As a leader in Polkadots ecological privacy sector, Phalas confidential smart contract has never been an ideal product. Since deciding to use the Substrate framework in 2019, Phala has been actively contacting Polkadot ecosystem developers to better improve our developer documentation and developer experience.
mdnice editorIn October this year,We have worked with the Polkadot team and several other star projects
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Are you worried that the popular cloud notes will reveal your deepest and deepest secrets?
Whether it is Apples sticky notes, graphite documents, or Evernote, your data will be uploaded to the cloud for personal storage. While such services are convenient for us to use, they also bring hidden worries: what if their servers are leaked, or the data is artificially transferred after many years? Chances are your secret will be made public!
Fortunately, we have Phala Network, you can create a cloud note that will never leak:
Laurent was the first entrant to submit a product, and he developed a private sticky note that only he could see. His practice shows us that now, residents of the Web3 world can also lock their online notes. Another developer also submitted a secret note application called AideMemorie, maybe this will become a popular usage of Phala contracts. :P
2. IPFS privacy cloud disk by master-davidlee
Are you worried about photos and business documents stored in the cloud disk being exposed?
From Chen Guanxi to the current color website, you only need to search for XX network disk leaks, and you can see countless pieces of the most private photos, which have been published on the Internet. The scary thing about the Internet is that once data is made public, it can never be erased.
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master-davidlee ingeniously combined IPFS and Phala to complete a privacy cloud disk based on IPFS. Users can upload files to IPFS, but only the user can access them.
According to the investigation (qian) (fu) of the Phala team in Huawei Cloud, Tencent Cloud, Alibaba Cloud and other communities, there is currently no such blockchain + privacy anti-censorship privacy cloud product on the market. In the future, it may become a good starting point for entrepreneurship.
3. Private Base64 code by shamb0
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Base64 is one of the most common encoding methods used to transmit 8Bit bytecodes on the network, based on 64 printable characters to represent binary data. shamb0 uses the Phala confidential smart contract as an encryption method to create a ciphertext version of the Base64 code.
Another developer, vinhbhn, also submitted a similar product. According to this idea, Phala smart contracts may also be able to encrypt more types of code.
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Its a really great use case. Whether in personal life or in team collaboration, we have to record a large number of account passwords. Worryingly, data stored on centralized servers is always at risk of being leaked, and for a company, such an accident could be fatal.
Sekmet uses Phala to make an account password manager for itself. In this manager, you can safely store all account passwords without worrying about it being leaked. If someone wants to get your account password, they must break through Phalas TEE network, which means attacking TEE miner nodes and gatekeeper nodes scattered all over the world at the same time, and succeed once. :)
5. Encryption Calculator by tarzan18
tarazna18 made a somewhat niche use case: a privacy calculator. In this calculator you can enter any two numbers and it will be multiplied automatically.
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6. Tuna Ledger by ubinix-warun
ubinix-warun has made an encrypted ledger to record some transfer records. The ledger automatically records when and where the transfer occurred. The data recorded using PhalaNetwork can only be seen by oneself, and in the future it may be an excellent tool for saving hidden consumption that no one wants to see. :)
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About Phala
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