The world on the chain, future-oriented DAO governance

3 years ago
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DAO will become an extremely important research topic in the future of human society.
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introduction:All kinds of governance in the physical world we live in are usually determined by one center or multiple centers. In the governance rules of the real world, there is a strict hierarchical system with clear layers. When Bitcoin was born and developed until now, it has derived a series ecology, we started to have a new idea——A collaborative system that everyone can participate in.
DAOs were first forged from the Ethereum network.When IC0 became popular two years ago, people conceived a new form of social organization from the Ethereum network. Through the Ethereum smart contract, everyone can raise funds on the Ethereum network to issue Tokens, and hold Tokens to participate Anyone can govern the project without permission, everyone is equal, and code is law.
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The concept of DAO governance

DAO is the abbreviation of Decentralized Autonomous Organization in English. It is an organizational form derived from the collaborative behavior of co-creation, co-construction, co-governance, and sharing, which is spontaneously generated by groups that have reached the same consensus based on the core idea of ​​blockchain.DAO is a subsidiary product after the blockchain solves the problem of trust between people. It is a revolutionary evolution in the history of human collaboration. Its essence is a form of blockchain technology application
In fact, Bitcoin, being the first decentralized distributed protocol, is widely regarded as the first full DAO.secondary title

Utopia of DAO

Kevin Kelly explained the characteristics of distributed networks in the book Out of Control: there is no mandatory central control; sub-units have the nature of autonomy; sub-units are highly connected to each other; point-to-point influence is formed through the network non-linear causality.What we can understand from it is the new social structure, business model, and interpersonal relationship in the information society era that is completely different from the industrial society, such as weak control, decentralization, autonomous mechanisms, network architecture, and coupling connections. Accurate refinement of the agreement.
When designing the operating mechanism of a DAO, there are many factors that need to be considered and analyzed. It needs to have organizational goals and organizational culture (organizational mission, vision, and values) that can reach consensus with strangers.Have a rule system including creation, governance, incentives, etc. that can reach consensus with strangers, and this rule is placed on the chain through blockchain technology, and Token that can form an interest relationship with all participants to achieve full incentives.
In an ideal DAO system, governance is coded, programmed, and automated.Code is law (code is law), the organization is no longer a pyramid but distributed, power is no longer centralized but decentralized, management is no longer bureaucratic but community autonomy, and organizational operations are no longer Corporations are needed and replaced by highly autonomous communities.
Follow the principles of equality, voluntariness, reciprocity, and mutual benefit, driven by each others resource endowments, complementary advantages, and win-win interests.Each organization node will cooperate effectively under the incentive mechanism of the certificate according to its own resource advantages and talents, thus generating a strong synergy effect.
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The exploration of DAO must face reality

DAO governance is obviously a very difficult thing. All kinds of games of human nature, social forms, interests, etc. are mixed in it. To achieve a unified goal and finally reach a balance, it is really difficult to implement it.
DAO is not a simple voting system in which the minority obeys the majority. When it is desired to change to a certain standard, there are very few ordinary people participating in it, and the wisdom still remains in the brains of the few. There is a concept in The Crowd called group unconsciousness It is easy for an organized person to incite a group of people. The WSB incident is a typical example. This is a reality. It is almost impossible for everyone to act as a real decision-maker. However, at the same time, there will be a kind of human rebellion. Especially in the current environment, peoples hatred towards the elite is more likely to cause some kind of chaos, which will be difficult to complete in terms of governance.In fact, there are only a small number of people who are really willing to consider the development of the protocol, and of course these people are also core stakeholders.
So far, there has not been a better solution for the blockchain exploration of DAO governance.The Ethereum community has a governance tool called Snapshot, which is the choice of most current applications. It provides an open and transparent governance space. Through the signature of the wallet, the information is uploaded to the IPFS address without going through the Ethereum main network and without GAS consumption. The reason why it can become the choice of the majority is because that small group of innovative development people have gathered on Ethereum. We will elaborate on this later in the article.
The reality is cruel, but it is also inevitable. In the face of such a grand distributed vision, a revolution in a new form of social organization,We must look at this ideology with a developmental perspective in order to make more concrete refinements and deeper explorations.

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