SBF in the eyes of inmates: like an 80-year-old man, threatened with blackmail, and placed on suicide watch

Foresight News
9 months ago
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Prosecutors and judges only care about their own reputations, and the SBF case was an honorable case, so hes finished.

Original author: Jesse Coghlan

Original compilation: Frank, Foresight News

Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) feared for his safety while in pretrial detention at the Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center and even considered paying another inmate protection money, according to a former inmate. ”.

Gene Borrello, a former New York gangster, said in an interview with crypto blogger Tiffany Fong on November 30 that he had spent time in jail with SBF. He saidSBF was placed on suicide watch, blackmailed and without eating or showering for days, very uncomfortable in prison and fearing for his safety.

Gene Borrello said that during his time at SBF, other inmates viewed the former cryptocurrency tycoon as timid, built like an 80-year-old man, and presumed to be wealthy.

He looks like an 80-year-old man with no muscles, you know what I mean?

According to Gene Borrello, one prisoner was trying to intimidate the SBF so he could extort protection money from him; another prisoner wanted to make the SBF think its dangerous here and you need protection.

But SBF is housed in a unit at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn that separates wealthy, government partners from regular prisoners.

I keep saying: Its not dangerous here, you dont need extra protection. Dont worry, you dont have to give anyone money. Dont listen to these fucking bastards.

Gene Borrello claimed he got into an argument with another inmate and got into a fight, which resulted in both men being placed in solitary confinement in a special cell at the prison, where Gene Borrello stayed for 80 days.

SBF in the eyes of inmates: like an 80-year-old man, threatened with blackmail, and placed on suicide watch

A jail incident report states that Gene Borrello punched an inmate named Kevin Cruz twice and both were taken to solitary confinement.

Gene Borrello recalled a conversation with SBF, saying when he talked to you, he would lower his head, appear timid, and speak nervously.

He also asked SBF what the former billionaire spent his money on: What did you do with the money? What kind of watch do you have?. SBF said, I have an Apple Watch.

Gene Borrello continued to ask, What car do you drive?, SBF replied, A 2020 Toyota Camry.

Gene Borrello wondered about this, I told my friends, why the hell did you steal the money? Did you just want to see the money?

Gene Borrello believed that the SBF could not get into the rest of the prison population because he was considered wealthy (estimated at $26 billion at its peak) and so others would try to blackmail him again.

The SBF seemed unaware of how much trouble it was in, Gene Borrello recalled of his conversation with the SBF,The SBF apparently believes he wont get a long sentence.

He just didnt understand how much trouble he was in, Gene Borrello said. We tried to explain to him, this is the federal government and youre accused of stealing billions of dollars. It wasnt until we started explaining it to him that SBF understood its How bad the situation is.”

Gene Borrello saidSBF is more worried about prison than his own case and thinks he will spend 20 years in prison,We looked at him like he was crazy, and I kept trying to explain to him that you cant see the outside world anymore. (Note: On November 2, SBF was found guilty of seven counts of money laundering, fraud and conspiracy. , faces up to 115 years in prison, his sentencing is scheduled for March 28, and his lawyers are expected to appeal).

Gene Borrello also said that he had tried to warn the SBF that the New York judge in his case, Lewis Kaplan, was the toughest judge in the entire Southern District of New York.

In most cases, the judge will follow the prosecutors sentencing recommendation, but the prosecutor has not yet submitted a sentencing recommendation in the SBF case. This is a very outrageous thing, Gene Borrello said.

I think thats bullshit, he added. Theres no reason to give that guy 100 years. Its just crazy.

Gene Borrello called the SBF case a glorious case that every prosecutor wants to be a part of because they want to be judges, politicians, analysts and first-rate federal prosecutors.

They only care about their reputation, and the SBF case was an honorable case, so hes finished.

Original article, author:Foresight News。Reprint/Content Collaboration/For Reporting, Please Contact;Illegal reprinting must be punished by law.

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