Gavin: vote Polkadots 0th referendum, remove sudo permission module after 12 hours

4 years ago
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Only 28 days until DOT transfer.

Editors Note: This article comes fromPolkaWorld(ID:gh_6c4c2038ddba), reproduced by Odaily with authorization.

Editors Note: This article comes from

Gavin: vote Polkadots 0th referendum, remove sudo permission module after 12 hours

), reproduced by Odaily with authorization. Gavin Wood, the founder of Polkadot, just updated Polkadots latest progress on his medium: Polkadot has just entered the third stage of governance, and it is predicted that it will enter the fourth stage within the next 24 hours - removing the sudo permission module.

Gavin: vote Polkadots 0th referendum, remove sudo permission module after 12 hours

PolkaWorld Interpretation: As of the publication, the Polkadot Council has launched a motion proposal to remove the sudo module through the governance function that has been launched, and it has been unanimously approved by the council, which means that the proposal to remove sudo has now entered the referendum stage. Gavin called it Polkadots 0th referendum, and DOT holders have 12 hours to vote (voting URL:

), considering that there will not be many people who still want to maintain the existence of sudo, so this voting adopts the simple majority voting type, and once passed, it will be executed automatically! At that time, Polkadot will become a completely decentralized network governed by DOT holders!

After that, I believe that the first referendum initiated by Polkadot must be the proposal to open DOT transfers. Please look forward to and participate in this historical moment together!

Polkadot just entered Phase 3, and Phase 4 will launch later today. Heres the current situation...

Unlike any other blockchain to date, Polkadots go-live process is a multi-stage process that is phased in over several weeks, adding new features bit by bit before the initial production release release. I use quotation marks here because Polkadot is not a single blockchain, neither in space nor in time. Polkadot is an amorphous multi-chain capable of absorbing new technologies and features without fear over time, just like a website that evolves and iterates as you visit day after day.

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Polkadot began life as a tightly controlled POA (Proof of Authority, ie, authority with the Web3 Foundation) and a network that required permission from the Foundation for many key operations, unlike enterprise blockchains. Over time, we have relaxed the PoA and allowed community validators to maintain the nodes that run the network. So far (this is the second phase of our release process), 197 validators from the Polkadot community run the Polkadot network backed by more than half of the DOT in circulation.

We added the Chain Candidate 1 suffix to the name of this initial Polkadot chain, because as long as it is a permissioned network, we can use it as a last resort (via sudo superprivileges) in case of any unresolvable failures Restart the chain. The ability to be allowed and maintained to stop the first chain and restart it are two powerful sets of training wheels.

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Gavin: vote Polkadots 0th referendum, remove sudo permission module after 12 hours

Its finally time to remove the training wheels. A full council was elected this afternoon (Zug time) and Polkadot CC1 was upgraded to include full governance functionality (

), and then enters stage 3 of its go-live process.

As weve said, we neither want nor expect Phase 3. In fact, we expect Phase 4 to be completed within the next 24 hours, perhaps as soon as this evening. Unlike all previous upgrades on this chain, the sudo permission module will no longer be used for upgrades, but instead will be used as a special exception to use the full governance mechanism for the first time.

There are two main reasons for this: First, we want to test the governance mechanisms end-to-end (based on our sanity) to make sure they actually work as intended. Second, there is something poetic about using stakeholder governance to remove authoritarian sudo permission modules.

This article is from a submission and does not represent the Daily position. If reprinted, please indicate the source.

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