Solana hackathon idea list

3 years ago
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Here are some potentially interesting ideas from the Solana community and participating judges/speakers.

Solana hackathon idea list

Lets Hack

Lets Build

From April 28,Solana Foundationhand in handSerum、 RaydiumOpen together on the DoraHacks developer platform HackerLinkSolana Season Hackathon$75,000
The total prize pool of this Hackathon$ 1,000,000, including: initial prize pool$50,000, according to the number of voters of the project is distributed based on the quadratic algorithm; special bonuses for judges$75,000, used to motivate outstanding projects in the Solana ecosystem;The remaining amount will be used for the seed round investment fundIn addition, in order to encourage everyone to actively participate, all projects that have registered and passed the verification will receive
In addition, in order to encourage everyone to actively participate, all projects that have registered and passed the verification will receive$100 Base Reward + Solana Exclusive Custom Commemorative T-Shirt!
This Hackathon aims to allow developers to actively participate in the development practice on the Solana blockchain, and produce multiple DeFi, NFT, Web3 and other technical projects. We encourage participants to produce innovative blockchain projects, which can be either infrastructure-based development or tools that contribute to the development of the Solana ecosystem. The only requirements for the project are:Must somehow incorporate the Solana public chain into their projects.

Here are some potentially interesting ideas from the Solana community and participating judges/speakers(Original link: One of the benefits of the composable modules of the DeFi protocol is that they can be matched and modified to build entirely new financial services.

Come see if you/your team can get some inspiration from it!

  • Serum Ideas: The Serum team has produced a dedicated Serum-related list, which you can check out at:

  • Lending frontend and infrastructure: native Solana money market lending protocol (similar to Compound or Aave)

  • Cross-chain lending: a lending protocol that uses Wormhole cross-chain bridge (users do not need to wait for cross-chain assets to be fully confirmed on both chains) to provide instant liquidity for cross-chain asset transfers - the protocol will charge a certain fee

  • Fixed rate loans: Through Serum’s on-chain interest rate swap order book, users can obtain fixed rate loans on the Ethereum lending protocol

  • Airdrop: build an open source service, and perform SOL airdrops for users who use Solana for the first time according to different rate mechanisms (refer to Twitter nickname:

  • Contract Method Name Registration: Create a standard that allows dApp developers to register their contract method names in a human-readable manner. This is critical to the wallet and the user experience that drives the entire Solana ecosystem. Please refer to

  • Censorship resistant Wallstreetbets platform/app

  • Stablecoins that support underlying transactions

  • Access Coingecko API in Solana dapps:

  • Robots to liquidate positions with insufficient collateral

  • Aggregators (automated) that combine key features like Furucombo and DeFi Saver. For example, borrowing through insurance packaging, fixed interest rates, or automatic fixed collateral ratios. These functions are isolated, but developers can bundle them to make it easier for users to get started

  • Reinsurance Market: Expansion of Insurance

  • On-Chain Subscriptions: A protocol by which any application can create on-chain payment processes and subscription factories. Combine elements like NFT to increase user stickiness and unlock functionality

  • Analytical tools: The above-mentioned aggregators can also provide key on-chain KPIs informing whether users want to redeem Token A, percentage of buy/sell orders, market sentiment in the past [24] hours, large fund transfers, project development, etc.

  • Education: A game-like protocol that takes users on a DeFi journey. Combine video clips, resources, and mining/NFT type tasks to accelerate the entry of ordinary users into the DeFi world

  • DeFi Asset Manager: A single interface that consolidates all DeFi assets and liabilities across different platforms (and different blockchains).

  • DEX Aggregator: A cross-chain DEX aggregator that allows users to choose the best execution price among multiple DeFi platforms (including cross-chain platforms).

  • Build Your Own Liquidity Mining Platform: Adopt Liquidity Mining

  • Synthetic assets: Use Chainlink oracles to develop tokenized synthetic assets and list SPL synthetic assets on Serum

  • Arbitrage Robot: When liquidity is low, automatically transfer funds to the order book on the Serum chain; when liquidity overflows, transfer funds to AMM

  • Volatility indices/products developed from implied liquidity or option pricing models calculated from Serum market data

  • Seamless access to USDC payment uses the NFT market on the chain, and by connecting to Wormhole, users who need to buy and sell ERC20 tokens can use Solanas native USDC. Ideally, some apps could create content in an IPFS-connected browser and load it directly into an NFT marketplace. It is also possible to do the reverse, connecting an NFT market to a Serum DEX market - for example, automatically creating a Serum market and then displaying the order book on an NFT with freely fluctuating prices

  • Prediction market minter with Chainlink oracles integrated

  • Oracle: An on-chain oracle that takes prices from the Serum market, performs complex risk and comprehensive checks on them, and creates a clear price stream that other Serum projects can use. Additionally, once on-chain cross-chain bridges are released, they can be combined with each other to create a fully on-chain cross-chain pricing oracle

  • Fee Comparison: A simple interface to track and compare the cost of executing specific parameters on different DeFi platforms. Parameters include desired spreads, transaction fees, transaction combinations, etc. Total value of transaction fees/spread savings can also be tracked

  • Creating Custom Markets on Serum: Interface for creating Serum custom markets from Ethereum (including decentralized market makers)

  • Slash Insurance: A simple insurance protocol where the community can provide validators with insurance against the risk of being punished

  • Smart Contract Insurance: Similar to Nexus Mutual

  • DeFi visualization tool: Implant and display data from Serum, Orca, structured products, Oxygen Conduct security audits on existing Serum/Solana infrastructure

  • Serum DeFi App Store: A Tool to Integrate All Serum dapps

  • Extend the Wormhole bridge to allow assets locked on Ethereum to earn interest through lending protocols like Aave or Compound

  • Develop a simple oracle that supports Solana Dapps connecting to off-chain APIs or Websockets (e.g. price feeds)

  • Demonstrate the staking process for any SPL token

Exchange, Lending and Leverage Product Ideas:Ideas for extending existing source code (token swap, token lending)

  • Added support for token conversion curves using Chainlink oracles

  • Added support for cross-asset collateral and token lending

  • A single collateral token for all deposits can be used in loans

  • Added support for adding/removing token lending bond collateral (top-up collateral)

  • Add support for sequence stack liquidation: only liquidate positions with the lowest collateral ratio

  • Added support for token exchange liquidity providers (LPs) as collateral for token lending. Use Case: Single Currency Exposure in AMM

  • Added support for stable borrowing rates for token lending

  • Token lending to realize leveraged transactions: users can conduct (long short/long) leveraged transactions through the preset maximum leverage ratio

  • Token lending, stored in escrow

  • Solana integrates to provide a PoC for web wallets, enabling stateful Solana transactions

  • Solana Bifrost Spec PoC (monitoring Solana transactions to CosmosSDK state machine)

  • Economic Model of Zero-Slippage Synthetic Asset Trading on THORChain

  • Lightweight, smart contract (or other) leaderless PoC of a seed service that achieves consensus on the correct list of node IPs

  • Using THORChain LP tokens, the economic model of a debt-based security stablecoin (ie, a live state machine that can be rebalanced every 5 seconds)

  • A relayer (mobile and/or desktop) for Solana traders to trade on dYdX. Allows the application to act as a market maker between dydx and traders.

  • Develop a clean user interface and get dydx perpetual leverage (for novice users)

Solana Data Visualization Ideas

A web tool through which any user can retrieve all data on the Solana blockchain using SQL queries. There is a pre-populated database with resolved data from Solana blocks. They can all be built on Redash, such as Dune (

  • Any user can write a query

  • Free users must open source their queries so others can iterate on them

  • Paid users can write queries privately

  • Automatic hourly updates of most viewed queries and charts

  • Paid users can hook the API into any public query and get the results

  • dashboard function

  • Share curated queries as a visualization

  • The team needs to write some popular queries to launch the product to speed up launch

  • Sync-started graphs include

  • Solanas daily transactions

  • Daily Active Solana Addresses

  • Solana addresses added daily

  • SOL daily trading volume

  • Daily transaction fees for all SOL/SPL

  • Average daily transaction fee for SOL SPL transfers

  • Daily dollar earnings for Solana stakers

  • Daily Solana address balance over X (1k, 10k, 100k, 1M, 10M) dollars

  • Solanas monthly total DEX transaction volume (including each segment DEX: such as Serum and Raydium, etc.)

  • Serum Number of independent liquidity providers per month

  • The number of unique transaction addresses per month in Serum

  • Serum transactions per month

  • Total number of unique addresses interacting with Solana DeFi applications (by each project)

  • Daily TVL (total locked volume) of all Solana DeFi projects

  • Jet Protocols daily outstanding debt

  • Total daily supply of stablecoins issued on Solana

This article is from a submission and does not represent the Daily position. If reprinted, please indicate the source.

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