Understand the value of NFT in one article

3 years ago
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The birth and development of any new thing will go through a process of being questioned, such as Bitcoin, DEFI, and todays NFT.

The birth and development of any new thing will go through a process of being questioned, such as Bitcoin, DEFI, and todays NFT. After the concept of NFT was exploded, many people were full of doubts about the value of NFT, thinking that NFT has no practical application value, and behind the high value is just the bubble accumulated by money. So is there any value in NFT, and why can NFT be sought after by capital? Today, Sunshine will talk with you about the value of NFT.

NFT, the abbreviation of Non-Fungible Token, is a non-homogeneous token. The biggest difference between NFT and our common homogeneous tokens is that each non-homogeneous token is unique and indivisible. To give a simple example, we can regard homogeneous tokens as a batch of ordinary basketballs, while NFTs represent basketballs signed by stars, which are extremely rare. Obviously, NFT is more scarce, so it also has a high collection value.

Understand the value of NFT in one article

As a collectible, NFT has unique advantages. NFT is a form of token based on the blockchain, so each NFT will correspond to a unique address, and there will be no copyright disputes. Therefore, using NFT technology, artists can create unique digital artworks. This feature has attracted many stars and artists to start creating on the blockchain, and NFT is becoming an emerging art form.

Of course, if you think that NFT only has collection value, you are wrong. The greater value of NFT being hyped currently lies in the expectation of future development. Now many traditional Internet giants have set foot in the NFT field. For example, LV has launched an NFT adventure game; BMW has built the 3 Series G20 into a digital art car, and Ali and Tencent have also launched NFT trading platforms one after another. The reason why these business giants spend a lot of money in the field of NFT is that they smell the business opportunities in NFT in the future.

As a form of virtual token, NFTs main value is still reflected in the virtual world. With the development of NFT, the blockchain game industry has also regained its vitality. Blockchain games have always been in a half-dead state, but now the application of NFT in games has opened a new era of GameFi. Blockchain games use token technology to establish a complete economic system, and the introduction of NFT is not only endowed with financial attributes, but also brings more fun to the game. In blockchain games, any item or equipment can be made into an NFT, and NFTs with different attributes can obtain different game bonuses. Game NFTs with higher attributes can also obtain higher income through games, which is also one of the values ​​of various NFTs.

The application of NFT in the game industry is only the tip of the iceberg. The greater expectation of business giants for NFT lies in the development of the Metaverse. NFT will be an important carrier for the value transmission of the Metaverse. Blockchain games are only a part of the metaverse, and more importantly, the metaverse is to connect the virtual world with the real world, and NFT is an indispensable element to realize this grand vision.

Understand the value of NFT in one article

Metaverse, as a new thing, brings us unlimited imagination. Players can create their own exclusive image and exclusive space in the metaverse space, and NFT will also become a necessity for decoration, thereby increasing the circulation and demand of NFT. With the development of VR and AR technology, most of the current social and business activities will be presented in the metaverse space in the future. This requires players to construct the metaverse space. Players can purchase plots in the metaverse space for development, build streets or shopping malls and other real-world corresponding facilities, and build according to their own designs. During these construction and decoration processes, the demand and transaction volume of NFT will greatly increase, and the value of NFT will not be the same.

At present, the development of the metaverse is still in the early stage, but with the development of the metaverse, more and more people will be attracted by the metaverse. Having a corresponding virtual identity in the metaverse, NFT may also become a necessity . The value of NFT can only be fully reflected in the metaverse era.

Understand the value of NFT in one article

Of course, under the current upsurge of NFT, there have also been a lot of chaos in the industry, and investors should be cautious when investing in NFT. The blockchain has the property of decentralization. After NFT was hyped, many people started to make NFT, and some bringing doctrine appeared. Many people took other peoples works in reality and made them into NFT, which was suspected of piracy. suspected. There are also some people, relying on their own capital advantages, to speculate on their NFT works with left-handed and right-handed, and then induce investors to take over. Whats more, using the name of NFT investment to carry out the reality of XQ has cast a shadow over the development of the entire industry. Under these chaos, the development of NFT increasingly needs legal supervision, and it cannot be allowed to grow wildly.

Original article, author:骄阳在天。Reprint/Content Collaboration/For Reporting, Please Contact report@odaily.email;Illegal reprinting must be punished by law.

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