On the transition of Web2.5 games: a game that becomes a big event, no multiple-choice questions

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If it is difficult for chain games to reach the sky in one step, how to find the optimal solution during the transition period?

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Breaking the circle and dawning again

Today, the out-of-the-block chain has experienced the ICO boom in 2017, the DeFi summer in 2020, and the most recent NFT wave in 2021. However, the current Web3 field is still very small. Most of the projects are attracted by wealth speculation to obtain benefits, and the ecology lacks applications that solve industry problems, generate real value, and bring new economic growth points. In this round of bear market, when all parties are concentrating on developing or looking for potential projects, they will inevitably think about these two questions: What will be the next track to go out of the circle? Can it generate real application value?

On the transition of Web2.5 games: a game that becomes a big event, no multiple-choice questions

Axie infinity

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Where is the finishing touch?

People have different opinions on how to use this finishing touch:

The quality faction insists that the quality of the game needs to be improved, and the standard 3A, fun is king.

The infrastructure faction believes that it is necessary to wait for layer 2 and cross-chain technology to mature. After the spring and autumn competition for hegemony, the status is settled, and the application will naturally come out.

The Model School wants to reform the economic model of chain games, resist the mechanism of Ponzi schemes, and expect to be a blockbuster with a mature and stable token model...

I agree with the above content, but I dont think it is the most suitable feasible item. The vision of aligning with 3A is too idealistic, and it is too long to wait for the infrastructure dust to settle, and a mature and stable token economy does not seem to be the focus. So, what aspects can be focused on and made up for in a short period of time?

Change the angle of thinking, maybe it will become more open, and at the same time, it happens to be able to accommodate the above thinking angles. I put all these together and put them all into one concept - Web2.5 game transition layer. In a word, the low threshold introduces Web2 game players into Web3, and attracts more people with the Gamefi money effect and NFT assets as highlights. Since it will take time to improve the quality of the game and the maturity of the public chain infrastructure, it is still not enough to attract more capital and game manufacturers to make up their minds to do some migration, so it is better to directly use the user increment and violent momentum to break the circle in the early stage and stimulate They enter the circle, and then realize the broader Web3 trend. In fact, the third stage of breaking the circle (NFT) is also the same model - first gather people through the low threshold participation + strong incentive communication model, and then attract big names to transform and strengthen the effect of going out of the circle.

On the transition of Web2.5 games: a game that becomes a big event, no multiple-choice questions


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1. Platform

First of all, for the new field of chain games, traditional game users are at a loss. Because I am used to Steam and the guidance of the game application market, there is a demand for guidance on the landing page and navigation page of Web3 games. It aggregates or screens data such as chain game applications and display reviews, and users can find games that match their preferences directly on the platform.

At the same time, the follow-up platform can also add a decentralized community co-creation mechanism, allowing players to recommend favorite, high-quality, and novel games to the shelves, supplemented by their own chain game evaluation articles, and then submit them to the community for voting. After the recommendation is successful, the income generated after the game is launched will be shared with the recommender.

2. Tools

It is not enough to know which games are available to play and which games are suitable for your own appetite. How to start playing smoothly is also very important. However, at present, the entry and exit threshold of blockchain games is very high, and wallet plug-ins need to be configured, and prerequisites such as tokens or NFTs need to be held are many and complicated. So lets analyze these issues one by one:

First, to buy tokens or nft, you need to register a wallet and deposit money to buy. Then, a low-threshold, ideal Web2.5 wallet should avoid complicated mnemonic registration and KYC identity verification;

Second, wallet verification needs to be mentioned after purchasing on an exchange or market;MoonpayThird, under normal circumstances, there must be excess tokens in the wallet to support gas fee consumption. This series of operations is very complicated and consumes the enthusiasm of new users. For the second and third questions, if you can directly buy NFT and game tokens through credit cards, the entry barrier will be greatly reduced. similar

It provides a convenient channel for users to purchase NFT on Opensea.HallidayAt the same time, the most recent

It is also a Web2.5 game tool, which allows users to purchase NFT without burden through the form of credit card loans, and enter the game to earn money.

3. Game Architecture

Building games is complex and requires solving huge engineering problems. If the game logic and digital assets are all deployed on the chain, considering technical and economic factors, it will cause problems such as low speed, high cost, and player cheating.

High latency - if every players transaction is sent to the smart contract, and they are read and registered in the game. This strong on-chain behavior can easily cause network overload, resulting in high latency in the game.

High overhead - In the case of strong on-chain games, every state change in the game needs to be registered and recorded in the blockchain. If users want to perform any operations, they need to sign a transaction for each operation, which means a lot of computational cost, too expensive for speed-critical games.

Information Leakage - Competitive games rely on some degree of imperfect or incomplete information. But the blockchain is open and accessible to anyone in the world. In the case of games on the strong chain, the players transaction information and status changes are publicly readable on the chain, and may be monitored by others. Others can predict the players next move and adjust the strategy to cheat according to the players behavior. Manipulate the game process and even the operation of funds.

Therefore, Web2.5 games are more suitable to adopt a hybrid model. The core part of the game logic is run on the dedicated server off the chain, and a few stack components, contracts, etc. are deployed on the chain.

4. Gameplay

Web2 players tend to feel dissatisfied with the new gameplay of Web3, which is highly closely combined with native tokens, and even have strong resistance. For example, the discord team has done research on whether to link wallets and whether to introduce NFT, which were opposed by most players. Therefore, how to design a gentle and inclusive gameplay requires critical thinking.

The first is a discussion about free vs. paid.

Web2 games are generally free, and only occasionally require krypton gold. Not paying will not affect the fluency and integrity of the entire game. In Web3, there are currently many games that have a token threshold for entry, or the important links behind need to hold tokens to unlock. This limits the entry of new players to a certain extent and seriously interferes with the users gaming experience.

An ideal Web2.5 transition layer game should accommodate free play and Gamefi play. It can not only allow users to experience the whole process for free, but also open some high-end or derivative sections to allow users to krypton and make gold.

Second, the on-chain status of in-game assets and data.

In the context of an imperfect infrastructure, all data does not need to be uploaded to the chain. Losing functionality and practicality in pursuit of meaning is like picking sesame seeds and throwing away watermelons. For example, a large number of low-end assets, such as land that has no practical significance in the game and will be issued at any time, do not need to be made into NFT.

For the purpose of breaking the circle and promoting, the real practicality is more important. Take NFT as an example. When it first came out of the circle, there were very few NFTs that stored Metadata on IPFS, and most of the pictures were stored on centralized servers. So strictly speaking, such NFTs do not belong to the individual users. However, the fire of this NFT has no decline and continues to move forward. The reason is that new users care about the innovative technical narrative, the inherent cultural function attributes, etc., and will not demand that the new thing be perfect in the early stage.

Third, the lifespan of in-game assets.

The props of traditional games are centrally controlled to be put on, off the shelves, removed, and given away at any time. Many Web3 games are permanently owned. Although such a model completely guarantees the ownership of users, it is easy to bring risks such as giant whales hoarding and manipulating the game, and the non-deflation mechanism affecting the in-game economy. For Web2.5 games, setting it as a consumable NFT with a life cycle or a seasonal reset, written into the contract, is a more sustainable method after compromise.

Fourth, community participation.

In the game community of traditional games, most users can only make suggestions and cannot participate in depth. The community of Web3 chain games has the natural attributes of DAO, and the governance model implemented is more pure and direct, and democratic decision-making is carried out according to the number of tokens held. However, this direct democracy also has disadvantages. For example, voting based on the number of tokens is easy to be controlled by giant whales. The open issues are too broad and core. Once the community votes carelessly, it will interfere with the overall situation...

Therefore, the games in the transitional layer of Web2.5 do not need to be too radical, and it is appropriate to gradually realize decentralized autonomy.

Judging from the content of the proposal, the project team centralizes the control of the economic model, but it is open to discuss some governance such as gameplay upgrades and game map adjustments, implements simple and small number of decentralization, and gives token holders and other limited governance rights. Cultivate players to feel the sense of ownership and cultural atmosphere.

In addition, the proposal is open to all members of the community, but the voting system suggests the use of a representative system, which can be delegated to a working group or other trusted and capable community members, who are relatively the most likely to make the right decision, and with this At the same time they remain accountable to the DAOs voting body.

5. Token economy

On the transition of Web2.5 games: a game that becomes a big event, no multiple-choice questions

Games that make big things happen, dont do multiple-choice questions——On the transition layer of Web2.5 games

6. Enlightenment

Thought is the most fundamental force that unites peoples hearts. Therefore, it is of great significance to popularize the ideas and knowledge of chain games, gamefi, and Web3 data ownership to the Web2 public.

True digital ownership means that the items you own in the game as a player are actually yours. You can sell them, you can trade them, you can do whatever you want with them. Game developers can use The technology monetizes the secondary market, unlocking the potential for players to use items between games.

- Sławomir Bubel, CEO, HoardCGUThere are various forms of thought dissemination, which can be a series of courses, high-quality research articles on blockchain games, player forums or streaming media, etc. After observation, foreign countries have done wellWGGDAOThe curriculum education and certificate system become the guide for players to enter the advanced stage systematically; in the Chinese-speaking world,Mymetadatafirst level title



Finally, when you have finished writing, you might as well end it with a little poem:

The light of dawn leaked out slightly, just waiting to step forward. And ask, where is the most suitable place to exert force? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, you can store energy everywhere. However, slowly waiting for one place to move to pull the whole body is exhausting.

The only way is that the doctrine of the mean connects the past and the present, and makes the four directions fit into a circle. Its better not to ask Xidong, step out first and then talk to him.

Reference articles for this article:

WEB2.5 Game Guess

The Future of (Crypto) Gaming - Delphi Digital

Sports and Crypto: Welcome to Web2.5

Building on-chain fully is hard; what about web2.5?

A Tale of 2 Metaverses

On the transition of Web2.5 games: a game that becomes a big event, no multiple-choice questions

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Welcome to reprint, originality is not easy, please indicate Guadain Laboratory W Labs produced

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