Odaily News NFT art platform Artfi (ARTFI) has landed on the Launchpad platform of the Web3 wallet Bitget Wallet. The total supply of ARTFI is 1 billion, with an initial circulation of 121,900,000. This Launchpad opens subscriptions for 2,666,666 ARTFI tokens at a subscription price of $0.03 from 14:00 on June 16 to 14:00 on June 17. The subscription is divided into two rounds: the whitelist round and the public round. Before 12:00 on June 16, holding no less than 300 BWB in the wallet will qualify for the whitelist; during June, the cumulative swap in the wallet exceeds $100 to qualify for the public round. Artfi is a platform for trading artworks and decentralizing NFT ownership. It was founded by Asif Kamal and has attracted the attention of more than 25,000 senior collectors. Bitget Wallet Launchpad is a high-quality project new subscription platform, allowing more users to participate in the primary market token subscription with a low threshold.