In the early morning of November 5, Vitalik tweeted that the ETH2 deposit contract was launched. The Ethereum Foundation has determined that Phase 0 of Ethereum 2.0 will be released when the Ethereum block height reaches 1606824000, and the estimated time is around December 2, Beijing time.
The contract address is:0x00000000219ab540356cbb839cbe05303d7705fa
According to an update released by the Ethereum Foundation on Wednesday, the launch of the genesis block requires the contract to collect deposits from 16,384 validators, each of whom needs to deposit 32 ETH, for a total of 524,288 ETH. And these amounts must be satisfied 7 days before the estimated December 2 (that is, the Ethereum block height reaches 1606824000). If not completed, the mainnet launch time will be postponed to 7 days after the threshold is realized.
According to the data of Tokenview Ethereum block explorer, as of now (15:00), the deposit balance of the contract address has reached 15,493 ETH, and the number of transactions has reached 540. And the number is growing rapidly. According to this speed, within the next 25 days, there is a high probability that there will be no problem in meeting the trigger requirement.
By checking the transfer records of the contract address, we found that there were various reasons for the transfer failure during the process. If you participated in the transfer, you can check whether the transaction was successful through Of course, we also discovered the high enthusiasm of some users. An Ethereum user with the beginning 0x8df04 deposited 320 ETH in the early morning, and then deposited into the deposit contract address 10 times.
According to the official announcement of Ethereum, only after Ethereum 2.0 reaches the first stage, verifiers can transfer funds, and it is necessary to wait until the second stage to extract this part of assets to a specific shard. The entire development process may take 2 Year. Risks and rewards coexist. These validators can obtain additional rewards from the entire network during and after this period, and the annualized income is expected to exceed 20%. Of course, as validators increase, this yield will eventually drop to 4.6%.
Regardless of whether you choose to participate in the pledge of ETH2, Tokenview needs to remind you that the process of depositing from Ethereum 1 to the Ethereum 2.0 deposit contract is one-way. It cannot be retrieved, please be cautious and pay attention to the accuracy of identifying the deposit contract address.