Analysis of Pain Points on the Chain Game Track: How about WEB3 for casual ice-breaking games?

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How to quickly break the ice in the Web3 world? Casual ice-breaking games or a new direction for GameFi.

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Preface to this series of long articles:

W Labs Guatian Lab started to write the first series of Chain Games Economic Model Revealed in April 2022. Up to now, more than 30 articles with more than 100,000 words have been completed. This is a group of senior leek game players who are turning their saliva into arrows and their pens into spears, trying their best to express their analysis and judgment on chain games in an atmosphere of iron-headed leek rush. In the big environment where chain games are still full of controversy Now, we sometimes feel like Don Quixote, holding a lance and rushing towards the seemingly huge windmill.In this new series we launched, in addition to talking about the pain points and opportunities in the chain game track, we will use a large number of fresh and hot cases, even some projects that are still in internal testing, to show the development of the chain game industry new direction.

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The first text begins:Some time ago, a WeChat mini-game Sheep a Sheep became popular all over the country. It is said that during the peak period, the daily income was 5 million RMB, and the source of income did not come from players, but most of it was advertising income. I have to say that the economic model of this popular game is very healthy,At the beginning stage, Krypton gold players will not be allowed to buy items to destroy the fairness and balance of the game, all players are the same

, so that you who are lying on the bed at 3 oclock in the morning have the ambition of NND, after the last game is cleared, you can take screenshots to show off your circle of friends.

Analysis of Pain Points on the Chain Game Track: How about WEB3 for casual ice-breaking games?

Talking about communicating with some OGs in the game industry, Chinas casual game level is definitely the top in the world, with a market of 35 billion yuan a year. Take a look at how many casual games are in the forefront of the IOS download version in September 2022:

  • But so far, there are basically very few casual games involved in WEB3, and some have tried similar to Xiaoxiaole, but unfortunately they all disappeared after their debut, let alone the peak, and there are no traces of climbing. There are several reasons Bar:

  • The casual games of WEB2 are fun enough, mowing parkour and fishing, the fragmented time is filled;

  • Almost all the users of WEB3 games are heavy krypton gold players, and the entry threshold is basically a few hundred RMB. Psychologically, there will be how can such a simple casual game be worth my money, MMORPG games are worth it I buy NFT feeling;

The essence of casual games is social. For example, a sheep is a sheep, from the promotion method to the players mentality, the entire game is built and operated according to a social product. But so far, the casual games of WEB3 are still aiming at making gold, and they have gone astray.Does that mean casual games are not suitable for WEB3?No, there is a sub-category that is very suitable for WEB3 scenarios, and it can even be said to be hard and rigid, and it is casual ice-breaking games.We have been in touch with some metaverse projects. In addition to creating a series of heavy games as the main course, we also need to create some interesting small games on the login platform (CityHall, etc.) to break the ice.

Everyone comes from the Internet, and they don’t know anyone. They must meet their social needs in the first stage as soon as possible: My name is WILL, your name is JILL, can we CHILL together.

Everyone has experienced team building in the real world. From serious self-introduction, to playing throwing the handkerchief, and then playing Werewolf Killing, the ice-breaking methods are getting more and more advanced, through body movements, verbal communication and teamwork. , The mutual cognition process that originally took N hours was completed within 15 minutes.

But how to quickly break the ice in the world of WEB3? The difficulty of this problem is no worse than developing a serious game. Some metaverse project teams we encountered were scratching their heads about this problem. In the end, they could only find an online venue to organize everyone to play Texas Holdem.

In fact, the Discord community can be regarded as a primary metaverse version. Everyone comes from all corners of the country and no one knows each other. Except for the top social cows who can instantly hahaha the state of hosting a wedding, most of the friends are still shy. There are already some game bots on Discord, which engage in some guessing games, but they are very boring and have no interactivity. They can only compete to see who wins first.One of our subjects is to find casual ice-breaking games that can be transferred to WEB3. Think about it, if this game is done well,

From the Discord server to Sandbox and other metaverse scenes, to BAYC and other NFT communities, they are all using this product to break the ice, then it has become an entrance for WEB3 traffic, similar to the little fox wallet, one can imagine how much potential it can have.Spacekill, a WEB3 game recently tested in internal testing, should be the only WEB3 game we have seen that is closer to casual ice-breaking, so let’s take it as a case study. The gameplay is similar to mobile games and end-games. The werewolf killing game among us is basically exactly the same, and it is a project that imitates very thoroughly in terms of gameplay.

Analysis of Pain Points on the Chain Game Track: How about WEB3 for casual ice-breaking games?

Speaking of Among Us, I have to say that this is a magical work. A cute version of the Werewolf Killing Game was developed by a small team of three people in 2018. It has never been popular, with hundreds of users. By 2020, Xiao The team couldnt hold on any longer and prepared to develop a new game, but it suddenly became popular. It should be because everyone is staying at home during the epidemic period. More and more Youtubers bring the community to play. At the peak, the income of a month It is 25 million US dollars, and by 2022, the total downloads will soon exceed 700 million.

The explosion of Among Us shows three things:

First, the epidemic that started in 2020 has caused many online social projects to skyrocket, such as Zoom, such as Among Us, but you have to prepare in advance;

Second, at the end of the game, social interaction is king, and the glory of the king also illustrates this point, so can we directly cut into it from social interaction?

Third, social games have to be prepared for a long-term change from quantitative to qualitative, unless you have a super promotion team like Sheep a Sheep behind the scenes.

Analysis of Pain Points on the Chain Game Track: How about WEB3 for casual ice-breaking games?

Back to SpaceKill, when our team studied this chain game at the first meeting and opened its website, a young lady couldn’t help exclaiming: I like this game, the villain is so cute!

This chain game production team still inherited the original cartoon style of Among Us, and at the same time added the image of minions, which can really attract young people at first glance.The gameplay is no different from Among Us, one of the 6 crew members (Crew, good guy) is an imposter (Imposter, werewolf). The werewolf should sneak up on the good guys on the map as soon as possible and knock them out with a stick. If three good guys are knocked out, the werewolf wins. Some common rules, such as werewolves have a cooldown for beating people, and good people can go to the monitoring room to check a few scenes on the map, etc., are designed in these games. Specific gameplay and techniques, inMelon Field Community WGGDAO

Analysis of Pain Points on the Chain Game Track: How about WEB3 for casual ice-breaking games?

There are detailed guides. It is not expanded here. Generally speaking, the game is very complete, and the details are handled well during the internal testing stage. For example, after being killed unjustly, the ghost who becomes helpless can float around to help teammates with tasks, haha.

Based on the Among Us gameplay, SpaceKill has added WEB3 factors:

A, Dual-token system + dual-type NFT, the overall economic model is nothing new, the dual-token similar to StepN is under pressure, the main consumption and output of sub-tokens, the parent currency can be produced when the NFT level is high; the main NFT is The soul is configured with attributes, quality, star rating, and can be reproduced; the auxiliary NFT is a prop.

B, built-in trading market;

D, C. There is no threshold for WEB2 users to enter, but they cannot withdraw gold, only Soul NFT can be withdrawn. This is also the best way to attract WEB2 gamers that W Labs has been emphasizing.

Embedded wallet (not yet experienced). This is really rare. In my impression, only chain games with big production + long-term projects will develop a wallet in the game themselves, such as Skyweaver, the king of card chain games. This is the point that impressed me the most after reading the white paper. I feel that the game will be much higher if it is forced.

In the future, we will publish a one-page knowledge about Spacekill, and friends who want to know more details can pay attention to it. Then comes our favorite part of spraying.

First: After the internal testing of the entire game, the smoothness is really good. The gameplay is no different from Among Us. **But, only strangers can be matched, and friends can’t open rooms. What the hell? ! The biggest selling point of this kind of ice-breaking casual game is team ice-breaking and socializing. Why didn’t there be a room opening function in the first place? ! **If I want to socialize with strangers, why dont I go to Momo and Tantan? (This point was communicated with the MOD in the game community after the article was written, saying that this function is available, but it has not been released, which is okay)

Second: The small tasks that good people need to complete are too mentally retarded. Can you choose some fun ones? For example, finding faults together is better than the current few;Third: Zicoin has been listed on Dex, the trend is as follows, I feel bad. Gua Ge is a pity for the project side, why should a good social WEB3 game take the route of gold-making games. Say it without shame,

Analysis of Pain Points on the Chain Game Track: How about WEB3 for casual ice-breaking games?

The point of making money in this type of game is to try to become the ice-breaking entrance of all communities and metaverse scenes. You are the traffic entrance, and the advertising fees and pumping fees you can earn in the future are estimated to be N times the current currency issuance.Therefore, it is still recommended that the chain game project party can think more before the project is approved:Gamefi (Play to Earn mode) is just one direction of chain games, not all chain games are suitable for using token gold mode.

If it is a social project of Tugou, it is understandable that Zicoin is so early, but SpaceKill has a built-in wallet, and the completion of the game itself is very smooth. It seems to be a long-term project, but why is Zicoin listed so early.

Fourth: The most fun thing about killing humans is language communication. At the current closed beta stage, everyone is voting without brains, and there is very little voice communication. In the future, can we design a matching room that can be selected according to the language?

There are also some other points, such as the robot needs to be optimized, otherwise it will affect the game experience too much, everyone has to wait for the robot to complete the vote, and the wait is very anxious; for example, how to prevent the team from colluding and cheating to make gold; for example, can the Discord account be directly DID login ; For example, can the number of people be released, similar to 4-9 people in Among Us?

Analysis of Pain Points on the Chain Game Track: How about WEB3 for casual ice-breaking games?

A few days ago, I brought some interested melon friends to play SpaceKill for one night in the Guatian community. Fortunately, there are not many people playing now, and everyone can be automatically matched in the same room. , At the same time, Discord also AMA voice chat, which is really interesting, this is the charm of social icebreaker games.Let’s summarize casual ice-breaking chain games, especially in the WEB3 scene,

Analysis of Pain Points on the Chain Game Track: How about WEB3 for casual ice-breaking games?

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