10 ETHGlobal Brussels Hackathon Finalists

3 months ago
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AI has become the main battlefield of innovation, and Ethereum developers have also started working on Blinks...

Original | Odaily Planet Daily ( @OdailyChina )

Author: Azuma ( @azuma_eth )

10 ETHGlobal Brussels Hackathon Finalists

On July 14, one of EthCC’s most popular peripheral events, the ETHGlobal Brussels themed hackathon, officially came to an end.

This hackathon finally selected 10 finalists, covering multiple fields such as AI, DeFi, wallets, security, Blinks, etc. These projects will share the $475,000 prize provided by ETHGlobal and 44 other projects including LayerZero, Uniswap, Filecoin, Polygon, Arbitrum, etc.

Next, Odaily Planet Daily will take you to learn about these 10 shortlisted projects.

10 ETHGlobal Brussels Hackathon Finalists


Winner homepage: https://ethglobal.com/showcase/bananabets-w0jbp

Keywords: DeFi, prediction market

BananaBets is a gaming prediction market in conjunction with ETHGlobal Brussels.

Before the Hackathon winners are announced, all viewers can view the projects submitted by the major teams. BananaBets provides viewers with a prediction platform where they can bet on different projects they think will be shortlisted for the finals. After the results are announced, a leaderboard will be generated (wrong bets will be recorded as negative points, correct bets will be recorded as positive points), and the person with the highest score will win 100 USDC.

Cook some hooks

Winner homepage: https://ethglobal.com/showcase/cook-some-hooks-ehuy8

Keywords: DeFi, AI

Cook Some Hooks is a tool that helps users easily create and deploy Uniswap v4 hooks using generative AI.

Through Cook Some Hooks, users can choose their favorite DeFi DApp (such as Uniswap or PancakeSwap), select the trading pair they want to create, and then use the AI LLM model to create hooks. The generated hooks can be deployed on any EVM-compatible chain.

The project aims to simplify the process of creating and deploying customized Uniswap v4 hooks, thereby lowering the operational threshold for non-technical users and helping them easily operate complex hooks strategies.


Winner homepage: https://ethglobal.com/showcase/zarathustra-j5pbg

Keywords: AI

Zarathustra is a distributed, modular, permissionless AI system designed to be a completely open reasoning network.

In Zarathustra, one of the great challenges in the AI world is how to coordinate complex networks of intelligent agents. As AI gains more and more autonomy, there will be an increasing need for communication and interaction between intelligent agents. These agents need to be equipped with standardized protocols and interfaces to facilitate trustless data exchange and negotiation. In order to effectively facilitate this coordination, a well-defined economic incentive structure, including rewards and penalties, is needed to ensure strong coordination between agents.

Zarathustras system mainly consists of three roles: users, routers, and models. These participants can be coordinated through smart contracts, and anyone can join and play any role without permission.

In terms of operating mechanism, users can interact with the front end to submit queries, and the query requirements will be submitted to the smart contract. The smart contract will randomly process and broadcast events, and the events will be received by the router. The router will then analyze the nature of the event and the required tasks, and then assign the tasks to the appropriate dedicated model based on the analysis results.

Tap Ether

Award homepage: https://ethglobal.com/showcase/tap-ether-ote2h

Keywords: wallet

Tap Ether is a simple wallet app based on NFC function, which allows users to quickly transfer money by touching their phones together.

Oh Snap!

Winner homepage: https://ethglobal.com/showcase/oh-snap-4u2kv

Keyword: safety

Oh Snap! can help users understand the context of the contract they are interacting with before trading, thereby helping users to verify whether the contract is malicious and helping users avoid interactive attacks.

Omma Cash

Award homepage: https://ethglobal.com/showcase/omma-cash-nkdrx

Keywords: wallet, mass adoption

Omma Cash aims to allow users who are unfamiliar with Web3 to easily use cryptocurrencies using the application they are familiar with, Whatsapp.

The entire user experience takes place through a Whatsapp chat, while all technology and on-chain transactions run in the background so that users can seamlessly send and receive funds (whether crypto or fiat).

Piggy Wallet

Winner homepage: https://ethglobal.com/showcase/piggy-wallet-szyeh

Keywords: wallet

Piggy Wallet aims to enhance the financial resilience of young people in a hyperinflationary economy. Specifically, Piggy Wallet will build a cryptocurrency savings app for children, which will set up time locks, automatic USDC exchange, storage goals, task bounties, AI financial advisors, parental insurance controls and other functions to help children improve their financial knowledge and fight hyperinflation.


Award homepage: https://ethglobal.com/showcase/adfhe-jhwyi

Keywords: FHE, advertising

AdFHE aims to use fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) to achieve personalized advertising.

FHE is a technology that allows computations to be performed on encrypted data without decrypting it, which means AdFHE can safely analyze user characteristics and preferences, ensuring privacy is preserved throughout the process. AdFHE works in a very similar way to how some search engines or social media platforms provide customized content without revealing personal information. AdFHE uses a recommendation algorithm that processes encrypted user data, allowing the platform to provide more targeted advertising without exposing the users personal search history and personal information.


Winner homepage: https://ethglobal.com/showcase/ephi-1txc9

Keywords: Ethereum version of Blinks, mass adoption

Inspired by Solana Actions and Blinks and Facaster Frames, Ephi aims to extend the Web3 ecosystem to any Web2 environment. Ephi will achieve this by creating a browser extension that supports embedding a mini version window anywhere on a web page.

In order to demonstrate in the hackathon, Ephi built three different Blinks examples, including three functions: bridging, donation, and exchange. The relevant examples are embedded on X, but Ephi emphasizes that you can embed this function in Facebook, Twitch, YouTube, Reddit, Medium and other places.


Winner homepage: https://ethglobal.com/showcase/individuum-nyee0

Keyword: Mission platform

Individuum is an automated task marketplace that guarantees that workers complete tasks to the required specifications and ensures transparent and secure payments.

Individuum aims to simplify and automate the process of task delegation while ensuring the quality of task completion. Customers can publish their needs to Individuum, or delegate tasks to another party they want to collaborate with through Individuum; tasks must include clear instructions (such as specific requirements to be completed) and set a fixed price for each task; Individuum will then match the task with the right worker; workers who have accepted the task will automatically receive token rewards after completing the work and passing verification.

Original article, author:Azuma。Reprint/Content Collaboration/For Reporting, Please Contact report@odaily.email;Illegal reprinting must be punished by law.

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