystem (wallets, DApps, smart contracts) through natural language. The  project utilizes a blockchain-based token, MOR, to incentivize development and contri- bution, aiming to make AI-driven Web3 functionalities accessible for mainstream use, including crypto transactions and DeFi services.

3.1.127   Mozaic

Website: https://mozaic.finance/

One liner: Empowering Yield Farming and Liquidity Strategies with AI

Description: Mozaic integrates AI into DeFi, automating and optimizing yield farm- ing and liquidity management across multiple blockchains using the LayerZero protocol, improving user experience and return potential by adapting to market changes in real  time, while maintaining a focus on security and sustainability through collaborations  with key technology and financial partners.

3.1.128   MyShell

Website: https://myshell.ai/

One  liner: MyShell democratizes and decentralizes the creation and staking of AI- native apps, leveraging the power of generative AI.

Description: MyShell integrates AI and cryptocurrency to facilitate the creation and interaction with AI-driven companions, leveraging generative AI models for realistic voice and video engagements. This ecosystem empowers creators to develop AI-native applications efficiently, rewarding innovation through DeFi and fostering a community that contributes to AI, security, and digital asset management sectors.

3.1.129   Nabu DeFi Pricing

Website: https://www.nabu.xyz/

One  liner: Nabu is revolutionizing NFT and DeFi markets by providing the most trusted NFT valuation engine.

Description: Nabu combines artificial intelligence and decentralized finance to provide a sophisticated NFT valuation engine, facilitating transparency and informed decision- making in the Web3 ecosystem for protocols, funds, and auditing firms. Their platform enhances DeFi services by offering insights for improved functionalities in loans, insur- ance, and rentals, supported by a team experienced in blockchain, data science, and technology.

3.1.130   NEAR

Website: https://near.org/

One liner: NEAR Protocol - A Community-Run Cloud Computing Platform That Fosters AI x Crypto Integration.

Description: NEAR Protocol is a layer-one blockchain designed for high transaction speeds, throughput, and interoperability, making it conducive for decentralized applica- tions and AI x Crypto innovations. It distinguishes itself with human-readable account names, the ‘Doomslug’ consensus mechanism for security and efficiency, and initiatives like FastAuth that foster a developer-focused ecosystem for projects integrating AI and cryptocurrency, such as Flux and Mintbase.

3.1.131   Network 3 

Website: https://network3.io/

One liner: Network 3 builds an AI Layer 2 helping AI developers worldwide train or validate models in scale quickly, conveniently, and efficiently powered by Sei Network

Description: Network 3 creates a specialized AI Layer 2 to offer global AI developers services for training and validating their AI models, integrating the functionalities of AI and cryptocurrency technologies.

3.1.132   Neurolanche X Labs

Website: https://twitter.com/neurolanche?lang=en

One liner: Revolutionizing the integration of blockchain and artificial intelligence in the healthcare, education, and NFT space through immersive technologies.

Description: Neurolanche X Labs combines AI and crypto through groundbreaking  research in neuroscience to establish innovative applications in NFTs, virtual reality, healthcare, and education. Their notable achievements include creating Neuroverse, a  VR-based, multi-chain metaverse developed with Unreal Engine 5 for educational and  healthcare purposes, and the evolving Neurolauncher NFT collection, which integratespsychological and sociological dynamics into the crypto ecosystem, aiming to enhance liquidity and the value of the Polkadot and Astar ecosystems.

3.1.133   Nevermined

Website: https://twitter.com/Nevermined_io

One liner: Revolutionizing AI-commerce by providing a payment infrastructure and marketplace for AI apps, agents, and data.

Description: Nevermined focuses on creating a specialized payment infrastructure  for AI-commerce, streamlining the management and processing of payments for AI  developers and applications. It features a Marketplace App on Arbitrum with Smart  Subscriptions that enable the monetization of AI and data assets, alongside collabora- tions that integrate web3 technologies and innovative payment systems for AI agents, enhancing the accessibility and scalability of decentralized AI-commerce.

3.1.134   Nexus Mututal

Website: https://nexusmutual.io/

One liner: Nexus Mutual uses blockchain to democratize insurance, leveraging collec- tive risk assessment and management in the DeFi space.

Description: Nexus Mutual utilizes AI and blockchain technology to offer a decen- tralized mutual insurance protocol within the DeFi sector, focusing on smart contract security and risk assessment using staking pools and NXM tokens to mitigate crypto- related risks. Its effectiveness in managing and responding to incidents like the Euler Finance hack underscores its significant role in enhancing DeFi security.

3.1.135   NFPrompt

Website: https://nfprompt.io/

One liner: NFPrompt: Pioneering the intersection of AI and Crypto through AI-gen- erated NFTs.

Description: NFPrompt combines AI and blockchain technology by enabling users to transform their creative ideas into NFTs through an AI-powered Prompt Artist Platform, which is a first in Web3. The platform supports the creation, trade, and transaction of AI-generated NFTs using its unique cryptocurrency, $cNFP, showcasing a novel integration of AI and crypto in digital art and Web3 adoption.

3.1.136   nil; Foundation

Website: https://nil.foundation/

One liner: #ERROR!

Description: #ERROR!

AI x Crypto Primer

3.1.137   Nimble Composable AI

Website: https://twitter.com/Nimble_Network/status/1750310101578342462

One liner: Nimble Composable AI aims to democratize the exchange of intelligence through a composable, permissionless AI protocol on the blockchain.

Description: Nimble Composable AI introduces a decentralized AI framework focused on composability and interoperability within the blockchain ecosystem, notably in DeFi, DePIN, and GameFi sectors. This framework allows for the combination and reuse of AI models and data, facilitating efficient Ethereum transactions and offering an open data economy, aiming to democratize AI application development and deploy- ment by reducing dependencies on centralized tech powers.

3.1.138    Nosana

Website: https://nosana.io/

One liner: Revolutionizing GPU cloud computing with accessible, affordable compute power for AI on Solana.

Description: Nosana is developing a decentralized GPU cloud computing platform on the Solana blockchain, utilizing the $NOS token to allow users to monetize idle hard- ware and provide affordable AI computation power. This approach facilitates broader access to computational resources, addressing GPU shortages and integrating AI with cryptocurrency to enhance AI process execution.

3.1.139   Numbers Protocol

Website: https://www.numbersprotocol.io/

One liner: Numbers Protocol is revolutionizing provenance and monetization of digital media in blockchain through AI integration.

Description: Numbers Protocol leverages AI and blockchain technology to improve digital media provenance and facilitate content monetization, enabling creators and AI- generated content makers to efficiently verify and monetize their works on its propri- etary blockchain using the NUM token for activities such as NFT minting, content-his- tory tracking, and royalty distribution, while incentivizing engagement through staking pools and rewards.

3.1.140   NumerAI

Website: https://numer.ai/

One liner: Numerai: Harnessing the power of AI and blockchain for a decentralized stock market prediction platform.

Description: Numerai merges AI with blockchain through an Ethereum-based plat- form, decentralizing financial forecasting by rewarding data scientists with Numeraire (NMR) tokens for contributing accurate machine learning models for stock market pre- dictions. Founded in 2015, it operates as a global data science competition aimed at enhancing stock market hedging strategies via collective intelligence.

3.1.141    Oasis Network

Website: https://oasisprotocol.org/

One liner: Oasis Network is a privacy-enabled, scalable layer-1 blockchain designed for DeFi, NFTs, and a secure, privacy-focused Web3.

Description: Oasis Network is a layer-1 blockchain platform designed for Web3 ap- plications, focusing on privacy, scalability, and low costs, and supports diverse projects like DeFi, GameFi, NFTs, and the Metaverse. It integrates advanced privacy features and smart contract flexibility, working with partners like Meta and BMW, to offer a secure and efficient environment for developing private or public decentralized applica- tions, aiming to advance data governance and privacy in Web3 ecosystems.

3.1.142    OctaSpace

Website: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/octaspace/

One  liner:  OctaSpace  leverages  blockchain to  revolutionize distributed computing, data storage, and AI model training.

Description: OctaSpace is a distributed computing platform merging AI and crypto technology to offer cloud storage, decentralized VPN services, and a CPU/GPU re- source rental marketplace, catering to AI model training, gaming, and IoT, with a focus on data privacy through its decentralization. It operates on a unique Layer 1 EVM- compatible blockchain that combines Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Authority consensus mechanisms, aiming to improve network efficiency and scalability while promoting the reuse of idle computing power and enhancing its ecosystem with AI/ML tools and blockchain expansions to bolster the utility of its $OCTA coin.

3.1.143    Octra

Website: https://twitter.com/octrafoundation?lang=en

One liner: Octra - Empowering the future economy with a decentralized, secure, and private network utilizing fully homomorphic encryption and machine learning.

Description: Octra combines cryptocurrency with artificial intelligence to improve digital transaction security and data management using fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) and machine learning (ML), focusing on decentralized cloud storage that ensuresuser data privacy and security through the integration of blockchain, cryptography, and AI.

3.1.144   Onaji

Website: https://onaji.io/

One liner: Onaji leverages AI for blockchain asset market intelligence and art discov- ery in the web3 ecosystem.

Description: Onaji employs machine learning to analyze blockchain data, offering  trader intelligence technology for predicting market trends in digital assets, including  cryptocurrencies and NFTs, thereby aiding in investment decisions. Additionally, it uses  AI to enhance art discovery within the blockchain, particularly in the Tezos ecosystem, by providing search and recommendation tools, bridging the gap between creators and  the community in the web3 space.

3.1.145   One Click Crypto

Website: https://www.oneclick.fi/

One liner: One Click Crypto simplifies DeFi investment by leveraging AI tools for yield optimization and portfolio personalization.

Description: One Click Crypto leverages AI to enhance decentralized finance by of- fering a platform that simplifies yield farming across 20, 000+ DeFi pools, using AI for yield optimization and portfolio management to help users efficiently maximize returns with minimal effort.

3.1.146    OORT

Website: https://www.oortech.com/

One liner: OORT, the decentralized cloud revolutionizing privacy, cost savings, and AI integration across global business operations.

Description: OORT integrates AI with blockchain to provide a privacy-focused de- centralized cloud service, offering substantial cost savings and operational efficiency with a suite of AI solutions, including a generative AI agent builder. Highlighted by partnerships with Lenovo Image and endorsements from Tencent Cloud and Dell Tech- nologies, the platform is supported by a global network of over 30, 544 nodes across 109 countries, demonstrating its scalability and reliability in blending AI with crypto to enhance business operations.

3.1.147    OpenAgents

Website: https://bitcoinnews.com/adoption/openagents-earn-bitcoin-leasing-gpu-for-ai-tasks/

One liner: Revolutionizing the AI x Crypto space by monetizing GPU power for Bit- coin rewards.

Description: OpenAgents, formerly GPUtopia, is a decentralized marketplace that enables users to earn Bitcoin by contributing their idle GPU power for AI computa- tional tasks. It leverages the Bitcoin and Lightning Network to facilitate a cost-effective platform for AI services, aiming to build a community-driven ecosystem for the devel- opment, use, and promotion of AI agents, rewarding participants in Bitcoin for their contributions across the AI agent lifecycle.

3.1.148    OpenOrigins

Website: https://www.openorigins.com/

One  liner: Empowering organizations to secure and validate digital media against synthetic alteration through advanced cryptography and AI-driven verification.

Description: OpenOrigins combines artificial intelligence and blockchain technology to enhance the security and validation of digital media, ensuring the authenticity and integrity of content across various industries by utilizing a blockchain-secured, tamper- proof database to protect against synthetic content and verify the origin and unaltered status of media archives.

3.1.149   Optic.xyz

Website: https://twitter.com/Optic_xyz

One liner: Optic is revolutionizing the NFT space by enhancing trust and safety using AI technology.

Description: Optic.xyz is developing an AI engine to authenticate and secure NFTs by  processing millions of tokens daily for potential counterfeit or copyright issues, aiming  to enhance trust and safety in the digital marketplace. With $ 11 million in seed funding, the company provides a Marketplace Moderation tool for platforms like OpenSea and  plans to offer a public API and additional tools for Web3 developers, NFT creators, and collectors, targeting systemic fraud and trust challenges in the ecosystem.

3.1.150    Oraclize

Website:            https://medium.com/coinmonks/using-apis-in-your-ethereum-smart-contract-with-oraclize-95656434292 e

One  liner:  Oraclize  serves  as  a  bridge to  securely  integrate  real-world  data  into blockchain smart contracts, enhancing DeFi and other blockchain applications with external APIs.

Description: Oraclize serves as a bridge between blockchain oracles and decentral- ized finance (DeFi) by integrating off-chain data, such as financial market APIs and weather information, into on-chain smart contracts. This integration ensures that DeFi platforms and other blockchain applications can operate with real-time, accurate data without sacrificing security or decentralization, thus enabling a variety of trustless in- teractions with real-world data.

3.1.151    Oraichain

Website: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/oraichain-token/

One  liner:  Oraichain  -   the  world’s  first  AI-powered  oracle  and  ecosystem  for blockchains, striving to become the foundational AI Layer 1.

Description: Oraichain integrates artificial intelligence with blockchain technology to serve as the first AI-powered oracle, enhancing smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps) by supplying AI-verified data and aiming to become a pivotal AI-centric Layer 1 blockchain. It offers a diverse ecosystem including AI-driven services such as an AI Marketplace, on-chain Verifiable Random Function (VRF), and AI-en- abled NFT generation, aimed at advancing the functionality and interoperability of smart contracts and DApps.

3.1.152   Orbofi AI

Website: https://www.orbofi.com/

One liner: Orbofi AI, the ultimate AI engine for web3, games, apps, and online com- munities, empowering AI-generated content creation on the blockchain.

Description: Orbofi AI facilitates the decentralization of AI-generated content pro- duction and monetization in web3, gaming, and online communities by allowing users to create, deploy, and monetize AI agents and assets, including 2D game assets and concept art, for crypto payments, supported by its native token, OBI. This ecosystem not only serves as a marketplace but also aims to enhance human creativity by enabling the establishment of virtual factories for consistent asset production, evidenced by its adoption by over 40, 000 users in the web3 space.

3.1.153   Origin Trail

Website: https://origintrail.io/

One liner: OriginTrail - Empowering verifiable, AI-ready Knowledge Assets in a de- centralized knowledge graph.

Description: OriginTrail integrates blockchain and AI to offer a Decentralized Knowl- edge Graph (DKG) that ensures the integrity and provenance of data, enhancing AI capabilities by providing access to a verified information network. This amalgamation aims to improve the efficiency and reliability of AI agents across various industries by establishing a secure, trustworthy foundation for data creation, verification, and querying.

3.1.154   ORT AI Agents

Website:          https://www.coindesk.com/consensus-magazine/2023/06/12/10-ways-crypto-and-ai-can-make-each-other-better-or-maybe-worse/

One liner: ORT AI Agents embody the fusion of decentralized blockchain technologies with advanced artificial intelligence to innovate and secure the crypto landscape.

Description: ORT AI Agents integrate artificial intelligence and blockchain technol- ogy to enhance data analysis, model training, and application development in decen- tralized finance (DeFi) and security protocols. Utilizing the strengths of both AI in data processing and blockchain in security and transparency, this project seeks to improve efficiency and user empowerment in the crypto ecosystem.

3.1.155   PAAL.AI

Website: https://paalai.io

One liner: Harnessing AI and Ethereum blockchain to revolutionize profit sharing and community engagement.

Description: PAAL.AI merges advanced AI technologies, such as natural language understanding and image recognition, with the Ethereum blockchain, offering token- based incentives like profit sharing and discounts on services. This integration facili- tates automated tasks usually requiring human intelligence, while enabling features like governance voting and staking for interest, showcasing a novel application of AI within the crypto ecosystem.

3.1.156   Phala Network

Website: https://phala.network/

One  liner:  Phala  Network is a privacy-preserving, off-chain compute platform for blockchains, leveraging AI and Secure Enclaves (TEEs) for secure, decentralized appli- cations.

Description:  Phala  Network  is  a  decentralized  platform  that  integrates  AI  with blockchain through trusted execution environments like Intel SGX, enhancing the pri- vacy and security of Web3 applications. It introduces ‘Phat Contracts’ for secure off- chain computing and aims to reduce trust dependencies in blockchain with features such as a trustless MEV ecosystem and AI-enhanced functionalities, focusing on scal- ability, interoperability, and privacy.

3.1.157   Pixelynx

Website: https://pixelynx.io/

One liner: Pixelynx is pioneering the integration of AI and blockchain in the music industry.

Description: Pixelynx integrates AI and blockchain technology to transform the dig- ital music industry, facilitating a novel ecosystem that enriches artist-fan interactions and introduces alternative revenue models by leveraging crypto innovations.

3.1.158   Pixia

Website: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/pixiaai/

One liner: PixiaAI combines AI-generated art creation with NFT collection manage- ment and token staking for a comprehensive blockchain experience.

Description: PixiaAI combines AI technology with crypto to allow users to generate art, create and trade NFT collections, and customize staking contracts, offering en- hanced efficiency and profitability through personal NFT staking smart contracts on platforms like OpenSea. The project utilizes AI for developing and managing digital assets, integrating closely with the crypto ecosystem by providing tools for adjusting creator fees, APRs, and token rewards.

3.1.159   PLAI Labs

Website: https://plailabs.com/

One liner: PLAI Labs: Democratizing AI through entertainment, social engagement, and digital ownership in the crypto realm.

Description: PLAI Labs, co-founded by Chris DeWolfe and Aber Whitcomb, lever- ages the synergy between AI and crypto to develop decentralized social platforms and  Web3 games, such as the NFT and AI-enhanced MMORPG, Champions Ascension. With $ 32 M in seed funding from prominent investors like a16z, the company aims to  pioneer in crafting AI-integrated, blockchain-based gaming experiences that promote  digital ownership and community engagement.

3.1.160   Playrix

Website: https://www.podcastgameconsultant.com/tag/playrix/

One liner: AI-powered analytics and personalized content delivery in crypto gaming. Description: The Playrix project, while primarily noted for mobile gaming, has the potential to intersect AI and crypto by employing AI for data analytics to tailor player

experiences and utilizing blockchain for secure in-game transactions, possibly enablingenhanced engagement and novel play-to-earn opportunities through the integration of data-driven strategies and blockchain’s security.

3.1.161   Polywrap

Website: https://www.polywrap.io/

One liner: Empowering peer-to-peer protocols with AI agents for seamless web3 inte- gration and interaction.

Description: Polywrap combines AI with cryptography to enhance peer-to-peer pro- tocol use in the crypto space, streamlining interactions and integrations for developers and users in web3 through projects like evo.ninja, and Unblock, which leverage AI for better usability and practical blockchain application. The initiative also aims to foster a global community around web3 agents that serve practical, societal needs.

3.1.162    Pond Discoveries

Website: https://news.yahoo.com/cube-shaped-creature-24-eyes-200534529.html

One liner: A legendary crypto journey unfolds with Pond Coin in a world where AI meets Crypto.

Description: Pond Discoveries combines AI and crypto through the narrative of ‘The  Mystery of Pond Coin’, where characters explore AI-driven challenges and crypto con- cepts while uncovering the potential of the Pond Coin in a mystical forest setting. This digital tale aims to educate on blockchain and AI technologies through engaging  storytelling.

3.1.163   Powerloom

Website: https://powerloom.io/

One  liner: Powerloom: The Composable Data Network revolutionizing Web3 with Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and Data Availability.

Description: Powerloom is developing a blockchain and AI-powered composable data network aimed at enhancing Web3 applications by enabling developers to build sophis- ticated data applications and improve DeFi experiences through decentralized, consen- sus-based data snapshotting and aggregation. Its alpha-stage product, Boost, facilitates the customization and access to datapoints across EVM chains, promoting a shift to- wards decentralized data accuracy and security, supported by a recent $ 3.1 M funding round to advance cross-chain logic and applications.

3.1.164    Privasea

Website: https://www.privasea.ai/

AI x Crypto Primer

One liner: Privasea: Revolutionizing data privacy and security through Fully Homo- morphic Encryption (FHE) on the blockchain, powered by AI and incentivized with $PRVA tokens.

Description: The Privasea AI Network integrates Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) with blockchain technology to enable secure, encrypted machine learning infer- ences on private datasets, facilitating privacy-compliant data sharing and collaboration within the AI sector. It utilizes a blend of Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake mecha- nisms, incentivized through $PRVA tokens, to ensure efficient and secure data process- ing, aiming to bolster AI development without compromising data privacy.

3.1.165   Privid

Website: https://help.crypto.com/en/articles/3704243-how-to-become-a-crypto-com-private-member

One liner: Privid does not have a direct association with a specific Crypto x AI project based on the provided web search results.

Description: Based on available search results, there is no clear evidence of a project named Privid that directly combines AI and Crypto technologies. The search mainly yields results related to Crypto.com’s private membership benefits, with no explicit connection to a combined AI x Crypto initiative under the name Privid.

3.1.166   PublicAI

Website: https://csrc.nist.gov/Projects/crypto-publication-review-project

One liner: Analyzing the regulatory landscape for crypto assets and its implications for AI integration.

Description: The project explores the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with cryptocurrency within regulatory frameworks, emphasizing data analysis to navigate the regulatory challenges and opportunities identified by the International Monetary Fund for promoting economic stability and responsible development in the AI x Crypto ecosystem.

3.1.167   Pulsr

Website: https://www.pulsr.ai/

One liner: AI-powered discovery platform for onchain artists and collectors.

Description: Pulsr integrates AI with the cryptocurrency sector, focusing on DeFi and art NFTs, to streamline the discovery and connection process between artists and collectors across blockchains like Ethereum, Tezos, and Polygon. It employs AI torefine and personalize the exploration of various art NFT categories, improving user interac- tion and experience within the digital art space.

3.1.168    Qna3

Website: https://qna3.ai/

One liner: Qna3: Revolutionizing knowledge sharing through AI-powered intelligence on the Blockchain.

Description:  Qna3  is  a  platform  that  merges  AI  and  cryptocurrency  to  enhance knowledge exchange in the blockchain realm, employing AI for efficient information curation and incentivization mechanisms like ‘Computility Mining’ and ‘Vote to Earn’ to foster active community participation in the evolving landscapes of DeFi and related technologies.

3.1.169    Quest Labs

Website: https://twitter.com/quest    labs

One  liner:  Quest  Labs specializes in AI-powered user experiences to boost in-app adoption, engagement, and revenue.

Description: Quest Labs combines AI with Crypto to enhance software applications, focusing on improving user adoption, engagement, and revenue through AI-driven per- sonalized insights and intelligent UI components. Their platform supports rapid exper- imentation and data integration, aimed at SaaS founders, to accelerate development  and optimize user journeys.

3.1.170   Ready Player Me

Website: https://readyplayer.me/

One liner: Ready Player Me is intertwining AI and Crypto to revolutionize virtual identity and asset ownership in the Metaverse.

Description: Ready Player Me employs AI, notably Stable Diffusion, for crafting cus- tomizable avatars that enhance user experiences across multiple virtual environments  by  offering  AI-driven  personalization.  Integrating  with  Ethereum-based  blockchain  platforms like Somnium Space, the project enables these avatars to interact within to- kenized virtual spaces, marking a distinct blend of AI and cryptocurrency technologies.

3.1.171   Reclaim Protocol

Website: https://www.reclaimprotocol.org/

One  liner: Reclaim Protocol - Revolutionizing identity and reputation verification through cryptographic proofs without compromising user privacy.

Description: Reclaim Protocol integrates AI and blockchain technology to provide a secure, private verification system for users’ identities and reputations online, utiliz- ing zero knowledge proofs and digital signatures to facilitate decentralized applications such as DeFi and KYC without compromising sensitive information. Its SDK enables connections from over 200 websites, enhancing user experiences through verified online behavior while preserving privacy.

3.1.172   Render Network

Website: https://rendernetwork.com/

One liner: Render Network is a decentralized GPU rendering network, revolutionizing 3D content creation and AI with blockchain technology.

Description: Render Network offers a blockchain-based platform that connects 3D artists and studios with GPU owners to provide scalable and efficient rendering and AI computational resources. Operating on the Ethereum blockchain, the project focuses on enhancing AI-driven content creation and rendering for various applications including media, gaming, and medical, by utilizing decentralized GPU computing power.

3.1.173   Rinzo

Website: https://twitter.com/rinzo?lang=en

One liner: The Renzo Protocol augments Ethereum staking by securing Actively Val- idated Services for enhanced yields.

Description: The Renzo Protocol aims to enhance Ethereum’s staking ecosystem by interfacing with EigenLayer, focusing on elevating yield opportunities through Actively Validated Services within DeFi and Liquid Staking on the Ethereum Mainnet. It uti- lizes a blend of blockchain technology and AI to optimize and profitably streamline staking operations.

3.1.174    Risc 0 

Website: https://www.risczero.com/

One liner: Democratizing Zero-Knowledge technology for enhanced security and effi- cient computation across blockchains.

Description: Risc 0 introduces a unique blend of AI and cryptocurrency by leveraging  Zero-Knowledge (ZK) proofs through its Bonsai technology, a decentralized proving  engine designed to enhance security and enable complex computations on blockchain  technology.  This project offers a scalable, privacy-focused framework for DeFi and  blockchain applications, allowing for the execution of arbitrary Rust code in a secure, verifiable manner without compromising private data.

3.1.175   Ritual

Website: https://ritual.net/blog/introducing-ritual

One liner: Ritual, merging cryptography and AI to revolutionize access and innova- tion in AI models on the blockchain.

Description: Ritual aims to decentralize AI by creating a distributed network where AI model creators can host their models for unrestricted access, backed by crypto- graphic integrity and privacy. It bridges AI with blockchain through its Infernet, al- lowing smart contracts to utilize AI for various applications, targeting to integrate AI functionalities as a core component of the web3 ecosystem.

3.1.176   rnor

Website:         https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinanceindia/comments/15hwkgo/rnor_status_for_returning_us_nri/

One liner: Addressing the unique challenges and solutions for taxing and regulating crypto assets.

Description: The project focuses on utilizing AI to improve the enforcement of tax and regulatory compliance within the cryptocurrency sector by employing advanced data analysis techniques for identifying, classifying, and monitoring crypto transac- tions. This approach leverages AI’s capacity to navigate the pseudonymous and rapidly evolving nature of crypto markets, aiming to detect tax evasion and ensure adherence to regulations.

3.1.177   RoboNet

Website: https://www.robonet.wiki/

One liner: RoboNet bridges AI and Crypto by offering a large-scale open database for robotic learning and AI-powered DeFi vault strategies.

Description: RoboNet integrates robotics AI with cryptocurrency by providing an extensive database for robotic learning and AI-driven DeFi strategies. It offers over 15 million video frames for AI training in robotics and employs advanced machine learning to automate and optimize financial strategies for a diverse range of assets, demonstrat- ing the practical fusion of AI capabilities with cryptocurrency dynamics.

3.1.178    SapienAI

Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/trevorkoverko

One liner: SapienAI leverages the intersection of AI and crypto to innovate within the Web3 space.

Description: SapienAI, led by Trevor Koverko, specializes in merging artificial intelli- gence with cryptocurrency to advance blockchain technologies and improve the crypto ecosystem, emphasizing the creation of secure, transparent, and efficient solutions at the intersection of AI and Web3.

3.1.179    Sardine

Website: https://www.sardine.ai/

One  liner: Sardine is revolutionizing fraud prevention and compliance in the cryp- tocurrency space with AI-driven solutions.

Description: Sardine employs machine learning and generative AI to enhance fraud prevention and compliance for the crypto and fintech industries, ensuring secure, instant transactions by analyzing device intelligence and behavior biometrics. This AI-driven approach, in collaboration with BitPay, facilitates direct cryptocurrency purchases from bank accounts, aiming to mitigate systemic risks and foster trust in digital currency exchanges by accurately identifying fraud and improving transaction safety.

3.1.180    Serp AI

Website: https://twitter.com/serpperpetual?lang=en

One liner: DipSway offers an AI-driven cryptocurrency trading platform enabling both new and experienced traders to automate and optimize their trading strategies.

Description: DipSway merges AI and cryptocurrency to provide an AI-powered trad- ingbot designed for real-time, automated trading based on market analysis, targeting a wide user base with a focus on low-risk strategies and education. The platform ensures high security for users’ accounts and assets, making crypto trading more accessible and intelligible through a user-friendly interface and AI-driven insights into market volatility.

3.1.181    Shoggoth

Website: https://braddelong.substack.com/p/now-is-this-winter-of-our-crypto

One liner: Shoggoth Network facilitates decentralized AI by enabling the sharing of AI resources over a P2P network.

Description: The Shoggoth Network is designed as a decentralized platform utilizing blockchain to facilitate the dissemination and collaborative development of AI resources such as papers, datasets, code, and models through a peer-to-peer network. It employs Git for resource management, promoting global access and innovation in AI by stream- lining the sharing process among developers, researchers, and enthusiasts.

3.1.182    Sia

Website: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/siacoin/

One liner: Decentralized cloud storage platform using blockchain technology.

Description: Sia combines AI and blockchain to provide a decentralized cloud storage platform that uses its native Siacoin for transactions, focusing on privacy and security by distributing encrypted files across multiple nodes, which ensures data safety, avail- ability, and censorship resistance.

3.1.183   SingularityNET

Website: https://singularitynet.io/

One liner: SingularityNET is a decentralized marketplace for AI services, facilitating the creation, sharing, and monetization of AI technologies.

Description: SingularityNET merges artificial intelligence and blockchain to establish a decentralized marketplace for AI services and algorithms, facilitated by the AGIX token used for transactions and governance. It aims to become the Internet’s Knowl- edge Layer by integrating Knowledge Graphs with generative AI, contributing to the development of advanced AI systems, with notable contributions from Dr. Ben Goertzel and connections to the AI robot, Sophia.

3.1.184    Sommelier

Website: https://www.sommelier.finance/

One liner: Sommelier is a non-custodial, cross-chain DeFi platform leveraging AI for automated yield optimization.

Description: Sommelier combines AI and cryptocurrency through a decentralized fi- nance (DeFi) platform that optimizes yields and manages risks in non-custodial, cross- chain  ‘Cellars’  using  AI  strategies  and  off-chain  computation.  It  leverages  its  own blockchain and machine learning to execute complex DeFi strategies across blockchains efficiently, while emphasizing security, decentralization, and community-driven gover- nance through SOMM token holder voting.

3.1.185    Sovrn.art

Website: https://www.sovrn.art/

One liner: Sovrn.art, pioneering the nexus of AI, blockchain art, and DeFi through sovereign artistic expression and curated digital collections.

Description: Sovrn.art is a platform combining AI and cryptocurrency to redefine  digital art creation and ownership, giving artists full control over their contracts and  ownership rights, including royalties. It specializes in curated AI-enabled and crypto- supported art drops, emphasizing collaboration and the use of AI for generating dis- tinctive art narratives and collections, spearheaded by co-founder Pindar Van Arman. This ecosystem supports the integration of generative art with AI innovation, under- lining the role of blockchain technology in transforming art distribution and ownership.

3.1.186    SpacePort

Website: https://www.spaceport.xyz/

One liner: SpacePort - The democratized open IDO platform launching crypto pro- jects to success.

Description: SpacePort combines AI and blockchain technology to offer a secure and open IDO platform, enhancing project fundraising by automating launch processes with a Smart Contract Factory and providing comprehensive pre-launch support. It safeguards investors against market risks and ensures equitable IDO access through a fully on-chain approach, aiming at transparency and fairness in the DeFi ecosystem.

3.1.187    Spectral

Website: https://www.spectral.finance/

One  liner:  Spectral: Powering the Inference Economy with Decentralized Machine Intelligence for Web3

Description: Spectral integrates AI and cryptocurrency by deploying a Machine In- telligence Network that uses zero-knowledge proofs to verify machine learning infer- ences for direct consumption through smart contracts, aiming to enhance the DeFi and blockchain spaces. It fosters a decentralized community of data scientists to solve complex Web3 challenges, securing models through validators and promoting a self- sustaining ecosystem with a revenue-sharing model that incentivizes high-quality, un- biased model development for smart contract applications.

3.1.188    Sphere AI Agents

Website: https://twitter.com/RollmanMining/status/1750240075433083185

One liner: Revolutionizing the Crypto Sphere through Advanced AI Technology.

Description: Fetch.AI integrates AI with cryptocurrency through a Multi-Agent Sys- tem (MAS), enabling Autonomous Economic Agents (AEA) to improve task efficiency  and reduce costs by removing the need for intermediaries, with the goal of automat- ing and transforming various sectors. Meanwhile, Sphere 3D’s acquisition of NuMiner  NM 440 machines signals a move towards becoming a leading carbon-neutral bitcoin  miner, emphasizing the convergence of AI and cryptocurrency in advancing sustainable, decentralized finance and secure blockchain technology.

3.1.189    Spice AI

Website: https://spice.ai/

One liner: Spice.ai accelerates the development of next-gen intelligent software with a focus on leveraging web3 data through AI.

Description: Spice.ai streamlines the development of AI-driven applications in the  crypto and web3 sectors by providing a backend-as-a-service that includes time-series  data management, custom ETL processes, and ML model training and inferencing, all  optimized for petabyte-scale data in web3 development. It reduces the need for deep  data science expertise, facilitating the creation of innovative apps across DeFi, security, and AI agents, thereby advancing the integration of AI with blockchain technologies.

3.1.190    SpruceID

Website: https://spruceid.com/

One liner: SpruceID: Enabling user-controlled identity and data across digital inter- actions, fostering a privacy-forward ecosystem in the blockchain space.

Description: SpruceID combines AI and blockchain technologies to offer a framework for secure and efficient management of digital credentials, emphasizing user privacy and control. It supports decentralized identity solutions in AI applications, enabling secure, user-managed identity verification and facilitating trusted digital interactions through features like “Sign-In with Ethereum” for improved interoperability and user experience.

3.1.191    StackOS

Website: https://www.stackos.io/

One liner: StackOS is a decentralized cloud (DeCloud) protocol for Web3, enabling deployment  of  apps,  DApps,  blockchain  nodes,  and  more,  seamlessly  integrating blockchain technology with decentralized compute resources.

Description: StackOS is a decentralized cloud platform that simplifies the deployment of applications and blockchain nodes across multiple blockchains (including BSC, Poly- gon, Neo, and Avalanche) through a no-code interface and shell access to Kubernetes clusters, leveraging the STACK token for transactions and governance, allowing users to engage in decision-making and operate as cluster managers.

3.1.192   Stelia Connectivity

Website: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/stelia-io

One liner: Stelia Connectivity: Empowering the AI x Crypto space with ultra-low latency, high-capacity networking solutions.

Description: Stelia Connectivity is developing the world’s first Tier 1 AI network  backbone tailored for hyperscale AI and Crypto demands, offering an elastic, high-speed  network that enables efficient AI model training, inference, and blockchain operations. Their network, enhanced through strategic partnerships, provides agile and scalable connections essential for deploying large language models and supporting the growth of AI and blockchain technologies.

3.1.193    Storj

Website: https://www.storj.io/

One liner: Storj is revolutionizing cloud storage with a decentralized, secure, and en- vironmentally sustainable platform.

Description:  Storj  is  an  open-source,  decentralized  cloud  storage  platform,  using blockchain technology to enhance security, privacy, and cost-efficiency. Its global net- work of distributed nodes encrypts and disperses data, offering a sustainable and secure storage solution particularly suited for AI development, with its S 3 compatibility em- phasizing its utility in the AI x Crypto domain.

3.1.194   TACEO

Website: https://www.theblock.co/post/251178/nil-foundation-taceo-ethereum

One  liner:  TACEO: Empowering verifiable machine learning models on Ethereum with privacy-preserving technologies.

Description: TACEO integrates AI and crypto by merging machine learning with  Ethereum blockchain using zero-knowledge proofs, ensuring model validation without  external trust. This initiative, a collaboration between the Nil Foundation and TACEO, aims to authenticate machine learning models directly on Ethereum’s blockchain, en- hancing data privacy and enabling secure, provable ML applications within smart con- tracts across various sectors. Additionally, by focusing on decentralized private compu- tation, TACEO addresses data ownership and privacy concerns, marking a significant  step towards secure, private data computation in decentralized applications.

3.1.195   TestMachine

Website: https://testmachine.ai/

One liner: AI-powered blockchain security for smart contract vulnerability detection and resolution.

Description: TestMachine combines AI and blockchain technology to improve security  across various blockchain platforms, including Ethereum and Binance, by offering tools  for the early detection and resolution of vulnerabilities in smart contracts. It integrates  with developer workflows to provide real-time security analysis, optimization, testing, and detailed reports, leveraging AI for enhanced threat identification and mitigation.

3.1.196   The Culture DAO

Website: https://etherscan.io/token/0xb44a59d72cb84a2f29cd1836734208e1860798fd

One  liner: The Culture DAO leverages $CULTUR tokens to blend AI, blockchain, and the metaverse, creating a decentralized, collaborative space for virtual beings.

Description: The Culture DAO introduces a social token, $CULTUR, at the Virtual Beings Summit, blending AI-driven character development with blockchain’s decen- tralized structures through a token-based DAO. This initiative facilitates collaborative creation and interaction with virtual beings within the metaverse, where token holders have both a stake and a say, aiming to democratize the evolution of digital personas and storytelling akin to a decentralized ‘Web 3 Pixar’.

3.1.197   The Graph

Website: https://thegraph.com/

One liner: The Graph is a decentralized protocol for indexing and querying data from blockchains, facilitating the creation of decentralized applications with efficient data retrieval.

Description: The Graph integrates AI to index blockchain data efficiently, creating open APIs  (subgraphs) that  facilitate the development of responsive DApps across various sectors like DeFi, NFTs, and DAOs. This decentralized platform leverages a global community for network maintenance and data integrity, enhancing access and usability of blockchain data for developers.

3.1.198   Theta Fuel

Website: https://www.thetatoken.org/

One  liner:  Theta  Fuel powers the Theta blockchain—the engine for decentralized video streaming, AI processing, and entertainment.

Description:  Theta  Fuel  (TFUEL)  serves  as  the  operational  ‘gas’  for  the  Theta  blockchain, playing a critical role in transaction execution and smart contract opera- tions. Unique to Theta is its integration of blockchain with video streaming and AI, particularly through its Theta EdgeCloud platform, which utilizes a decentralized net- work to improve the delivery and cost-efficiency of video and AI services, thereby ad- vancing the Web3 infrastructure landscape.

3.1.199   Theta Network

Website: https://www.thetatoken.org/

One liner: Theta Network: The decentralized infrastructure for video, AI, and enter- tainment.

Description: Theta Network is a decentralized video streaming platform utilizing blockchain to incentivize bandwidth sharing, integrated with AI algorithms for en- hanced content delivery and viewer experience. It offers a Web3 infrastructure supporting diverse applications, including NFTs with DRM, and is validated by major enterprises like Google, Samsung, and Sony, showcasing its application of AI in the crypto space for entertainment and more.

3.1.200   Together AI

Website: https://www.together.ai/

One liner: Accelerating the integration of generative AI models into crypto through innovative cloud platforms, research, and optimizations.

Description: Together AI utilizes cutting-edge AI research to enhance the efficiency and speed of generative AI applications within the blockchain and crypto sphere, by leveraging technologies like Cocktail SGD and FlashAttention for up to 9 x faster train- ing of large language models. This improvement not only fosters cost savings but also amplifies performance, particularly for AI x Crypto projects, backed by accessible, op- timized APIs for quick deployment and initiatives like the open-source RedPajama project to promote AI technology democratization.

3.1.201   Unstoppable Domains

Website: https://unstoppabledomains.com/

One liner: Unstoppable Domains: Bridging Identity and Ownership in the Web3 World with Crypto-Based Domain Names.

Description: Unstoppable Domains integrates blockchain technology with digital iden- tity to provide crypto-based domain names, enabling decentralized identity verification and management. The project promotes user control over digital identities, streamlines crypto transactions with readable names, and supports AI advancements in identity verification and fraud detection, offering a wide range of domain extensions for diverse Web3 applications without renewal fees.

3.1.202   Upshot

Website: https://upshot.xyz/

One liner: Revolutionizing DeFi with decentralized, scalable, and self-improving AI network powered by Proof of Alpha.

Description: Upshot integrates artificial intelligence with decentralized finance (DeFi)  via a decentralized AI network that uses a ‘Proof of Alpha’ protocol to encourage the  contribution and use of collective intelligence, enhancing the network’s self-improve- ment capabilities. Its platform offers AI-driven DeFi applications and ensures secure, unbiased outcomes with zkML and cryptographic verification, promoting global inno- vation in AI within DeFi.

3.1.203   VFchain

Website: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9321132

One liner: VFChain leverages blockchain to enhance federated learning for secure and efficient AI model training over distributed networks.

Description:   VFChain   enhances    federated   learning’s   security    by   integrating  blockchain for a transparent, verifiable, and efficient AI model training across decentral- ized networks. It employs a blockchain-recorded committee for model aggregation and  authenticated data structures to improve proof search and secure committee changes, demonstrating its effectiveness through experiments with deep learning models on real- world datasets.

3.1.204   WorldCoin

Website: https://worldcoin.org/

One liner: WorldCoin integrates AI to create a privacy-preserving global identity net- work, enhancing access to a human-centric global economy.

Description: WorldCoin combines artificial intelligence and blockchain to establish a global identity and financial network through a privacy-centric AI-enabled verifica- tion system (World ID), employing multispectral sensors and zero-knowledge proofs to ensure anonymous yet unique human identification. It aims to democratize global economic participation by distributing WLD tokens, exhibiting over 3 million sign-ups across 120 countries, to integrate human identity into digital infrastructure securely.

3.1.205    Zama

Website: https://www.zama.ai/

One liner: Zama offers Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) solutions for blockchain and AI, prioritizing data privacy and security.

Description: Zama, an open-source cryptography firm, merges blockchain technology with artificial intelligence using Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) to enable the processing of data in its encrypted state, enhancing privacy and security across online sectors such as cloud services and blockchain smart contracts. Their development of advanced tools like TFHE-RS and CONCRETE ML facilitates privacy-preserving ma- chine learning and confidential smart contracts, establishing their role in advancing FHE mainstream adoption.

3.1.206   zkHoldem

Website: https://zkholdem.xyz/

One   liner:  zkHold’em:  The  decentralized  Texas  Hold’em  experience  leveraging blockchain and ZK technology for fairness and privacy.

Description:   zkHold’em   integrates   blockchain   and   zero-knowledge   proofs   (zk- SNARKs) to deliver a decentralized, on-chain Texas Hold’em experience that ensures privacy and fairness through secure card shuffling and dealing, while enabling person- alization via NFTs and ENS for an enhanced Web3 experience. The project leverages transparent, on-chain recording for auditability, fostering a community through social engagement and feature contributions.


感谢 Arbion Halili 为本文件的撰写、排版和编辑做出的巨大贡献。

感谢以下人士提供的反馈意见和讨论,这些意见和讨论为本报告的撰写提供了帮助:Sandeep Nailwal(Polygon 联合创始人)、Harry Grieve(Gensyn 联合创始人)、Dima Romanov(LayerN 联合创始人)、Mohamed Fouda(AllianceDAO)、Oliver Turn-bull(牛津大学博士研究员)、Altan Tutar(NEAR Protocol)、DCBuilder(WorldCoin 撰稿人)、Pim Bram van Roelen(Maven 11)、Justin McAfee(1kx)、Rahilla Zafar(Stability A A)、AllianceDAO(AllianceDAO)、AllianceDAO(AllianceDAO)。Bram van Roelen (Maven 11)、Justin McAfee (1kx)、Rahilla Zafar (Stability AI)、Raphael Doukhan (Giza)、Jack Chong (Checker Finance)、Yarco Haydek (Pragma)、Piotr Saczuk (AlephZero)、Will Robinson (AllianceDAO)、Illia Polosukhin (NEAR 联合创始人)、David Ma (AllianceDAO)、Nick Emmons (co-.Upshot 创始人)、Siyun Han(ABCDE)和 Qiyun Lu(BeWater)。

特别感谢 BeWater 团队将本文件翻译成中文,并为我们提供了宝贵的反馈意见。

另外,还要感谢HomeDAO的其他成员:Eito Miyamura、Josh Lavorini、Konrad Kopp、Joseph Rowell、Akshaiyram Reguram、James OLeary、Lucas Schneider、Orlando Fraser、Alex PF 和 Simon Sällström。

最后,感谢帮助审核本报告的所有人,包括 Foresight 团队、Tze Donn Ng、Owen Shen、Neel DaŁary、Dylan Zhang、Bart Jaworski、Matt Garcia、Cathie So、Kartin Wang、Anand Iyer、Shafu、Lucian Zhu(DAO BASE)、Morgan(Hopscotch)、Young Ling、Will Nowak、Anna Bertha(DCG)、Bobby(UMA Protocol)、Philipp(GnosisDAO)、Mikko Ikola(Veridise)、Matt Garcia、Louis Guthmann(Stark- ware)、Francis Zhan(Tribe Capital)、Tim(flock.io)、Gabriel Chua、Nitanshu Lokhande、0x AA、Cesar Rodriguez(IQ)、Ethan(MyShell)、Ayush Patel(BuildersTribe)、Chase Ando(Pickem)、Leo(Supersight)、Sid Rao、David Liu、Fred、Gabriel C 和 Tommy Shaughnessy。

原创文章,作者:Violet。转载/内容合作/寻求报道请联系 report@odaily.email;违规转载法律必究。

