Clubhouses FOMO Journey

3 years ago
This article is approximately 528 words,and reading the entire article takes about 1 minutes
Suddenly, like a spring breeze overnight, Clubhouses opened everywhere.

Editors Note: This article comes fromOrange Book (ID: chengpishu), reprinted by Odaily with authorization.

Clubhouses FOMO Journey

Editors Note: This article comes from

Orange Book (ID: chengpishu)

Orange Book (ID: chengpishu)


, reprinted by Odaily with authorization.

Suddenly, like a spring breeze overnight, Clubhouses opened everywhere.

Last week, the originally unknown Clubhouse suddenly became popular in China. Like other popular products in this era, in an instant, the friends around me either had a great time and hung on it all day long, or they were struggling to find it. Invitation code, just want to see what magic power is in this thing everyone is talking about.

First briefly introduce this application.

I stopped and thought for a long time when I wrote this. If you come across a brand new thing, how would you describe it? Just like you discovered the newly born bitcoin in 2009, how do you introduce it to others?

Perhaps the best analogy is a live podcast. You make an appointment with a few friends to talk about a topic, open the clubhouse to build a room, and then start chatting. If you are interested in this topic or a few of you, you can come in and listen, or you can raise your hand to speak.

The social experience mapped to real life is like being in a large square, where people gather in groups of three or four to chat about various topics. You can go over to listen to each scene, and stay if you are interested. Keep going if youre bored. Maybe this is the meaning of the name Clubhouse.

Clubhouse is riding the east wind of Covid. The epidemic has completely closed down Silicon Valley, and the life of being able to communicate offline in the past is gone forever, so how can we meet everyones needs for meeting and chatting offline? Now it seems to be Clubhouse.

Social networks and financial networks may be the two best business models, but also the two tracks with the highest death rate. The former has buried a group of entrepreneurs in the past ten years. Up to now, many people are still unwilling to give up and are still trying new directions. The financial network is even more ruthless, and every time it is replaced, the whole world will be shaken three times.

The early investors of Clubhouse spent so much money betting on the next FB or Twitter. Thats why the ten-month product and 2 million weekly active users are valued at one billion US dollars.

Im afraid its impossible to judge its future now. It may be as short-lived as Houseparty or circle, or it may become a generational product like Twitter or Instagram.

For you and me, its not an investment anyway, its good to try it first. At present, only App store accounts in the US are supported, and the invitation code is not easy to get. There is a little trick, you can find a friend who is already using it, and the two save each other’s mobile phone number, and if you register Clubhouse again, there is a high probability that your friend will approve your application, and there is no need for an invitation code.

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