
5 months ago
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In the development process of the Internet, freedom and openness have always been the most precious qualities. They have inspired countless innovations and changes that have shaped the digital world as we know it today. However, with the rise of a few technology giants, the Internet is gradually losing its open and decentralized nature. Data monopoly, concentration of power, tightening of regulations...all signs indicate that Internet freedom is facing unprecedented challenges.

However, a new technological paradigm is emerging, opening up a new space of possibilities for Internet freedom. This is the multi-chain ecosystem. As a pioneer in multi-chain ecology, INTO is exploring the path for the realization of this vision through the innovation of its technology and concepts. Entering April 2024, INTO ecological good news is spreading frequently, with more than 10 million registered users, more than 880,000 users who have completed SBT certification, and daily active transactions as high as 1.2 million. It has successfully entered more than 150 countries and regions, attracting customers from China, Vietnam, Users from Malaysia, Japan, Thailand, India, Philippines, South Korea and other places. The achievements of the INTO project on a global scale have established a broad user base, giving INTO strong anti-risk capabilities. It is expected to become a new bastion of Internet freedom and lead digital civilization toward a more open, equal, and diverse future.


From the shackles of centralization to the liberation of decentralization

Since the birth of the Internet, the spirit of freedom it carries has been challenged and eroded by centralized forces. This centralization is reflected not only in the technical architecture, but also in the power structure.

At the technical architecture level, in order to pursue higher performance and controllability, the Internet has gradually evolved into a highly centralized model. A few technology giants have achieved centralized control over data storage, calculation and transmission by building centralized servers and data centers. Users’ digital lives increasingly rely on these centralized platforms, and their space for free choice continues to shrink.

At the level of the power structure, data has become a new source of power. Technology giants use platform rules and algorithms to collect and analyze user data and behaviors on a large scale, forming a kind of ubiquitous digital surveillance. This data monopoly not only harms user privacy, but also leads to further concentration of wealth and influence. What is even more worrying is that, driven by commercial interests, centralized platforms are becoming censors and manipulators of free speech. In aspects such as algorithm recommendation and content review, platforms increasingly make value judgments on behalf of users, limiting the diverse flow of information. Cyberspace is gradually becoming a tool for a few people to control speech and thoughts.

Facing the dilemma of centralization, decentralized technology provides a new way of thinking for Internet freedom. Among them, multi-chain ecology, as an advanced form of decentralization, is opening up new territories for network freedom. The core of the multi-chain ecosystem is to build an ecosystem composed of multiple independent but interconnected blockchain networks. Each blockchain has its own consensus mechanism, token system and governance rules, and can independently decide its operation mode and development direction. This is like a virtual federation composed of countless digital city-states. Each main chain is an independent community with a high degree of autonomy.


The multi-chain ecosystem provides a new Internet architecture paradigm. In this decentralized network, freedom, diversity, privacy, security...these original aspirations and ideals of the Internet are regaining their vitality. They are no longer slogans or compromises, but the basic logic of ecological operation and the inherent rights of every participant. It is in this sense that we say that multi-chain ecology improves the freedom of the Internet. Through technological innovation and mechanism design, it fundamentally deconstructs the shackles of centralization, reshapes the distribution logic of digital power, and opens up a new space of possibilities for network freedom.

A new picture of multi-chains from the perspective of INTO

INTO is a highly open, free, and diverse Web3 multi-chain ecosystem. Through innovation in multiple dimensions such as technology, mechanism, and culture, it is committed to building a decentralized, dynamic, and continuously evolving blockchain network to explore new realization paths and value possibilities for the freedom of the Internet.

Through self-developed cross-chain protocols, INTO achieves seamless interconnection between multiple main chains. Data, assets and information can be safely and efficiently transferred between chains, opening up barriers to value flow. This kind of interconnection makes each main chain no longer a closed island, but a node in the ecological network, which together form a dynamic value cycle system.

In this system, the main chain is both independent and complementary to each other. Each main chain can attract different developers and user groups based on its own positioning and advantages, forming a unique ecological niche. The main chains realize the optimal allocation of resources and the amplification of the network effect of value through cross-chain collaboration. This inter-chain collaboration model has greatly improved the flexibility and innovation of the ecosystem, and promoted the formation of a multi-resonant and dynamically balanced development pattern.

At the same time, INTO adheres to the concept of openness and inclusiveness and provides ecological participants with diversified access channels and participation methods. Whether developers, users or other stakeholders, they can join the ecological construction conveniently and friendly and share the dividends of ecological growth. In addition, in the INTO ecosystem, Code is Law is not just a slogan, but the core philosophy of ecological governance. This means that the operating rules of the ecosystem are established and executed through code rather than authority. Every line of code embodies the consensus and agreement of ecological participants.

The advantage of this kind of code governance is that it provides a set of transparent, certain and credible game rules. Once the rules are determined, they will be executed automatically without human intervention, eliminating the possibility of black-box operations. This greatly improves the fairness and orderliness of ecological operations and creates a stable and predictable development environment. It is through these innovative technologies and mechanism designs that INTO has built a highly decentralized and autonomous multi-chain ecological paradigm. Here, Web3s values ​​and governance philosophy are fully reflected and implemented. INTO explores a new and prosperous possibility for Internet freedom and presents a new paradigm of Web3 freedom.


Cross-chain agreement, identity interoperability, and value transfer

As a pioneer in the multi-chain ecology, INTO not only creates a new situation of Internet freedom at the conceptual level, but also provides the key to the interconnection, value transfer and collaborative evolution of the multi-chain ecology through a series of technological and mechanism innovations at the practical level. Infrastructure reconstructs the technical paradigm of multi-chain interconnection.

The first is a safe and efficient cross-chain protocol. We must know that interconnection is the foundation of multi-chain ecology, and the key to realizing multi-chain interconnection lies in cross-chain technology. INTO has independently developed a set of safe, efficient and flexible cross-chain protocols, building a bridge for information and value exchange between chains within the ecosystem.

Based on the INTO cross-chain protocol, various chains in the ecosystem can achieve seamless interconnection. Users can freely transfer their digital assets between chains, and developers can also easily deploy and call cross-chain applications. This has greatly promoted value transfer and collaborative innovation within the ecosystem, and promoted the formation of a highly integrated network value system.

Second is the interoperable and shared identity system. Due to the interoperability of user identities and data portability, it is the key to achieving a cross-chain integrated experience. INTO realizes the interoperability and sharing of user identities within the ecosystem by building an identity system based on DID (Decentralized Identity).

In this identity system, each user has a decentralized identity. This identity can be used across all chains in the ecosystem, and users do not need to register and authenticate repeatedly on different chains. At the same time, based on this unified identity, users can easily manage and control their data and privacy on different chains. Finally, there is a highly scalable value transfer network. To this end, INTO has built a highly scalable, flexible value transfer network that supports the cross-chain circulation and use of various digital assets.

The basis of this network is INTOs native multi-chain wallet system. Users can manage their assets on different chains through a unified wallet interface to achieve one-stop asset control. The wallet has a built-in cross-chain transaction function, allowing users to achieve point-to-point cross-chain asset transfer without relying on centralized exchanges.

In general, in INTOs design, multi-chains are no longer isolated islands, but an interconnected and vibrant network federation. Every main chain in this federation is a free participant and contributor, jointly weaving a wonderful picture of digital freedom. INTO has comprehensively reconstructed the paradigm of multi-chain interconnection through a series of technological innovations such as cross-chain protocols, identity systems, and value transfer networks. These innovations not only greatly improve the interoperability and integrated experience of the multi-chain ecosystem, but also provide the most solid technical foundation for Internet freedom.

Original article, author:INTOverse。Reprint/Content Collaboration/For Reporting, Please Contact report@odaily.email;Illegal reprinting must be punished by law.

ODAILY reminds readers to establish correct monetary and investment concepts, rationally view blockchain, and effectively improve risk awareness; We can actively report and report any illegal or criminal clues discovered to relevant departments.

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