Taking stock of the 13 final projects of ETHGlobal New York Hackathon

11 months ago
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Covering games, bots, account abstraction, bug bounty and other fields.

Original - Odaily


Taking stock of the 13 final projects of ETHGlobal New York HackathonOn September 25, ETHGlobal announced 13 finalist projects for the New York Hackathon, covering games, Bots, NFTs, account abstraction and other fields. Odaily introduces this batch of projects as follows:


FRAMED!, an on-chain and trustless hidden information game.

In the game, an art thief steals a painting from a museum. Players are randomly assigned roles such as citizen, thief, police officer, or detective. The information of these roles is stored on the chain in the form of encrypted values. The object of the game is for thieves to eliminate citizens, while citizens work together to find and vote out the hidden thief. There are elements of discussion and social reasoning between players, who must cooperate and deceive each other.

What makes this game unique is its ability to store cryptographic state directly on-chain. FHE-enabled smart contracts allow computations to be run on encrypted data without the need for decryption. This innovation solves privacy constraints and assurance issues.

Framed! It is composed of the following technologies: React for building user interfaces, WAGMI for game mechanics and Inco Testnet for network testing. Privvy integrates social login features to ensure smooth access for users. The game uses fully homomorphic encryption technology to facilitate private actions and role assignments on the chain, allowing players to interact and make decisions, such as taking actions against other players, while maintaining privacy. This technology allows encrypted computing operations to be performed directly on the chain without the need for decryption, setting a new standard for on-chain gaming experience.


F.A.S.T., the full name is Facial Address State Transfer, a Telegram Bot that integrates a variety of products and technologies.

The FAST project grew out of a conversation at a hackathon where someone said it would be cool to be able to just take a picture of someones face and send money to their wallet address.

Due to certain technical barriers, the adoption rate of Web3 is quite low. Users do not know their own address and almost certainly do not know the addresses of others. FAST hypothesizes that AI will achieve ultra-high penetration of Web3 in the following ways: People will have a simpler chat interface instead of an incomprehensible user experience; AI will be able to connect people with their addresses in a better way stand up.

FAST integrates a variety of technologies and products: Telegram, image indexing technology, AWS S 3 + DynamoDB + Lambda, Vercel (host), OpenZeppelin contract (for deploying NFT contracts), Airstack (enables robots to understand verified users and create Interactive social graph), Polygon (mainnet), Linea/XDC (multi-chain support), SAFE, ENS (enable subdomains for verified users), Mask.


ZeroTrustBounty, Zero Trust Bounty, is dedicated to solving challenges on traditional bug bounty platforms.

Imagine reporting a vulnerability to a bug bounty program and then not getting paid. ZeroTrustBounty solves this problem by using TLS notarization and the Lit protocol. Assuming a user has a SQL injection vulnerability, ZeroTrustBounty allows the user to hide the attack HTTP request but reveal the cryptographically verified HTTP response so that the affected business can cryptographically verify the users report and understand the impact. Now coming to the payment part, ZeroTrustBounty uses the Lit protocol to encrypt HTTP requests/responses, which the business can decrypt after paying to an address or holding an NFT, etc. This way, payment can be ensured if the business is interested in fixing the vulnerability, and issues like white hats not getting paid or third-party services stealing vulnerability technology/reports are eliminated. It also addresses the issue of companies disclosing sensitive information to third-party services.

This system aligns the interests of white hats and business and creates a market for correctly priced vulnerability reports. As more white hats and business use the platform, the platform may choose to purchase cheaper than the first report. White hat reporting, thereby choosing your own risk threshold and incentivizing white hats to price appropriately.

Doom Arena

Doom Arena, hosting game competitions in a decentralized manner.

With tens of thousands of games released every year, game developers need to find unique ways to engage players. The project provides a solution by allowing developers to host competitions, providing incentives for players and generating revenue for developers.

Doom Arena creates a decentralized platform for hosting game competitions, providing game developers with an innovative way to promote games and attract players, while establishing a sustainable economic model for game promotion. Anyone can start or participate in contests and contribute to the active gaming ecosystem.

Specifically, after the game starts, players will purchase a game ticket to participate in the game. Purchasing the game ticket will increase the bonus pool and encourage more players to participate in the game. Once a player completes a game, they submit a hash of the game and can view other participants via their ENS address, but not their scores. After the time limit is up, players will submit a final log of the game to verify their score, which will also allow everyone to view other players games and verify their scores if they wish.

When rewards are distributed, each player will receive 0.5% of the previous players winnings until all players have been paid. If there are any remaining winnings, they will belong to the game sponsor. Then wait for the next host to start the match and start playing again.


AirTracker, using AirTags and blockchain storage and messaging for decentralized physical asset tracking.

AirTracker uses AirTags to record an immutable record of the location of your physical assets. It obtains the location data for each AirTag asset from the Apple device, encrypts the location data, and stores it on-chain and on IPFS. Location updates are also sent via XMTP and ENS queries using AirStack.

Users can log into the web user interface and view the historical location of each asset on the map, as well as specific time and location updates.

Users can share asset locations with any person or application simply by sharing a generated random tag name (which also acts as a location encryption key).

SafeCreate 2 

SafeCreate 2 , use single-chain Safe to safely deploy multi-chain smart contracts.

Deploying permissioned multi-chain contracts is very difficult. Users can either use nonce-based deployment and pray that Vitalik never loses private keys or messes up the order of nonces, or accepts the multi-signature management chaos that comes with having an administrator Safe for each chain.

Safe Create 2 enables a Safe on a single chain to deploy smart contracts to the same address on all chains without the need to bridge Ethereum, and also allows a single-chain Safe to perform administrator functions on any multi-chain contract. This gives projects the best of both worlds - easy-to-use multi-chain deployment with the security of a single Safe.


ConsciousNFT, provides NFT project founders and owners with an artificial intelligence engine toolset to jointly build rich internal worlds, allowing NFT artworks to transcend static images and giving each NFT a unique personality, backstory, conversational capabilities, and narrative Depth, becoming a conscious character.

Create challenges and tasks to engage in creating NFTs and earn generative NFT rewards. Create interactive narratives that allow conscious NFTs to form relationships, engage in combat, or explore adventures.

With ConsciousNFT, let the community co-create narratives and breathe life into NFT collections. Upload the trained LLM model to preserve interactive characters.

Awaken the unique conscious identity within each NFT, jointly build interactive myths and narratives, create challenges and tasks to drive participation, chain the LLM model to retain narrative content, give each PFP personality and dialogue capabilities, integrate with social media To enable natural discovery, PFP can cultivate fan base and social attention, transform static NFT artwork into conscious digital characters, and connect art to the metaverse through living character identities.

Space Guardians

Space Guardians, MetaMask Guardian management system built with Snaps for satellite secure access recovery.

In Web3, forgot password happens frequently, and the existing solution has loopholes: the security of the guardian may be compromised; notification (reduces the possibility of collusion incidents). Space Guardians has developed a secure solution for social key recovery scenarios, MM Snapshot + Cryptosat Satellite. This addresses the management of notification and audit records, thereby reducing the likelihood of collusion incidents.


A.S.R., the full name is Anti Social Recovery, which allows users to regain ownership of smart contracts after losing their signing keys.

What happens if the contract is owned by a person rather than an address? ASR allows users to deploy smart contracts whose ownership is tied to unique proof of their personal identity (e.g., World ID). After verifying with World ID, users can deploy the contract as owner and then take over ownership from a different EOA.

This design pattern can be applied to many different use cases. While ASR starts with a simple ownable contract, the same principles can be applied to any smart contract role (issuer, suspender, destroyer, etc.). Additionally, World IDs can be exchanged using different personal identification providers. ASR has also considered how it could be applied to ERC 20, allowing users to withdraw their funds from new addresses.

MEVictim Rebate

MEVictim Rebate, utilizing on-chain historical data to identify MEV victims, and airdrop tokens to victims on Scroll to access the token-gated Uniswap v4 pool, thereby designing better market incentives.

The project aims to identify victims of MEV attacks on ETH Goerli and provide these victims with an ERC-721 token, holders of which can receive discounts by providing liquidity to the Uniswap v4 pool on Scroll. Ultimately, the project incentivizes better behavior on Scroll through historical on-chain data of users on ETH Goerli.

This is a powerful new fundamental: Proof historical on-chain behavior and use that proof to privilege certain users in the complex next generation of DeFi.

First, a subgraph of ETH Goerli transactions was used to identify potential MEV victims (i.e., those individuals who were front-fronted/snatched/covered). The transaction hash and log ID are then provided as input to the Axiom circuit.

Axiom circuits use transaction hashes to prove whether a wallet address is indeed the victim of an MEV attack. If eligible, the wallet address will receive an ERC-721 token (Nouns NFT created using Unlock Protocol, contract name MEVictim), which can then be bridged to Scroll using a Hyperlane Warp Route deployment.

Only holders of ERC-721 tokens can swap on the token-gated Uniswap v4 pool on Scroll. While we initially hoped to make ERC-721 holders eligible for a discount on fees, we are short on time and hope to add this complexity in the future. We implemented token gating as a proof-of-concept to demonstrate that the Uniswap v4 peg can be used to provide this discount to token holders.


RealReturn, an open ranking of real ROI with privacy and verifiability powered by TLSNotary and Jomo.

To this day, people can only identify by examining screenshots, or trying to make common sense judgments based on numbers. Neither party can truly prove itself unless the account holder is willing to share their credentials publicly.

RealReturn using Jomo and TLSNotary now allows anyone to publicly prove their return on investment without sharing their credentials to anyone or anywhere. Use cryptographic techniques like 3-party TLS, MPC, etc. to associate the users TLS session with the application server so that even though the contents of the session are still only visible to the user and the application server, the notary can generate something on one side that certifies that transcription Not tampered with.

Abstract Wallet

Abstract Wallet, wallet abstraction enables users to quickly register with a single click, generate password credentials, create smart accounts, and mint NFTs all in one click using only their password-abstracted smartphone! The wallet is invisible.

The project provides users with completely frictionless access services through one-click operation. Combines the Solidity FCL library (secp 256 R 1 is the best EVM implementation) to implement WebAuthn supported user operations, and also combines the Infiniti ERC 4337 entry point and a custom payment master to pay user fees, making it accessible to complete newbies It is also very easy to use.


XSafe, is a solution designed to optimize the Gnosis Safe multi-signature framework to enable multi-chain transactions. The core goal is to reduce the time and complexity involved in performing the same management functions on multiple blockchain networks. With X-Safe, users can propagate single signatures and single transactions across multiple chains, reducing overhead and speeding up workflows.

Technical features:

  • Gnosis Safe integration: X-Safe is built on the Gnosis Safe multi-signature framework, ensuring that it inherits Gnosis Safe’s powerful security measures and features while adding simplified multi-chain capabilities.

  • Single signature propagation: Traditional multi-signature operations require users to sign each transaction individually on each blockchain network. X-Safe simplifies this process by automatically propagating a single signature to all integrated blockchains.

  • Single transaction broadcast: Similar to signature propagation, X-Safe allows a single transaction to be broadcast to multiple blockchains. This is useful for executing the same smart contract methods or management functions on different networks.

  • Chain-agnostic: X-Safe is designed to be blockchain-agnostic, meaning it can be integrated with any blockchain powered by Gnosis Safe.

Can be used for:

• Deploy the same smart contract on multiple blockchains;

• Update governance parameters on DAOs that exist on multiple chains;

• Cross-chain asset management for diversified investment portfolios.

With X-Safe, developers can significantly simplify their cross-chain operations, making the system more efficient, secure and cost-effective.

Original article, author:Jessica。Reprint/Content Collaboration/For Reporting, Please Contact report@odaily.email;Illegal reprinting must be punished by law.

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