U.S. House of Representatives proposes ban on the use of Chinese blockchain in the United States: a disaster a thousand times more serious than blocking Tiktok

10 months ago
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Name and block the US government from using Spartan, Conflux, the largest issuer of USDT and the digital renminbi.

Original - Odaily

Author - jk

U.S. House of Representatives proposes ban on the use of Chinese blockchain in the United States: a disaster a thousand times more serious than blocking Tiktok

On Wednesday, November 8, local time in the United States, the Creating Legal Accountability for Rogue Innovators and Technology (CLARITY) Act was co-sponsored by U.S. Representatives Zach Nunn of Iowa and Abigail Spanberger of Virginia. Innovators and Technology (CLARITY) Act, the abbreviation means clarity),It would prohibit U.S. federal officials from trading with China-based encryption companies or using their technology, and cut off government employees from using Chinese blockchains or the networks that support crypto trading platforms; the bill also explicitly prohibits U.S. government officials from trading with China-based encryption companies or using their technology. Trade with iFinex, the issuer of USDT, the worlds largest stablecoin.

The bill also prohibits officials from dealing with Spartan Network, Conflux and Red Date Technology Co., the architect of China’s national blockchain project and central bank digital currency (CBDC, digital yuan).

The bill specifically targets Blockchain-based Service Networks, proposing that China or other foreign hostile forces may use relevant blockchain technology backdoors to access critical national security intelligence and Americans personal information. information.

The bill would also direct the U.S. Treasury Secretary, Secretary of State, and Director of National Intelligence to develop a plan to prevent the risks posed by China and other hostile foreign powers developing these technologies.

U.S. House of Representatives proposes ban on the use of Chinese blockchain in the United States: a disaster a thousand times more serious than blocking Tiktok

Rep. Nunns official website, which reads in bold black letters This could be 1,000 times worse than China owning Tiktok.

On Rep. Nunn’s official website, he writes: “While blockchain is currently best known for its association with cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, the technology is expected to become widely used on cloud storage platforms within the next decade. , as a way to increase security and reduce costs, revolutionizing data privacy.However, U.S. use of BSN would expose information stored on the cloud platform to Chinese surveillance, including Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, passwords, photos and other sensitive information. At the government level, vulnerabilities are even more concerning, where critical national security information and Americans most sensitive data could be at risk.

The website also specifically mentions that China plans to seize the opportunities provided by blockchain technology, which may have an impact on U.S. information security.

“Within the next decade, every American will be using blockchain technology to store sensitive private data. China’s significant investment in this infrastructure poses huge national security and data privacy concerns. If we don’t act now ,This would be a disaster 1,000 times worse than if China owned TikTok,Rep. Nunn said. Our bipartisan bill ensures the federal government does not give China a backdoor to access critical national security intelligence and Americans private information. We must pass this bill now before it is too late.

As a former CIA case officer, I understand that China’s investments in state-controlled blockchain networks pose significant risks to U.S. data security. China has made blockchain a national priority, said Rep. Spanberger.The United States must develop a plan to keep U.S. data out of the hands of our adversaries. I’m proud to work with Representative Nunn to lead the bipartisan CLARITY Act to keep a firewall between Chinese-owned blockchain and the federal government, counter China’s influence in the global economy, and keep our country competitive.

U.S. House of Representatives proposes ban on the use of Chinese blockchain in the United States: a disaster a thousand times more serious than blocking Tiktok

The above is a summary of the Clarity Act tweeted by Rep. Nunn, including:

  • Prevent China from developing cybersecurity backdoors to steal U.S. data and intellectual property;

  • Prevent the U.S. federal government from using Chinese technology that could harm U.S. national security;

  • Draft a comprehensive plan to “stop Chinese intelligence activities.”

According to Coindesk comments, “Neither leader of the bill is a leader in the U.S. House of Representatives or holds prominent positions on committees.Other more senior lawmakers are already advancing a number of cryptocurrency bills, some of which also address security concerns. Some efforts have been approved by full House committees and are further along in the process,So a new proposal is less likely to jump in line ahead of them. In other words, this proposal will not become a reality in the short term.But it still reflects the attitude of a considerable number of politicians in the U.S. Congress towards Chinas geopolitics and innovative technological development.

Original article, author:jk。Reprint/Content Collaboration/For Reporting, Please Contact report@odaily.email;Illegal reprinting must be punished by law.

ODAILY reminds readers to establish correct monetary and investment concepts, rationally view blockchain, and effectively improve risk awareness; We can actively report and report any illegal or criminal clues discovered to relevant departments.

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