The AI ​​revolution of chain games: AI is not a new proposition (1)

This article is approximately 1696 words,and reading the entire article takes about 3 minutes
The story of AI + game + chain game as we understand it.

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opening remarks

Wolf is coming, wolf is coming... AI really came this time, like a scourge. In just two months, the number of monthly active users of OpenAIs ChatGPT exceeded 100 million, becoming the fastest growing in history. one of the applications. The latest GPT-4 was released on March 14, and then on March 29, the commander of Dogecoin, Musk, and more than 1,000 experts and industry executives jointly called for the suspension of the development of artificial intelligence systems more powerful than GPT-4. At least 6 months, give a buffer period to recognize and stay away from extreme large-scale risks.

Musk, the master of delivery, pressed the pause button (and then changed his Twitter avatar to a dog to grab the popularity? Haha), and prepared 6 months of internship time for you and me in front of the mobile phone to prepare for the battle. The pause button also means that this will be an irreversible and irresistible trend, so we still have more than 5 months to think about how to face or embrace the changes AI brings to our work and life .

What makes AI so powerful is that it allows computers to think, learn, and solve problems logically like humans. Its as natural as chatting with an unfamiliar netizen, and the other party has an infinite amount of knowledge reserves and topics for you to flirt with, and it can also have the functions of Deyun Societys support and amusing.

If such an all-knowing and omnipotent intelligence is allowed to help humans work, more than 50% of jobs may soon be replaced by AI, and more than 90% of jobs will be gradually affected and greatly improve efficiency, while freeing up more time for humans.

AI has brought about a whole new revolution that no one can escape. Thanks to the commander-in-chief for pressing the pause button, even if it was pretending to pause, while I was secretly researching and developing by clearly repairing the plank road and secretly keeping the old warehouse. When ChatGPT 3.5 just emerged, W Labs set up a special AI chain game research group. During this time, we visited the chain game projects and teams that we can reach and have been involved in AI, and combined with what we learned AI knowledge, began to write the story of AI + game + blockchain game as we understand it. Lets get started! (This series of long articles may be very long, so please take it as a serial story, but it is original and not generated by ChatGPT, hahaha)

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One, AI is not a new proposition

The last mass-level AI boom dates back to 2016 when AlphaGo defeated former Go world champion Lee Sedol, and then it was relatively quiet for a few years until ChatGPT came out in 2022 and detonated again. This is not surprising, in fact, AI has been a field of development for sixty or seventy years, and has experienced several cold winters.

The story of the history of AI development can be told from the birth of the word artificial intelligence. Before that, early computer scientists and researchers were already thinking and trying to simulate human intelligence. In the midsummer of 1956, John McCarthy and others held a two-month research program at Dartmouth College in the quiet town of Hanos, USA, aiming to gather like-minded people to discuss artificial intelligence.

The AI ​​revolution of chain games: AI is not a new proposition (1)

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Key figures at the 1956 Dartmouth Conference

Early AI research focused on symbolist approaches, such as using rule- and logic-based approaches to simulate human intelligence. At this stage, Marvin Minsky built the Mark 1 perceptron, which was also the earliest neural network. Later, Alan Turing proposed the famous Turing test.

If you don’t know Turing’s encryption circle players, you should know Chen Fengxia (CFX), the tenfold currency in the first half of 2023, right? The leading token in Hong Kong’s concept sector can rise so fiercely. Except that the market maker behind it is the vicious Daweifang (DWF), CFX first entered the rivers and lakes a few years ago with the brand of Tsinghua Yaoban. Yaoban is a Chinese The class led by computer expert Yao Qizhi at Tsinghua University, and Yao Qizhis greatest achievement was winning the Turing Award in 2000, and he is also the only Chinese who has won the award so far, so everyone knows Turings status in the industry... Around After such a big circle, I finally pulled it back.

The AI ​​revolution of chain games: AI is not a new proposition (1)

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Alan Turing

The AI ​​revolution of chain games: AI is not a new proposition (1)

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Jeffrey Hinton

We have now basically realized that the progress of science and technology does not increase linearly, but needs to go through a plateau period for a long time, and then burst out suddenly in a short period of time. After two cold winters, in 2007, Hinton created a way to describe neural networks - deep learning appeared. As a subfield of AI, deep learning began to rise rapidly in the 2000s and led to a decade of rapid advancement in artificial intelligence. A batch of talented computer scientists and companies of all sizes have entered the market:

In 2010, DeepMind was established; in 2011, Wu Enda and others founded Google Brain; in 2013, Zuckerberg and Yang Likun, who invented the convolutional neural network (CNN), established the Facebook Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, which is also A series of important breakthroughs have been made in the fields of computer vision and natural language processing; in 2014, Google acquired DeepMind; in 2015, AlphaGo defeated the European champion Fan Hui and showed its skills; in 2015, OpenAI, the most eye-catching star company in the world today, was established ; In 2016, AlphaGo defeated the world champion Li Shishi; in 2017, AlphaGo defeated Ke Jie, and has been invincible since then; in the same year, Lu Qi joined Baidu. status. Nvidia launched a progressive generative network that can generate photorealistic human faces, and deep fakes began to appear on the Internet. The company Nvidia will continue to appear in our series of long articles in the future. It is really the light of the Chinese. A company spans the three major industries of games, AI and encryption through graphics card chip technology.

Here I want to say a few more words for Baidu (I have not received any money, I have always hated the experience of using Baidu products), as early as 2012, shortly after the revival of artificial intelligence began, Baidu realized the importance of deep learning. In order to recruit Hinton, the father of neural networks, into the company, several first-tier companies joined the bidding and initiated the talent acquisition of Hintons team. Hinton specially registered a small start-up company DNNresearch for this purpose. All the assets of the company are Hinton, his two students, and several deep learning papers and research results.

The four companies participating in the auction are Silicon Valley giants Google, Microsoft, two-year-old DeepMind, and ... the Chinese company Baidu. Baidu was the first to offer an offer of 10 million US dollars, but soon the price reached 20 million US dollars. The start-up company DeepMind with insufficient funds had to withdraw from the auction, and Microsoft, which lacked faith, also withdrew from the auction, leaving only Google He and Baidu continued to wrestle with each other, and both sides were very determined to take Hinton down. So the price ranged from 20 million, to 30 million, to 40 million, and it was bound to continue to go up to 50 million and higher. Baidu also changed from the researcher in charge of bidding at the beginning to a company executive. Connect directly to Clapper.

But in the end, Hinton voluntarily stopped the auction and chose to sell it directly to Google at a lower price—a bigwig who has already made a name for himself and regards a suitable research environment as more important than money. And Yu Kai, a researcher who participated in the bidding for Baidu at that time, was surprised to find that wealth can come so quickly and comfortably! No matter how handsome Li Yanhong is, he cant stop Yu Kais dream! So he founded his own chip and self-driving company, Horizon. By the end of 2022, Horizon will be valued at US$5 billion, with a cumulative financing of US$3.4 billion. This is a typical case of diaosi seizing information opportunities to achieve freedom.

One of Hintons students, Ilya Sutskevi, later left Google at Musks invitation and jointly founded OpenAI.

That was Googles happiest time in the field of artificial intelligence. In fact, until 2018, Google was the absolute leader in the field of artificial intelligence. It recruited Sinton, acquired DeepMind, developed its own Google Brain, Google Brain, and placed itself at the forefront of research and application in the field of AI.

Most other people and companies in the industry are also following Googles research path. The Transformer architecture released by Google also provides OpenAI with the shoulders of giants—the T of todays well-known GPT refers to this architecture.

But since then OpenAI has slowly come to the center of the historical stage. In 2019, OpenAI released GPT-2, and Microsoft, which did not include Xinton, did not miss the opportunity this time and invested $1 billion in OpenAI. After GPT-2, OpenAI finally went through its own large-scale model on a road different from that led by Google, and then started a violent opening mode: 2020, GPT-3; 2022, GPT-3.5, ChatGPT, which was made in just a dozen days, swept the world at the end of the year, starting a new round of AI boom; in 2023, when other companies were still struggling to catch up with ChatGPT, they directly smashed out GPT-4.

So far, there is no rival, and OpenAI, which has opened up the two lines of Ren and Du, has opened up the intergenerational gap with all its peers with its strong first-mover advantage and extremely fast iteration speed.

To be continued. I feel that this series is going to become the longest series of long articles since the establishment of Guatian Lab. Readers, please enjoy it slowly as a gossip story~

The AI ​​revolution of chain games: AI is not a new proposition (1)

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