50 Use Cases That Tell You Blockchain Is Ready To Take Over The World

6 years ago
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50 Use Cases That Tell You Blockchain Is Ready To Take Over The World

, reproduced with permission.Author: Matteo Gianpietro Zago, Chairman of Blockchain Internet Foundation, Founder of Essentia.one.

When talking about blockchain, we usually think about its future application. The blockchain will solve this problem, the blockchain will achieve this goal. Its easy to forget that:

Blockchain is already widely deployed.

Pick any industry, from automotive to artificial intelligence, and youll discover the possibilities of blockchain applications. In all fields, in all industries, blockchain is playing a role. Even the U.S. Treasury Department is taking action, advocating for more pilot programs and testing programs.The World Economic Forum predicts that by 2025, 10% of the worlds GDP will be stored in the blockchain, which means that global executives are embracing this sea change and are ready to fully support its implementation. The impact of distributed ledger technology could be as grand as the internet revolution itself.Transparency, immutability, redundancy and security.


In 2018, new blockchain initiatives are launched every day. Below are 50 examples of blockchain being applied around the world.


Some governments have expressed interest in using blockchain technology to store public records in a decentralized data management framework. Essentia is developing an e-government pilot project with the Central Union of Finnish Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners. Blockchain will make public records accessible to urban and rural residents across Finland. Other use cases include government applications such as education, public records and voting.

waste management

Waltonchains RFID technology is being used in Chinas smart waste management system. Using Waltonchain, the project will monitor waste levels to improve operational efficiency and optimize resources.


border control

health care

health care


Medical records are notoriously disjointed, error-prone, and inconsistently processed, meaning hospitals and clinics are often left with incorrect or incomplete patient records. Medical projects like MedRec are using blockchain as a means of facilitating data sharing while enabling authentication and ensuring data is not compromised.

Customers of Microsoft Azure Enterprise can access the Ethereum blockchain. This enables businesses to access smart contracts and blockchain applications in a secure hosted environment.

the medical

Google is also reportedly developing a proprietary blockchain to support its cloud-based business. Its parent company, Alphabet, is developing a distributed ledger that third parties can use to store data. It is believed that this project is related to Googles cloud services to enterprises and can provide white label versions for other companies carrying out such research and development. .

the medical

Instead of distributing the data to multiple medical facilities, medical centers that have used digitized medical records keep it locally on a central server. This is a top target for hackers, as evidenced by the ransomware attack on hospitals run by the NHS. Even if the security risk is negligible, the problem of data dispersion must also be considered. At present, different hospitals use more than 50 different electronic medical record eHR software systems, and there are often dozens of different software packages in the same city. These centralized systems do not interoperate, and patient data ends up fragmented across multiple different medical centers.

In a life-or-death environment, a lack of reliable data and a slow interface can have devastating consequences. The Essentia framework addresses all of these issues by using a blockchain-powered system that will store clinically relevant patient data and enable instant access without geographic boundaries posing any barriers. Patient privacy is kept on a secure decentralized network, and only those who have obtained medical authorization can access it for a specified period of time.


carbon offset

supply chain

As a highly industrialized country, Chinas environmental footprint is very prominent. In March 2017, IBM and Energy-Blockchain Labs jointly launched the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain as a means of tracking Chinas carbon assets. This creates a measurable, auditable system for tracking carbon emissions and introduces a tradable market that allows companies to compensate for their energy consumption while incentivizing green industrial practices.

supply chain

Supply chain management is seen as one of the most beneficial use cases for blockchain, as it is well-suited for industries where goods change hands several times, or go through a turnaround from the manufacturer to the store. IBM and Walmart have teamed up to launch a blockchain food safety alliance in China. The project, run in partnership with Fortune 500 company JD.com, aims to improve food traceability and safety, making it easier to verify that food is safe and sound.


real estate

De Beers, the most famous diamond company in the world, now has its own blockchain up and running, aiming to create a digital record for every diamond registered on the platform. For diamonds, peoples biggest concerns are unclear sources, ethical issues in the production of the country of origin, and diamonds being subcontracted. For these concerns, the blockchain can provide suitable solutions. Since each record is immutable, it will ensure that the data following each diamond lasts as long as the diamond.

real estate

Ukraine has the honor of being the first country to use blockchain to facilitate real estate transactions. A property in Kiev is for sale by prominent cryptocurrency supporter and TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington. The transaction was made possible with the help of a smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain, and the intermediary was Propy, a startup specializing in blockchain-based real estate transactions.

fishing industry

Blockchain has been used to support sustainable fishing. Illegal fishing is rife in the industry, and distributed ledger technology provides a means of proving that fish was caught, processed and sold. This net-to-fork blockchain allows inspectors to determine whether fish was caught in areas of human rights abuses or countries affected by economic sanctions.


Similar to the diamond trade, the art industry is entirely dependent on the provenance and authenticity of the work. While the blockchain cannot verify a painting to determine whether it is an original or a fake, it can be used to prove the works previous owners. Additionally, blockchain is now also available as a means of acquiring artwork. This is another example of how blockchain technology can be used to easily trade and exchange items anywhere in the world without the need to move items from a secure storage location.

public Utilities

In the Australian city of Freemantle, a project focused on distributed energy and water systems is using blockchain technology. The sunny region is using solar panels to capture electricity, which is then used to heat water and provide electricity, and record data on the blockchain.

Chile’s National Energy Council has begun using blockchain technology to verify data related to the country’s energy use. Sensitive data will be stored on a blockchain to help modernize and secure the South American countrys electricity infrastructure.

gay community LGBT rights

Blockchain can help build a pink economy and help the gay community LGBT fight for their rights without revealing their identities. The latter is an extremely important issue because gay people are repeatedly subjected to discriminatory crimes, especially in countries with notorious human rights records and where homosexuality is illegal or discriminated against.

catastrophe bonds

Catastrophe bonds may be the only hope for those affected by earthquakes, tsunamis and other natural disasters. Blockchain enables quick and transparent resolution of issues between parties and ensures that the system continues to function without human intervention. Blockchain has now been successfully used as a catastrophe bond settlement mechanism.


The government of Hawaii is looking at how blockchain can be used to improve the local economy, such as allowing tourists to pay for local goods and services with bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. The state hopes to encourage tourists, especially those from Asia, to spend more and ultimately help revitalize Hawaiis economy.

National Security



The ability of blockchain to record shipment data is self-evident. Some shipping projects have adopted distributed ledger technology, which, when applied to the maritime logistics industry, could provide transparency to the inevitably lengthy management of international trade. Maersk, one of the largest shipping companies in the world, is a pioneer in utilizing blockchain, and now ZIM has taken over the torch.


mobile payment

land registration

land registration




Amazon Web Services has teamed up with digital currency group DCG to help improve database security through blockchain. They will provide a working platform for DCG-invested startups and provide technical support for their projects.


endangered species protection


Human beings are cruel to each other, but they are even more cruel to animals. Care for the Uncared is an NGO that is working with leading developers to find ways to conserve and protect endangered species through blockchain technology.



Smart City

Permanence is a hot topic in journalism right now. One mishandling and years of hard work and research can be for naught. Blockchain is the smart choice to solve this problem. In addition to gaining the obvious advantages of the blockchain, the decentralized news market also provides an economic incentive model for high-quality news content, as well as the ability to permanently archive content, and various news content can be retrieved at any time in the future.

Smart City

Smart cities are no longer the stuff of science fiction. With the help of distributed ledger technology, Taipei is trying to position itself as the city of the future. It has already announced a partnership with IOTA to jointly develop a card-based detector with light, temperature, humidity and pollution detection capabilities.

Oil industry



In Russia, railway operator Novotrans is using blockchain technology to increase the speed of operations. As one of the countrys largest rail operators, the company will use blockchain to record data related to repair requests, inventory and other matters related to its operations. The motivation is that blockchain records will be more resistant to tampering and prevent data corruption.


Ubisoft, one of the most influential companies in the gaming industry, is researching how to deploy blockchain in its video games. Specifically, it focuses on the ownership and transfer of in-game items such as rewards and digital collectibles. These have been successfully demonstrated in games using the Ethereum blockchain.

Car rental

energy distribution

50 Use Cases That Tell You Blockchain Is Ready To Take Over The World

One of the biggest challenges facing the energy industry is that companies are used to trading excess supply but need unerring records. Tracking energy distribution in real time and ensuring efficient distribution through the supply chain requires multiple data points and requires close cooperation between all entities. Essentia is developing a test project with some large energy suppliers to help suppliers track the distribution of resources in real time while keeping the data confidential.

image description

Blockchain will go mainstream by 2025Every day, real-world use cases of blockchain are growing. From logistics to fine art, its hard to find a field that hasnt been touched by this transformative technology. Technology has proven that it has evolved to a stage of superiority over the way it currently works.The World Economic Forum predicts that

Blockchain will go mainstream by 2025

. But after examining the use cases that are already in the practical stage, we cant help but ask, is it really necessary to wait that long?

In the whole chain, there is only one small knot that is dragging its feet. The knot is interoperability.

50 Use Cases That Tell You Blockchain Is Ready To Take Over The World

Original article, author:Winkrypto。Reprint/Content Collaboration/For Reporting, Please Contact report@odaily.email;Illegal reprinting must be punished by law.

ODAILY reminds readers to establish correct monetary and investment concepts, rationally view blockchain, and effectively improve risk awareness; We can actively report and report any illegal or criminal clues discovered to relevant departments.

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