Meme Training Manual: Rebirth: I Want to Be a Diamond Hand (Part 1) | Produced by Nanzhi

16 hours ago
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Be sure to set a minimum copy trading amount, trust the smart money in chasing highs, and don’t take the initiative to stop profits.

Original | Odaily Planet Daily ( @OdailyChina )

Author|Nan Zhi ( @Assassin_Malvo )

Meme Training Manual: Rebirth: I Want to Be a Diamond Hand (Part 1) | Produced by Nanzhi

Previously, in the articles A Thousand Solana Smart Wallets: Who is Making a Huge Profit? What Can We Learn from It? and Two Thousand Smart Addresses Summarize the Characteristics of Ethereum Meme Big Winners: Diamond Hands or PvP | Nanzhi Production , the author conducted statistics and reviews on the high-profit addresses of popular tokens based on multi-dimensional data such as win rate, profit and loss ratio, and retracement.

Recently, based on the above statistical method, the author further iterated the score evaluation method of these smart addresses, aiming to find the diamond hand players in these smart addresses and follow orders , and explore whether following orders of diamond hands can be a stable way to make profits . In addition, the author simply designed a set of cutting copy orders coefficient (harvesting copy order wallets) to protect and enhance the profitability and anti-drawdown capabilities of the account. Odaily will share and discuss the diamond hand score evaluation method and copy order settings in this article .

Risk warning: The system has been running for only 6 days since its launch on October 8. Although it has achieved certain results, the amount of data and control experiments are not sufficient from an objective point of view, and the rigor is limited . It is only for readers reference. In addition, to ensure the objectivity of subsequent tests, this article will not disclose any addresses.

Basic information

  • Principal: 7 SOL and 8 SOL were deposited on October 8 and October 12 respectively. The reason for the additional funds was that the copied address (smart address) held the coins for too long, all SOL was converted into tokens, and it was impossible to continue copying, so additional funds were required.

  • Profit: As of 13:30 on October 14 (UTC+ 8), the total account funds were 3,570 USD, approximately 23.64 SOL, with a profit rate of 57.6% .

  • Copy order settings: In most cases, a fixed copy order of 0.3 SOL is charged for each transaction; if the smart address purchases less than 0.1 SOL, no copy order is charged (reasons will be explained later); both buy and sell orders are followed; tokens with a market value of more than 30 million US dollars are not copied; the buy and sell priority fees are both 0.0005 SOL.

Meme Training Manual: Rebirth: I Want to Be a Diamond Hand (Part 1) | Produced by Nanzhi

Account data details, including incorrect total profit, see below for details

Diamond Hand Evaluation System

The first version designed 13 evaluation dimensions. The core problems that have been exposed include: ① The evaluation system is too affected by the amount of funds. For the same profit and loss ratio and winning rate, addresses with high funds have a significant advantage; ② It cannot block malicious addresses; ③ The statistics of the holding period are missing. The detailed calculation method is as follows:

  • 30-day win rate, out of 1 point: the score is equal to the 30-day win rate;

  • 7-day profit, full score 1 point: 7-day profit greater than $50,000 full score, profit from $0 to $50,000 linear score, negative profit 0 point;

  • 30-day profit, full score 1 point: 30-day profit greater than $100,000 full score, profit from $0 to $100,000 linear score, negative profit 0 point;

  • Average profit of each purchase, full score 1 point: 30-day profit ÷ 30-day purchase times, less than 300 gets 0 points, greater than 2000 gets 1 point, and the linear score in the middle;

  • Average profit per sale, full score 1 point: 30-day profit ÷ 30-day sales times, less than 300 gets 0 points, greater than 2000 gets 1 point, with linear scores in between;

(Note: The above four indicators have the first problem mentioned in this section: overly favorable to addresses with large amounts of funds .)

  • Trading style, full score 1 point: average profit of each purchase ÷ average profit of each sale, calculate the score when it is greater than 1.5, otherwise 0 points. The score is equal to average profit score of each sale × 50%. (Note: I hope to find an address that buys in small quantities and sells in batches at high points. )

  • Total profit, full score 1 point: less than 10,000 US dollars get 0 points, more than 100,000 US dollars get 1 point, and the middle is linearly scored; (Note: Total profit = the sum of the profit of the 30 tokens with the largest profit + the loss of the 30 tokens with the largest loss.)

  • Profit TOP 1 percentage, full score 0.166 points: the calculation method is the most profitable token ÷ total profit, greater than 0% and less than 75% to calculate the score, otherwise 0 points. The score is equal to total profit score ÷ 6;

  • Profit TOP 5 percentage, full score 0.166 points: the calculation method is the tokens of the top 5 profitable ÷ total profit, the score is calculated if it is greater than 0% and less than 100%, otherwise 0 points. The score is equal to total profit score ÷ 6;

  • Profit TOP 10 percentage, full score 0.166 points: the calculation method is the tokens of the top 10 profitable ÷ total profit, the score is calculated if it is greater than 0% and less than 150%, otherwise 0 points. The score is equal to total profit score ÷ 6;

  • In addition, there are three indicators: loss TOP 1, TOP 5, and TOP 10. The methods are similar to the above three indicators and will not be repeated here.

Cut-off coefficient

Some smart money addresses, because they clearly have a large number of copy trading wallets at their addresses, will purchase small-cap tokens to push up the price, and then sell them for profit after copying the purchases. To avoid this situation, a cut copy trading coefficient is designed. Addresses with a cut copy trading coefficient greater than 0 will not be considered for copy trading .

The author obtained the 50 tokens that were recently traded by each smart address, among which:

  • This token comes from pump

  • Current market value is less than 100k

  • Buy and sell within 60 seconds and the quantity is the same twice (± 5%)

For each token that has been traded, if it meets the above three conditions at the same time, it will be recorded as the copy-slashing score + 1, and finally divided by the total number of statistics to get the copy-slashing coefficient. In the automatic copy system, addresses greater than 0 will not be considered. When operating manually, the copy-slashing coefficient size will be marked after the address.

First Edition System Reflection

Based on 6 days of testing, the author reviewed the profits and losses and gained some experience as follows:

  • Be sure to set the minimum copy order amount : The author set If the smart address purchases less than 0.1 SOL, do not copy orders because there is a malicious poisoning situation . Some malicious addresses can transfer tokens of negligible value to smart addresses through unknown means, and be identified by the copy bot as purchased by smart addresses, thus triggering copy orders, and then the malicious address sells for profit. The author did not discover this problem until yesterday, and more than ten tokens have been poisoned.

  • Trust the smart money’s pursuit of high prices : SOL’s recent token cap is mostly 30 million USD. For example, MANYU, Pochita, Miharu, etc. all plummeted after reaching this cap. None of the smart addresses tracked in this test purchased these tokens. The only token that pursued high prices was GOAT, which pursued high prices at a market value of more than 10 million USD and sold at a market value of 80 million USD (currently 110 million USD). Therefore, it is recommended to trust the judgment of these top addresses.

  • Don’t take the initiative to stop profit : When choosing the address to copy, the system itself has a “style preference”, which tends to be addresses with high losses and high profits. If you manually intervene to take the initiative to stop profit, it will only destroy the complete operation of this strategy and lead to the loss of large profits. (The lesson of manually selling a token after it rose two or three times when the account could have doubled on the second day of copying)

  • Profit and loss data disclosure: After 6 days of testing, the copy trading system purchased a total of 81 tokens, and only 29 tokens were profitable, with a winning rate of 35.8%. The top 1 profit made a total profit of $1,247, accounting for 55% of the total investment ; the top 5 made a total profit of $2,408, accounting for 106% of the total funds. The top 1 loss lost a total of $214, accounting for 9.4%, and the top 5 lost a total of $789, accounting for 34.3%. It showed a state similar to the copy trading address.

Meme Training Manual: Rebirth: I Want to Be a Diamond Hand (Part 1) | Produced by Nanzhi

Next steps

In summary, during the 6-day test, the systems profits were relatively stable, with profits coming from multiple tokens rather than occasional lucky situations, and the coin holding period was relatively long, ranging from a few hours to several days, without the need for PvP combat.

The next iteration plans to find small capital addresses that can generate stable profits and increase the ability to identify malicious operations and addresses. In addition, the current identified smart address operation time is often in the early morning of Beijing time, and the domestic daytime Golden Dog basically does not participate, so it is urgent to expand the smart address inventory.

If this copy trading system does not lose all its money within a month, the second update of this article will be carried out, so stay tuned.

Original article, author:南枳。Reprint/Content Collaboration/For Reporting, Please Contact;Illegal reprinting must be punished by law.

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