Conflux Characters | Hunter: Breaking the wall, those young people who do not want to be defined

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Dreams run fast, Hunter is the catcher, always young, always energetic, always on the road.
With the writing of many issues of Peoples History, we found that most of the practitioners were born in computer or related majors. Mentors or friends met in professional knowledge and learning competitions became their guides to enter this industry.
Todays hero is very different. From astrophysics professional crossover to the Internet, from academic crossover to entrepreneurship, from founder to senior PM (product manager)...his guide is himself and his never-ending enterprising spirit.
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Conflux Characters | Hunter: Breaking the wall, those young people who do not want to be defined

A product manager who leaves from a big factory

Hunter, senior PM of Conflux, used to be the only PM in the company.
If asked about his colleagues impression of him, everyone would unanimously label him the King of Overtime.

Whenever there is a new situation in RD or products, he will go online or appear on the scene as soon as possible. At lunchtime, he takes an online course while eating. During off-duty hours, you can still see him teaching himself programming and blockchain-related knowledge. Even on weekends, he will team up with his colleagues to participate in competitions such as hackathon.

Therefore, the colleagues of Conflux gave Hunter a nickname - never off work.

Hunter also has his own opinion about this kind of diligence that can’t wait to “squeeze out” all the time, “The current blockchain is just like the Internet in 13 or 14 years or earlier, there are many weird and very interesting new ones every day. I think it’s really interesting to think about it.” In short, when it comes to blockchain, Hunters eyes shine.

In fact, before coming to Conflux, he had worked as a PM in the core departments of major Internet companies such as Baidu and Alibaba for many years. Speaking of that time, Hunter believes that he has learned a lot from his working experience in a big factory, but he feels that he is getting farther and farther away from his ideal life. Most of the projects I have handled have been in operation for several years, and there is no sense of accomplishment from creating a project from 0 to 1; KPIs must be considered in everything, and the right to make independent decisions is low; a slight mistake may cause huge losses, and the cost of trial and error is high... ..Hunter felt more and more that this was not the life he wanted.

So, when he received the headhunters invitation about Conflux, he was moved. The emerging blockchain industry, top-notch founder team, and grand vision for the future...this coincides with his advocacy of high-tech to change the world. It didnt take long for Hunter to come to Conflux as a senior product manager.

Working overtime in a large factory is always a last resort, but here, with the combination of interest and learning, coupled with Hunters innate self-driving force, theory and practice seem to become a perpetual motion machine that verifies each other.

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An idealist who cross-examination astrophysics

At an age when most childrens understanding of scientists is still scientists are very good, Hunter dreamed of becoming a scientist, just like Einstein.
He is obsessed with all things related to science fiction, Jules Vernes Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Around the World in Eighty Days, various short science fiction stories in Science Fiction World magazine... Hunter will be serious After reading it carefully, I imagine that one day in the future I can make these fantasies come true.
Once, Hunter saw the name Chinese Academy of Sciences by accident, and thought it was the best scientific research institution in China, so he secretly made up his mind to go to the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the future, and wrote this wish in his diary.
The four years of studying at Jilin University passed by in a hurry. During the graduation season of senior year, the students were all anxious about their future development. Only Hunter jumped into the ranks of the postgraduate entrance examination. This time, he decided to do something he really liked.

Regardless of his familys dissuasion, he applied for the Chinese Academy of Sciences across majors, and successfully landed in 2013, and was admitted to the Chinese Academy of Sciences astrophysics major in astronomical observation and technology from the major of electronic science and technology.

Some friends think this is very cool, but some people think he is too idealistic, and it is a bit unrealistic to put it bluntly. But Hunter has always believed in what Premier Wen Jiabao said: A nation has hope if it has people who care about the sky; a nation that only cares about the things at its feet has no future.

When the dream came into reality, Hunter realized that this dream was a little different from what he thought. After he really started to do scientific research, he found that scientific research was not as pure as he imagined.
The biggest problem is funding. Large projects (such as the astronomical observation and technology he was studying at the time) are almost entirely supported by state funds. Years of hard work will be ruined once.
But life still has to go. There are endless papers, endless teaching tasks, and some trivial matters, which polish the edges and corners of this young man just like polishing everyone.
During this period, his idol has changed from Einstein to Elon Musk. Hunter greatly admires Musks ambition to change the world through industry, PayPal, SpaceX, SolarCity, Tesla... Every entrepreneurial venture of Musk has made Hunter overwhelmed.
Such days lasted for several years, and Hunter suddenly woke up, Why dont I do something that has more control over my life?

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The principle of investors is to break


Conflux Characters | Hunter: Breaking the wall, those young people who do not want to be defined

Because of the shadow of a penny cant beat a hero when doing scientific research, he cant help thinking, I start my own business. After I make money, cant I invest in as many scientists as I want?
He decided to start a business without waiting for graduation.
Students start their own businesses without connections, funds, or experience. What they have is just a crazy idea and passion.
In order to recruit more partners, Hunter posted on the Renren website of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. After receiving more than a dozen replies, he chatted with them one by one. He also put up a lot of posters in the teaching building, with the text Would you like to work for others after graduation, or change the world with us?
It was crazy when I think about it now, Hunter laughs.

After constant brainstorming, they decided to build an educational platform for foreigners, starting with Chinese learning, and gradually covering various services such as eating, drinking and playing in the later stage.

At the very beginning, they didnt think that this idea would be successful, they just participated in some competitions with this plan to test the water. Then, in an online education project competition established by Shanghai Hujiang Online School, they won the top ten projects.

After winning the award, many investors expressed interest in their projects, but many of them just hang on to them and do not really express their views. After all, what they had at that time was just a presentation PPT, and there was no real product and practical operation.
But Hunter is not reconciled. During the winter vacation, with the attitude of giving it a try, he sent the BP (business plan) to Hangzhou Angel Bay Venture Capital. Unexpectedly, Angel Bay was unexpectedly enthusiastic and invited the founder team for an interview. In order to save money, Hunter went to Hangzhou alone.
What Hunter didnt know was that there was a three no-investment principle in Angel Bay at that time: no investment for college students, no investment for first-time entrepreneurs, and no investment for part-time entrepreneurs.
Hunter took all three of his entrepreneurial projects, but after two or three rounds of chatting, he managed to get investment.
Bazai asked him what his secret was, but he was still modest: Maybe they think Im more reliable, hahaha.
Initially, Hunter worked on entrepreneurial projects while studying, but investors thought they needed some full-time entrepreneurs. As the founder, Hunter took the initiative to take on this responsibility and applied to the school for a one-year leave of absence. After the leave of absence, the entrepreneurial program is still running well, but the leave of absence cannot be extended.
The ambitious Hunter chose to drop out of school without hesitation, broke the boat, and decided to concentrate on starting a business.

Its a pity that the good times didnt last long. Two and a half years after starting the business, Hunters first venture failed due to problems in direction and follow-up financing.

After the entrepreneurial failure, Hunter did not sink in the failure. Passionate, this dreamer who rejects the comfort zone with all his heart has set his sights on the big Internet companies, and is determined to learn from their successful experiences in the big companies and find a new direction for himself. Many years later, the story after that is that he parted ways with Dachang and came to Conflux.

Hunter said that his favorite song is Life in Bloom. No matter how many times he hears it, tears fill his eyes every time he hears it, because he thinks that is the life he wants.

I hope my life is the life of max. This max does not mean how much a person will contribute or do, but I think I must use all my energy to release myself.
Dreams run fast, Hunter is the catcher, always young, always energetic, always on the road.

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