Be a real farmer and farm for a lifetime

3 years ago
This article is approximately 387 words,and reading the entire article takes about 1 minutes
Few people have the patience to do things that take ten or a hundred years.

Editors Note: This article comes fromOrange Book (ID: chengpishu), reprinted by Odaily with authorization.

Editors Note: This article comes from

Orange Book (ID: chengpishu)

Orange Book (ID: chengpishu)

, reprinted by Odaily with authorization.

The eleventh holiday is really long enough. I went to a small island in the south and lay flat for several days to make up for the missed Spring Festival. In this issue, let’s talk about my thoughts during the emptying period.

1 Seafood is really not that tasty. In the past, I always thought that going to the beach to eat seafood every day must be very refreshing. Unexpectedly, after only two days of eating, I began to miss the usual dishes and meals. Some habits are really hard to change, maybe this is my destiny. Some things you never get tired of, others you cant stand for days.

2 Recently, I listened to a podcast of The Vagrant. A girl who was studying for a Ph.D. in physics in New York was trapped in her hometown in China because of the epidemic. She suddenly wanted to farm, so she started farming. There are many interesting details. For example, after farming, she began to understand why farmers like to put a towel around their necks, because they often sweat profusely when they are farming, and it is good to be able to wipe with a towel at this time.

3 The new crown has suddenly interrupted many peoples daily routines, and they are suddenly placed in another environment that they have never thought of before. Looking at the world from another perspective, the conclusions drawn are quite interesting. Only by jumping out can we see where the real problem is.

4 I think of what Jan said, in this era of rapid change, few people have the patience to do things that take ten or a hundred years, such as wine making, farming, and grazing. The girl farming said similar feelings. After you plant the crops, it has its own growth rhythm, and there is no use in rushing.

5 In the digital world, we seem to have a lot of freedom. We use massive resources at will, speed up when we want, and pursue extreme stimulation and pleasure. Instead, we return to the physical world, and waiting even a little bit becomes unacceptable. This alienation is actually quite scary.

This article is from a submission and does not represent the Daily position. If reprinted, please indicate the source.

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