WLabs Gua Ge: How does the WEB3 community divide rewards?

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How the Web3 community distributes rewards has always been an important and complex topic.

Yesterday afternoon, there was one of the hottest discussions this year in the Guatian Community DC. The reason was that the community management team awarded Gashero to the community with medals (it seems to have a market price of 5000 U), as well as NFTs of base vehicles and heroes, and held an essay competition. The first place with the best writing will be voted by members of the community above level 8, and will receive a medal; the second and third place will be determined by the number of Twitter comment clicks, and will receive NFTs of base vehicles and heroes.

The core idea of ​​the management teams design is that compared to a simple lottery, most of the prizes will be taken away by the studio or brushes. The first place is using a DPOS-like model, which is a model similar to a node (representative system) and trying to exclude it as much as possible. Use the trumpet account, do preliminary KYC, and let the old OGs and long-term contributors in the community vote. The second and third place will be the POS mechanism, depending on the number of clicks on Twitter.

Yesterday afternoon, a fan, who may have just joined the community or is a small account, started complaining about the unreasonable system, saying that he was not a KOL, how could he have more Twitter comment clicks than other big Vs, and then asked the management team if To be absolutely open, fair and impartial, when I saw these three public servants, I suddenly felt dizzy. I was even more uneasy than civil servants when they saw this word, with the word absolute added in front of it... It felt like a volunteer to show love at a nursing home on the weekend. Or, the family members of the elderly asked you why you didnt serve in the hospital as usual.

It is undeniable that what he said makes sense on a certain level. Everyone hopes for a perfect world with transparency, justice, equal rights and freedom.... Isnt it because WEB3 is getting closer to this aspect that it has so many young people? Are people yearning for it? The goal is very sexy, but the process... is really insurmountable, and I cant do it. From a young age, Buterin can be regarded as an industry benchmark. Is the Ethereum Foundation WEB3 he leads? No, pure WEB2 is similar to the operation of a company, but it is undeniable that after several forks and twists and turns, ETH still maintains its dominant position, and those forked coins are difficult to match. Therefore, the quality of a product has no direct relationship with whether it is WEB2 or WEB3. Maybe in the early days, the WEB2 method was more effective. Its a bit like teacher Liu Yus point of view in The Art of Possibility. The democratic system and the authoritarian system have no decisive role in whether an economy is prosperous at a certain stage.

Here I still recommend The Art of Possibility by Teacher Liu Yu. It is a book that can trigger thinking and is worth taking notes. It is semi-political and academic in nature, but with Teacher Liu Yus wonderful writing, it is not boring at all. .

Back to the Guatian community, I made a suggestion to my team members at the beginning of the year, which was to close down the Guatian community. There is no need to continue. My reasons are very simple: 1. Everyone should focus on the W Labs Guatian experiment. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to do investment research, consulting, and investment businesses that everyone likes? The elite DAO mechanism similar to that of a law firm is very good. It is distributed according to contribution and is easy to manage. 2. Building a community at this stage is thankless. Most of the users who come in are here to make money. We are not the project owner. We don’t have NFT and we don’t issue coins. Why do we spend so much time chatting with you? Why not pool resources and maybe come up with a case similar to Masverse?

My suggestion was rejected by the team members for the reason of using the opponents spear to attack the opponents shield: Brother Gua, havent you always emphasized to the project team that chain games must have a second layer of narrative in addition to making money? ? In addition to the financial factor, if Guatian Community can also have a second layer of narrative, such as providing emotional value to everyone, wouldnt it also find a way out? Also, we must not forget our original intentions. Our earliest members also met while playing chain games in 2021. The Guatian community was created only by slowly gathering together to communicate. Why is the community abandoned now?

Having said that, I suddenly realized that I seemed to be too philistine, would you be a little more sentimental? ? So I persevered this year. Fortunately, there are more and more friends who recognize the values ​​​​of Guatian. Everyone builds and plays together. People who are willing to participate in management are welcome, but they are really volunteers. Everyone in the Guatian community is not paid, so Sometimes when I put forward some ideas and suggestions, I have to take into account the emotions, energy and time of the MOD and the managers: Why should I be a bully if I don’t get paid? I also hope that Gua friends will take this into consideration when complaining in the community. Suggestions are welcome, but please refrain from personal attacks and stick to the issue rather than the person. Otherwise, I suggest you vote with your feet. After yesterday’s discussion about the event reward mechanism, some friends from Gua made some very good suggestions:

WLabs Gua Ge: How does the WEB3 community divide rewards?

Suggestions like this are worthy of respect and encouragement if the current shortcomings of the community can be implemented and improved.

Let’s use this small community as an experimental base for WEB3. The biggest difference between WEB3 and WEB2 in terms of social operations is that people in WEB2 are KYC, and what is protected is the privacy of everyone’s work, such as American citizens. When you vote for the president, you know you voted, but no one knows who you voted for; WEB3 is just the opposite, you know what you have done, and you can see the data on the chain anyway, but you don’t know who did it, and you protect people. Identity privacy. This brings up a difficult problem, how to implement the regular operations of web2 in a web3 environment? Voting, lottery, suggestions, how can these be implemented? WEB3 also has a bug, or buff. One person can spread the word and call out thousands of addresses to fight with you. In reality, with WEB2, you can only do your job well and then promote it, region by region. Canvassing votes will get real people to pay for you.

Speaking of voting, some friends who voted for the first place this time questioned why only those above level 8 have the right to vote? Wouldn’t it be more democratic and fair for everyone to have the right to vote? It makes sense, but is this really a better solution? The so-called Greece and Rome where everyone has the right to vote has also been proven that only citizens living in the city have the right to vote. What is the logic behind giving decision-making power to people who usually do not participate? In fact, there is a better solution which is to divide the weight of voting according to the level. However, there is currently no suitable voting tool for this. At the same time, it will increase the workload of the team and return to the previous topics of generating electricity for love and being a cow and horse.

There is still a long way to go, and WEB3 community management indeed still has a long way to go. At present, it seems that we can only try to find a balance while experimenting, and set a lower goal: it will definitely not satisfy all members, but at least half of it will be satisfied. As long as the above members can accept it.Finally, I will end this article with teacher Liu Yu’s point of view:

1. Participants respect the rules within the general framework. If they are not satisfied with the rules, they can make suggestions in advance and choose to participate or not;

2. Winners stay humble and work hard, losers stay restrained and patient. These two are the signs that the community has entered a mature stage. To magnify it, there are two countries that are typical cases of pros and cons. If you are interested, you can check it out. : South Africa and Egypt.

3. Before a community consensus and community effective capabilities are mature, management should not easily take actions that exceed expectations, which will deform the process and results; members have lower expectations for management behavior and efficiency. The case is similar to the Tanzania-Zambia Railway in Africa. If a high-speed railway is built in Africa now, it will probably have the same problem.

This article ends.

Original article, author:瓜田实验室 W Labs。Reprint/Content Collaboration/For Reporting, Please Contact report@odaily.email;Illegal reprinting must be punished by law.

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