The question is, which world are you standing in to watch NFT

3 years ago
This article is approximately 1726 words,and reading the entire article takes about 3 minutes
The physical world, or the digital world?

Editors Note: This article comes fromOrange Book (ID: chengpishu)Orange Book (ID: chengpishu)

, Author: Li Hua, reproduced by Odaily with authorization.

There are many articles analyzing NFT. Let me write my feelings about NFT, hoping to provide a perspective. The theme I expressed is: which world do you stand in to watch NFT, the physical world or the digital world.

I have a lot of cryptokitties. In the past, when the gas was not high, I would buy a bunch of cats every few months. I bought cats with new features and cats I liked. It was not expensive, more than 10 yuan or dozens of yuan.

The motivation for buying a cat at first was very simple. I thought that in the future, when the androids dream of electronic sheep, they could give crypto cats, which would be the oldest electronic pets at that time, to AI friends as gifts. Later, although I didn’t have AI friends yet, I had friends on the blockchain, and I would give CryptoKitties to accounts I liked or had dealings with. Guess what kind of cat the other party will like, and then give the cat away happily even though it is cut off, just like giving the cards you have collected to your friends in life.

Which world are you standing in to watch CryptoKitties? Standing in the physical world, what you see is an NFT. Before the NFT, there is a long list of attributives used to describe the NFT; standing in the digital world, what you see is a gift that can be bought for friends.cryptovoxelsThis address is where I,124S,A house in (CV), click the link to enter directly,

18U. (It is best to use a computer to access. Press the H key to call out or close the help menu; press the F key to fly mode and stay in the air; press the ESC key to exit the space; press the mouse to enter the space and control the direction; press the arrow keys to walk )

This house is an NFT, which represents a 182 square meter space on a small island; on the right hand side of the gate, is a painting, which is also an NFT, I own the painting so the painting will show a Silver frame, and if someone else’s painting is hanging, there will be no frame; on the counter facing the door, there is a menu, click it to buy burgers, these burgers are all NFT, they are voxel models I made And mint into NFT.

There are some tables and chairs in the room. These tables and chairs can be NFT (not supported yet). If you want these objects, you can buy their NFT, just like buying furniture at IKEA. They can be NFTs of functional products with unlimited sales, which will be very cheap, such as the gas fee (cost price) during mint; they can also be NFTs of designer works with limited release, which will have other values ​​​​attached and are relatively expensive.

I write these to say that standing in the physical world, NFT is an abstract concept, and what you see is the meaning, meaning and value related to this concept; standing in the digital world, NFT is the environment you are in, and you cannot see NFT, what you see is the thing represented by NFT and the value of that thing.

The most popular NFT right now is NFT art or encrypted art. When we are in different worlds, what do we see?

The vast majority of todays encrypted art releases works in the physical world in the form of NFT. Will NFTization enhance the artistry of this piece? Or ask, when a work is presented in the form of NFT, will it bring us more touches?

If it is an oil painting, obviously not. The meaning of oil painting only exists when you stand in front of it and the lighting is perfectly arranged. If you burn an oil painting and mint one on the chain, even if there is only this one in the world, I will There is no value in thinking, because its power to touch peoples hearts has disappeared.

If it is digital art, its own carrier is the same as its NFTized carrier. No matter whether it is NFT or not, it brings us the same feeling. Its artistic value has not changed, but NFTization will bring value Benefits such as discovery and the clear demonstration of ownership relationships can affect the overall value of a work.

Standing in the physical world and looking at the role of NFT in art in the physical world, what I see is that NFTization has little to do with the artistry of the work itself. NFT in the physical world is more for art, for artists, and for collections Another new tool for readers, which is very good and very meaningful and promising, but it has nothing to do with art itself, and simple NFT works cannot be called encrypted,329S,41FNow lets jump into the digital world. This address is a square in CV,

The question is, which world are you standing in to watch NFT

, you are in mid-air after entering, and you will see the following screen.

You try to fly vertically from the center of 1 to the bottom of this rotating column, and then fly up into the sky from the bottom; you try to enter the center of a rotating body inside the sphere from position 2, and stand there Or shake the mouse quickly; you can go to the position of 3 and shuttle in the space of,348S,0.5FFinally, you must go into these blue and white buildings in position 4. It is a group of exhibition halls. You must walk through all the buildings and turn on the sound of the computer. You will be touched by its light and shadow, as if you have walked into an Edward Hopper painting. (You can go directly to Venue 1 from this link,

The question is, which world are you standing in to watch NFT

, the picture below is a schematic diagram of the location of the venue)

The question is, which world are you standing in to watch NFT

The above are just ordinary installations and buildings in an ordinary square, but they can move me. For example, Anish Kapoor made his installation in the digital space, so that the work can really move, what kind of feeling will it bring?

Installation art is limited by the laws of the physical world, and can neither carry all the ideas of the artist nor show the full charm of the artwork, but the digital space will be a paradise for installation art.

Taking installation art as an example, I want to express that only those arts that will burst into vitality due to the digital world/digital space, and only those arts that will bring us a new touch in the digital world can be regarded as encrypted art, which may include installation art, It may include algorithmic art, interactive art, etc. I believe that there will be new art forms born in the digital world in the future. As the spaces in which we live change, the evolution of art is bound to happen.

From the perspective of the physical world, it can be said that encryption art has become like a prairie fire; from the perspective of the digital world, it can be said that encryption art has not yet happened. Standing in the physical world, NFT is a tool for art; standing in the digital world, NFT will open up new fields of art, and may even be the mainstream field of art in the future.

An easier way to explain the above point of view is to imagine watching exhibitions. In the past, we watched exhibitions in physical venues, but in the future we may watch exhibitions more in digital venues. Only works with expressive force in digital venues, that is, works bursting with vitality because of digital space, will be exhibited more. needs (when I am in the digital space, what I need is works that can impress me in this space), and occupy the mainstream.

Regarding NFT art, the biggest doubt of many people may be that I can download and store this work on my computer for 1 million. In a sense, I own the work for free; there are also many people who sincerely believe or forcibly brainwash It is not important to discuss this matter.

I dont know if this matter is important or not, but also take installation art as an example. If I own this work, it is not difficult to realize that the NFT presents a voxel in my space or the space I authorize. A work of art; what appears in other peoples space or computer is a pixel, a photo of a work of art. In the same way, algorithmic art may not be loaded in a non-owner space, interactive art may not be interactive in a non-owner space, and dynamic digital art may be static in a non-owner space... This is The possible direction of evolution I think is not whether the infinite copy is important or not, but that it will not happen.

But the premise of all this is to jump into the digital space, to jump into a programmable space.

In the end, two things happened while writing this article, and I feel that it is necessary to add to the points in the article:

1. I saw a new design of NFT creation and trading platform, which uses the programmability of NFT to dynamically aggregate NFTs artistic attributes, collection attributes, social attributes, etc. in an NFT work. Then in the physical world, NFT as a tool is likely to realize a new art form or art carrier in the physical world, not just for the NFT of works. In my previous articles, I only wrote about inspiring new art forms in the digital world.

2. I saw a great installation of the digital venue, which brought vitality to the digital works displayed in it. This means that some digital works, even those originally born in the physical world, may be more valuable because of the digital space to better exert their artistry or attractiveness. However, I wrote in the previous article that the artistic value of general digital works has not changed because the carrier has not changed. I ignored the changes brought about by the changes in the display space. However, this change has nothing to do with NFT or not, but with the display space.

This article is from a submission and does not represent the Daily position. If reprinted, please indicate the source.

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