In September 2023, Telegram and the TON Foundation officially announced a partnership between the two parties to integrate TONs self-hosted encryption wallet TON Space for Telegram users. This is the official official cooperation interaction between the two after Telegram announced in 2020 that it would abandon the Telegram Open Network project it founded due to compliance issues. As a result, relying on the social platform Telegram as a traffic entry point has become TONs core competitiveness.
Web2 traffic, Web3 users, and social media platforms combined with high-performance public chains make the TON ecosystem, which is still in its early stages, attract the attention of investors. This report mainly organizes the early ecological development of TON Blockchain, public chain updates and development, on-chain ecological data, related financing information, etc., and analyzes the data growth, narrative perspective and development trends of the TON ecosystem for reference.
This report was jointly written and published by Starbase and Blocktempo. We also thank TON and TonX Studio for providing content suggestions and support.